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YOUR Personal Training Partners with Independent Gyms

YOUR Personal Training Blog
4th July 2023

YOUR Personal Training is thrilled to announce our partnership with Independent Gyms, a network of independent fitness facilities across the UK and Ireland. Led by Rob and Amy, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the industry as a whole by supporting gym owners and improving their businesses and lives.

Independent Gyms originated from a private Facebook group established by Robert Handy in 2018. Since then, the network has grown to over 2400 members, representing approximately 1500 facilities across the UK and Ireland. This platform aims to provide comprehensive support to independent gym owners, covering all aspects of running a successful business.

With our comprehensive approach and unwavering support, YOUR Personal Training is set to revolutionise the landscape of Personal Training in Independent Gyms. We believe in empowering gym owners, providing valuable resources, and fostering a sense of community, all of which will pave the way for a brighter future in Personal Training.

As Managing Director Aaron McCulloch aptly summarises, “We are filled with great enthusiasm about our recent partnership with Independent Gyms. When we embark on a partnership with any operator, business, or organisation, we take meticulous care to ensure alignment with our vision and values. Together, alongside our esteemed partners, we are resolute in our commitment to effecting positive change and making a significant impact."

Amy Ritson, who recently joined Rob to manage the brand partnership side of the business, shares her personal experience and expresses her excitement about the new partnership with Your Personal Training, the industry's leading experts in all things Personal Training: "Having run my own facility in Hampshire for 6 years, I understand firsthand the immense value of the Independent Gym Owners network. It was an absolute game-changer for me, providing a wealth of advice, recommendations, and feedback from fellow gym owners. Now, with the addition of Your Personal Training as our partner, we are taking it to the next level. As the industry's leading experts in Personal Training, YOUR Personal Training brings a wealth of knowledge and resources to the table with their unrivalled expertise”

In addition to this exciting partnership, YOUR Personal Training is thrilled to announce our participation in the upcoming Winter Conference on November 30, 2023. This conference presents a prime opportunity for members of Independent Gyms to connect, exchange ideas, and stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving fitness landscape. Our presence at the conference underscores our commitment to supporting independent gyms and our unwavering dedication to the growth and prosperity of the industry.

As a member of Independent Gyms, you can enjoy preferential rates on products and services, access a document directory to streamline administrative tasks, and secure tickets for the Independent Gym Owners Summer & Winter Conferences. These conferences not only provide opportunities for networking but also offer a platform to share best practices among fellow gym owners.