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Case Study: Kyle Doherty

YOUR Personal Training Blog
29th November 2021

Kyle, 23, is a personal trainer at Ladywood Leisure Centre in Birmingham.  This is his first PT role, joining the YOUR Personal Training team in February 2021.

Kyle, originally from Southern Ireland, has always been interested in fitness and wellness, with his first love being football; he was a semi-professional footballer and even had a football scholarship at Florida University in the US.

He says: “It was fantastic being in America, although the training was brutal due to the heat and humidity in Florida - it’s very different from the Irish weather!  I was studying Sports Management as part of the scholarship, but soon felt that heading down a management career wasn’t going to be for me.  I like working directly with people and having an immediate impact on their wellbeing.”

Kyle returned home and gained his Level Three Personal Training qualifications. He says: “I’d helped out in gyms before, so I was used to the environment, and felt that I would be happy working in one. I was delighted to have a fresh start, moving to Birmingham to be with my girlfriend and to start my own PT business.

“Within the first week of joining YOUR PT at Ladywood Leisure Centre I had already gained five clients, and by June, just four months later, I had 20 clients, some doing multiple weekly sessions with me. I usually train with my clients for around 28 to 30 hours a week, allowing me the flexibility to personally train for a fitness Hyrox Competition, which I am hoping to win in Las Vegas!

“The best thing about being part of the YOUR PT team is that they provided me with fantastic onboarding onto the role and continuous CPD.  I feel really confident at training people, but managing my own business was a real fear. I was ‘PT’ ready, but not ‘business’ ready.  The YOUR PT training has taught me the importance of scheduling, marketing and being on top of your finances. The training is very straight forward and is designed and delivered by and for the fitness professional.  One day I’d love to run my own gym in Ireland, and I know the YOUR PT training will support this dream to come true.”