Your Personal Training
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Interview with PT Natasha Wannop

YOUR Personal Training Blog
6th September 2017

Name: Natasha Wannop

Gym Location: The Sands Leisure Centre

Length of time with Your PT: 4 Months

Start date with Your PT: 15th May 2017

What are the top 3 benefits of working with YOUR Personal Training?

1. Marketing assistance

2. Regular mentoring

3. Start up packages

How many Personal training clients do you have?  Have you reached your goal for your PT business?

I currently have 9 clients my goal is to reach 15 which I am confident I can achieve soon.

How has YOUR Personal Training provided business mentoring to help you in growing your personal training business?

YOUR Personal Training provides a great start up package ideal for those new to personal training. To start with the finer details such as insurance and CIMPSA membership are set up for you so all areas are covered. The marketing support offered was really helpful in getting my name around the gym specifically the advertisement board and the business cards provided have been the key ingredient in attracting clients. On top of this having the first month rent-free gives you a head start in creating your business.

What has been the best aspect of training and development support you have received from YOUR Personal Training?

Regular emails offering Webinars and information packages has allowed me to continue learning about the industry and up and coming research and training techniques. This has allowed me to continue to develop my level of knowledge in the area enabling me to provide the highest quality of training for my clients.