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PT of the month, April

YOUR Personal Training Blog
29th April 2022

Personal Trainer of the month – April 2022

Josh, 31, is celebrating becoming April’s YOUR Personal Trainer of the month. He says: “I’m thrilled to be acknowledged by the YPT team. I’ve worked really hard to grow my PT business – and this award recognises my commitment to my clients, to my business and to YPT.”

Josh qualified as a PT five years ago, and has been a YPT trainer based out of BETTER’s Hive Leisure Centre in Ely, Cambridgeshire for the last three and a half years. He explains: “I’ve always been sporty and enjoyed football and basketball as a youth, playing for local teams. I even gained my National Diploma in Sport at college. I drifted into a career in retail and got used to a ‘monthly pay check’, but in reality I knew I wasn’t happy and what I really wanted to be was a personal trainer. It’s my dream job. I made the switch, got my Level Three Qualification and I’ve not looked back. Being a PT feels like it was meant to be.

“Since being at the Hive, I’ve built a successful PT business. I easily achieve 1,000 PT sessions a year and am currently working with around 20/25 clients. I spend about 30 hours a week in the gym with clients and then on top of this there is admin, creating programmes and checking in with old clients too. I’m in the fortunate position now that I can pick and choose my hours. I only work Monday to Friday, ensuring I have some down time at the weekend, as my wellbeing is just as important as my clients’.

“I’m particularly proud that, since lockdown when my business came to an abrupt halt, I have built back and now have more clients than I did before the start of the pandemic. It was hard work, I had to take a part-time evening job during lockdown, but with determination and commitment my business has returned; and so much of my business comes from referrals and recommendations.

“I’ve really valued the input from the YPT team about how to manage and run a successful business. I have found their training and CPD’s to be a fantastic asset, as a good PT doesn’t necessarily make a good business person. The main thing to remember as a PT is it’s really important to be visible, approachable and have the confidence to build rapport with people in the gym. For example, I will often offer guidance to someone if I see them using equipment incorrectly or perhaps make a suggestion for a different exercise. Starting up conversations is the easiest way to build clients. I naturally offer a complimentary session to potential to new clients, and what’s remarkable is these have an 85/90% conversion rate.

A PT must keep educating themselves, learning new techniques, and specialisations, this keeps my programmes fresh, stops clients from plateauing and keeps everyone motivated. YPT offer their own CPD’s as well as providing discounts for other providers.

“I’m so committed YPT. I love the fact I am my own boss, but have a management structure that supports me. I’m really keen to progress my career with YPT, and am looking to becoming a YPT Master Trainer, having a team of PT’s working for me. I love that YPT has the opportunities to grow, develop and upskill.”