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PT of the month, December

YOUR Personal Training Blog
20th December 2022

After serving for a number of years in both the military and uniformed service, Gavin sustained a significant injury which led to discharge on medical grounds and a serious rethink about his future career path.

Gavin was dealt a hammer blow when being advised that it would be highly unlikely he would enjoy the activity levels he was familiar with. 


With determination and a desire to prove people wrong Gavin set about getting back the level of fitness he was comfortable. It was during this time that he found a renewed passion for the gym, training, all things active and an overall healthier way of life.

Fast forward to 2019, Gavin realised that a career in Personal Trainer was where he wanted to be thus applying the knowledge and experience he had gained through the years of pushing himself to achieve personal goals to helping others achieve theirs.

Gavin commented that the feeling you get as a Personal Trainer is unlike any other sector, the role is wholly rewarding on many levels and he is grateful for the opportunity working with YOUR PT from his home site Better Gym Sleaford.