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PT of the month, October

YOUR Personal Training Blog
21st October 2022

Natalia, based out of Hough End Leisure Centre in Manchester is currently operating within her second YOUR PT tenure after taking a break to start a family. 

Natalia beamed when discussing the incredible work:life balance her PT business offers and how being happy in work transcends to home life. 

Previous to becoming a Personal trainer Natalia spent much of her working life in the hospitality sector and believes that many of the skills developed in previous roles has transferred into her work as a fitness professional. 

Natalia commented that having support in your corner when starting out is vital and also having the flexibility is important as a working mum of 2. 

As the nominated PT of the month Natalia has been invited in the full level 4 S&C course through Your gym sports performance  

Check out the full interview below - it’s super to hear such energy and enthusiasm from Natalia.