Your Personal Training
Alex Harrison
Alex Harrison
Heywood Sports Village
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I'm Alex, Heywood Sports Village's Head Coach, I've been Personal Training for over 10 years and I have transformed 100's of clients into their dream body composition, I've worked with every type of client imaginable from sponsored athletes to the disabled, and have proved there's not an obstacle than can stand in the way off anyones succes when education strategy and accountability are applied.

If your looking for a life changing transformation, stage prep, postural correction, injury/illness rehabilitation, sports specific training, a general body mot/fitness tests or a simple physique changing program, let me fast track you to the physique you've always dreamed of. With a world full of fitness fads, myths, lies and unprofessional trainers, choose wisely and invest your money time and effort in only the best and of course always trust the process!!
Level 2 Fitness Instructor
Level 3 Personal Trainer
GP Referral
Level 4 Personal Trainer
FdSc Sports Science
Level 4 Strength & Conditioning
Spin Instructor
Circuit Instructor
Boxing Instructor
Fat loss/weight management
Sport Nutrition
16 week prep
Sports specific
Muay Thai
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