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Record PT Booking enquiries

YOUR Personal Training Blog
1st February 2022

We are thrilled to announce that January 2022 has produced our highest PT booking enquiries EVER!

We have generated over 700 unique PT booking requests via the YOUR PT website as YOUR PT Trainers up and down the country continue to support the nation to get back to positive health & lifestyle habits. 

We have identified that high anxiety remains for many people seeking a better lifestyle throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Engaging with a fitness professional is providing a safe, effective and hyper-personalised pathway back to fitness for many. 

YOUR PT has some of the most successful Personal Trainers in the UK within its ranks. It is truly a winning combination for any health seeker to have a professional PT in their corner every step of the way providing the motivation, inspiration, and dedication needed to get on track and stay on track. 

More details are available on booking a PT via our FIND A PT page