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Reopening is upon us, in England at least

YOUR Personal Training Blog
9th April 2021

The pandemic has taken its toll and forced us into a ‘new normal’, with varying consequences on personal trainers (PTs) in the UK. Some have only just survived and others have really thrived, diversifying into online fitness and outdoor training. As consumer habits have been forcibly changed, so PTs are finding new ways of working. 

We can already see PTs are more in demand from both clubs and members throughout the UK. As members now return to local facilities across the country, they are more than ever going to rely on the familiar - the routine, but mostly the people. It’s extremely unlikely we’ll see the end of digital fitness, but it’s just as unlikely online offerings will replace the gym. People who value their health will do both. 

Staying diverse and offering flexible solutions will be key moving into the uncharted territory of 2021 and beyond. 

YOUR Personal Training (YOUR PT) has been coaching its trainers to embrace this outdoors, online and in gym ‘hybrid’ business approach. Our message is one of optimism. In the last year there has been a significantly heightened level of consciousness around health, fitness and general wellbeing – one we don’t see dwindling soon. 

More people will be looking to PT’s for guidance in a change in lifestyle, and in turn YOUR PT supports its PT’s by coaching them in how to deal with that demand.

Last year our support for PTs was centred around going online – how to use Dropbox or create Excel spreadsheets for programming. We immediately identified a gap in the market and, partnered with Virtuagym, created the YOUR Wellbeing app - tailor-made to solve the challenges facing our PTs.

By taking away the stress and hassle of administration and appointment bookings, the app allows PTs to dedicate more time to training clients. It also has a fully integrated payment system and allows PT’s to design bespoke workout packages for clients.

The online space is constantly growing and will continue to do so - Your Wellbeing allows our PTs to break down geographical boundaries and enables the end user to access the best PTs in the industry through this ground-breaking app.  You no-longer have to be digital savvy to build your business or expand your digital offering.

Many of our PTs will also now be supporting long Covid rehabilitation pathways in-club. YOUR PT has partnered with CAWS UK training, which specialises in the rehabilitation of long-COVID, to develop a programme for members of the public who need an activity programme to assist recovery, and, from an operator perspective, a great service to be offering in-club.

There’s a long road of recovery ahead, but we are confident PTs are in a unique position to lead much of that recovery. With 30+ years combined industry experience YOUR PT is the largest PT management company in the UK, putting us in a unique position to support you. 

Get in touch today to discover the many benefit of joining our PT team.