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Building a business beyond yourself as a Personal Trainer

YOUR Personal Training Blog
9th November 2021

Lewis, 34, is a Master Trainer for YOUR Personal Training (YOUR PT). He’s been with the YOUR PT team for 12 years, and works out of two sites in North London.

Lewis, who was always interested in fitness and football as a teenager, felt that becoming a PT was a natural fit for him.  Lewis says: “I studied ICT at college, but I was really aware that I wanted a more practical job.”  He gained his Level Three PT qualification in 2009 and hasn’t looked back.

He says: “I love being a PT – I especially enjoy the real-life impact that my job can have on people’s lives, including better self-confidence, weight loss and overall health improvement. You soon discover that a PT becomes the clients’ ‘go to’ person for their overall wellbeing.”

Lewis also enjoys being his own boss and relishes the challenge of running his own business, allowing him to create a good work-life balance. Lewis became a Master Trainer for YOUR PT in 2018; this means he has a number of PT’s that work for him.  Lewis says: “The opportunity to become a Master Trainer means there is an established career pathway for a PT.  It also means I spend less time with clients, as that can become physically exhausting, and more time managing and running the other PT’s that come under my business model.”

He explains: “Some PT’s that work for me do this because they want to work part-time or don’t want the financial commitment of the license/insurance/rental costs, so I manage that for them, invoice their clients, set the prices, etc.  I currently have seven PT’s working for me across two sites in Finchley and Barnet in London, and my expected turnover post covid recovery is over £150,000 a year, invoicing for over 100 hours of PT each month.”

The team at YOUR PT are really helpful in supporting me to grow and build my PT business. They provide helpful training about how to operationally develop my offer, and to be financially savvy and on target.  Being a PT is much more than just the bespoke physical training we provide.  In order to be happy and successful in your job, you need to feel secure in your financial know-how, marketing skills and general business acumen.

“I like working out of two sites as it’s good to have a change of scenery, and my plan is to take on even more PT’s out of more YOUR PT sites in North London.  The YOUR PT business model gives me the opportunity to take my business as far as a I want it to.”