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PT of the month, March

YOUR Personal Training Blog
31st March 2022

Jess Langley, 21, has been named as the YOUR Personal Trainer of the month for March 2022.

Jess is a personal trainer at Simply Gym, Cardiff Bay in South Wales.  She wins this accolade after gaining her level three PT qualification in May 2021 during her third year at university.

Jess says: “I’ve always been involved in sport and I knew my career would be within the health and fitness sector. As I child I trained in gymnastics, and from aged 16 – 18 I was a gymnastics coach at my local club. After completing school, I went on to get a First-Class BSc Hons degree in Sport Exercise Therapy at Solvent University in Southampton.  I loved my degree and it was during this time my interest in sports injury and rehabilitation really developed.  As a teenager, during my gymnastics training, I picked up a nasty ankle injury and the option of sports rehab or a sports therapist wasn’t really an option.  In my PT career it's important fitness and injury rehabilitation go hand in hand, so it's fantastic that through my degree and my additional PT qualification I am able to support people as both a Sports Therapist and as a PT.”

Since launching with YOUR PT in November 2021, Jess has already started working with around 12 PT clients at the gym, alongside a number of private clients and sports rehab sessions.  Jess says: “I love the flexibility of being a PT. I can control my hours and the days I work, I’m completely independent, which gives me a lot of freedom to continue to develop and explore the sports therapy side of the business too.

“I really enjoy working with my clients as they are all so different, and I have a particular interest in post-natal wellbeing.  I have older clients, who are keen to keep mobile, to people who are training for marathons or a particular health goal. With all my clients, whatever their age or ability, my priority is always their own body confidence and mental wellbeing through realistic and sustainable changes. One of the great reasons to work out with a PT is the bespoke nature of the training, which keeps it fresh reduces boredom and promotes motivation.

“It’s a really unique relationship between a PT and a client.  It's very intimate, and I take the trust my clients give me very seriously. Being a PT isn’t just about physical goals, my clients share anxieties and worries and I very much see they consider their training to be about the whole person.”

Jess has been welcomed by the YOUR PT team, and she is looking forward to completing further CPD’s with them. She says: “Its great to be part of a team and to have a support network where I can ask for guidance and learn best practice, because being a PT isn’t just about the physical work, there is a lot of administration, marketing and business know how.”

Jess concludes: “I’m absolutely thrilled to be PT of the month! What a great start to my PT business.”