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Spot light on PTs: Andy Baldwin

YOUR Personal Training Blog
9th May 2019

Meet our new personal trainer Andy Baldwin. Andy is based at Sleaford Leisure Centre

Andy believes that regular exercise and good nutrition are a gateway to a more positive and healthy lifestyle as a whole. This means that not only can he help you to reach those all important goals on a physical level, but also shift your state of mind to achieve greater mental strength too, through motivation and dedication to achieve your targets.

Andy’s specialisms include:-Body Fat/Weight reduction, Strength training and muscle building, Conditioning/cardiovascular Fitness and Sport specific training programmes.

Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, increase your strength or simply improve your overall fitness level, Andy will design a programme that is engineered to smash your personal goals.

Andy’s mission is to share his knowledge and personal experience, allowing his clients to reach their FULL potential and hit those targets every single time!