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YOUR Wellbeing App – case study

YOUR Personal Training Blog
20th July 2021

Leon Johnson is a busy personal trainer based at the Waterside Hotel & Leisure Club, Manchester.

Working with many clients with differing needs from weight loss to hypertrophy; body confidence to nutrition Leon required a platform that would help with client management, communication, bookings, billing and growth.

The support team at Your Personal Training introduced Leon to the Your Wellbeing app to lighted his load. Leon states “Set up is easy and intuitive but take your time with it as you can brand it with your own logos and colours. Taking your time in getting this bit right means the rest is very easy.”

“Once done I set up my clients, manage my diary and sort billing and invoicing. This has saved me about half a day every month which has freed up time for additional training and a bit of time off!”

“As a result of the app I’ve increased my prices due to the additional online content, some of which I use the library of exercises, others I’ve uploaded to make it personal to my clients. I can check progress online, add further content such as workout challenges and groups for my clients to communicate and challenge each other – it has created a buzz!”

“My next project is to extend my reach out of the gym walls, using social media I intend to create packages that will be online only. I’m thinking of three strands, 1-to-many; 1-to-small group and 1-to-1. These will be priced accordingly, and I look forward to what impact this has on my business. In the short time I’ve been using the app I’ve improved the PT product to my clients, improved my yield through increased income and freed up valuable admin time which has led to more bookings and more income. The app has become a zero-cost option – in fact it has put money in my pocket.

If you would like further information about Your Wellbeing visit the YOUR Wellbeing page