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Unveiling a Powerhouse Partnership with Huumans

YOUR Personal Training Blog
7th August 2023

In a groundbreaking move that promises to set new standards for the health & fitness landscape, YOUR Personal Training, Europe's foremost Personal Training brand, has embarked on a team wellbeing journey hand in hand with Wellbeing experts Huumans. 

Glen Thurgood from Hummans said: "This is a significant and important alliance between Your PT and Huumans. We are delighted to be associated with a forward-thinking organization that understands and invests in aligning its people's wellbeing with achieving its strategic aims".

Why this is important to YOUR PT: 
YOUR Personal Training's unwavering commitment to staff wellbeing has propelled them to the pinnacle of the fitness industry. Now, they're taking it a step further by joining forces with Huumans, a purpose driven organisation helping organisations make data driven decisions about wellbeing interventions at work

YOUR Personal Training Director of Operations James Lorey said “We are thrilled to have partnered with Huumans, our Personal Trainers are empowered to be their authentic selves at all times and we all know in business and life there are up’s and down’s…our PT Wellbeing programme aims to provide our talented team meaningful support as and when required”. 

A future view:
It's not just about physical transformation; it's about crafting an ecosystem where wellbeing radiates as the cornerstone of achievement. YOUR Personal Training and Huumans are redefining success, illuminating a path where peak performance and authentic self-expression harmonise beautifully. 

As the curtains rise on this transformative collaboration, the future of wellness beckons. YOUR Personal Training and Huumans are igniting a movement where wellbeing takes centre stage, propelling individuals to unprecedented heights of accomplishment.


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