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YOUR Personal Training Sponsors PT of the Year Award at National Fitness Awards Ceremony 2024

YOUR Personal Training Blog
22nd May 2024

YOUR Personal Training, a leading provider of fitness solutions, is proud to announce its sponsorship of the esteemed PT of the Year Award at the upcoming National Fitness Awards Ceremony, scheduled to take place in Leicester this November.

As a company deeply committed to excellence in fitness and wellness, YOUR Personal Training recognizes the importance of honoring the outstanding achievements and contributions of personal trainers across the nation. The PT of the Year Award serves as a platform to celebrate the dedication, passion, and exceptional professionalism demonstrated by these talented individuals in empowering others to lead healthier lives.

James Lorey, Co-owner and Director of YOUR Personal Training, expressed the company's enthusiasm for supporting the National Fitness Awards: "At YOUR PT, we are getting behind the National Fitness Awards 2024 in a big way. We feel that it’s vitally important to celebrate the talented fitness professionals within our sector and to recognize outstanding achievement."

This sponsorship underscores YOUR Personal Training's ongoing commitment to championing excellence in the fitness industry and highlighting the pivotal role of personal trainers in fostering positive lifestyle changes among clients.

👉 Nominate Your Favorite Personal Trainer Now!

To nominate a deserving personal trainer for the PT of the Year Award, please visit:National Fitness Awards Nomination Portal


Join us in honoring the remarkable individuals who inspire, motivate, and transform lives through their unwavering dedication to fitness and wellness. Let's make the National Fitness Awards Ceremony in Leicester a resounding celebration of excellence in personal training!

About YOUR Personal Training:

YOUR Personal Training is a leading provider of bespoke fitness solutions, offering personalized training programs and expert guidance to clients across the UK. With a mission to empower individuals to achieve their health and fitness goals, YOUR Personal Training is committed to delivering exceptional service and results-driven fitness experiences.