Your Personal Training
Bettina Sagi
Bettina Sagi
Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre
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12 votes
About Qualifications Specialisms Location Reviews
My journey started with being active at the age of 8; 5 years in rhythmic gymnastics and 8 years in amateur horse riding.

I had an accident at work in my early 20s and dislocated one of my kneecaps. A few years later I met one of the personal trainers and with her knowledge, motivation and inspiration I went through major life changes. I gave up bad habits such as unhealthy eating, being inactive, stopped smoking after 10 years and she helped me to fully recover from my knee injury. In 2015 I changed my job and started to work as a Fitness Manager and Fitness Class Lead for GLL for 4 years and regularly attended courses and practical trainings.

In 2019 I decided to change my career to help others reach their goals and dreams the way I did. I currently work as a Personal Trainer at Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre and as a Group Exercise Instructor teaching 10 different types of classes for Better. For more information please follow me on Instagram (bettina_sagi)

I am so proud of my first client, Julia as she did incredibly well on her weight loss journey and lost 30 kgs/66 pounds.
Level 3 Personal Training
Level 3 Nutrition
Level 3 Award in Supporting Pre and Postnatal Clients with Exercise and Nutrition
Level 2 Exercise to Music YMCA
Circuit CPD
Extreme Interval Fitness CPD
Core Stability CPD
Weight Loss & Toning
Pre and Postnatal with Exercise and Nutrition
Back & Knee Pain Relief Exercises
Functional Training

Completed over 800 hours of practical training including functional training, dance fitness, workshops at Third Space, Canary Wharf, Tower Bridge and designing a variety of group exercise classes
Experience in major life changes
Horse riding – 8 years
Rhythmic gymnastics – 5 years
Fitness Manager – 4 years
Fitness Class Lead – 3 years
Personal Training- 6 years
Group Exercise Instructor – 8 years
Road running races and Spartan
12 Reviews 12 out of 12
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I am so glad Bettina came into my life! I was at a point where the weight had crept up on me and I wanted to lose 8-10kg for a beach holiday. I really had no clue where to start, so opted for extra help from a personal trainer. From the get go Bettina and I made a plan of attack for weight loss. I had two sessions a week where she really trained me hard! She instilled in me an ethic of hard work and determination, and gave me exercises to do in the gym on the days I wasn’t training with her. The biggest aspect of Bettina’s training that I will forever be grateful for, is how she was able to recognise and correct my posture when doing certain exercises, which we also worked on. I now know how to stack my core properly!! In 6 months I was able to achieve a 9kg weight loss with Bettina, we worked so hard! For reference I am a short 5 foot 2 female. My starting weight at the beginning of training was 64kg, and Bettina helped me get down to 55kg. I have loved every minute of training with her, all our sessions have always been different and fun! Once I got to my desired weight, Betti and I then started to tone my body, again with every session doing something different. I couldn’t have asked for a better trainer and it is only because I am moving out of London that I have had to stop training with Betti. However she has given me the knowledge I need to know to be able to go on and continue training in the gym, knowing how I need to train, what I need to train and how to properly use all equipment. Thank you so much! :)
Ruby Holgate
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I used to be in pain every day because of a back injury; after a year with Bettina I am back to living a normal life and am fine-tuning the last of my recovery. Bettina is very experienced in injury recovery and has shown real care and commitment in our sessions. She puts a lot of thought into our workout plans and brings a lot of energy to our sessions to motivate me and make training fun. Bettina has helped me with my back pain and also made me healthier and happier. I would 100% recommend. Thank you Bettina!
Ben Noble
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Bettina is such an amazing personal trainer!!!

She is always so lovely, helpful and a genuine pleasure to train with. She’s incredibly supportive and understanding, always making sure you feel comfortable, but also pushing you to the best of your ability. She always goes above and beyond with explaining exercises as well as supporting with nutrition.
Bettina ensures that you reach your fitness goals, making all her sessions tailored to her clients, and going above and beyond to help them reach their success. She is also so energetic which makes her really fun to be around, and makes all sessions feel exciting and entertaining.

Bettina is always so sweet and tailors all sessions to best fit you that day. I could honestly not have asked for a better trainer, and cannot wait to train again with her when I’m back in London!!! Bettina always motivates you to do the very best you can, driving you to achieve your fitness goals, but also supporting you in various ways, so you don’t have to do it alone. Her support is incredible, and she is always there to help with anything you need. Her communication is great, and she is always a text away, whereby she provides advice and her expertise, but also motivates you to keep going.

Bettina is not only the very best at her job, but she is also a true inspiration. Hearing about all her stories before she began training and previous struggles, not only made her more relatable, but sets an example for all of her clients. I honestly look up to Bettina, and think her dedication and passion for fitness is truly admirable. In addition to this, it makes her really easy to talk to, and open up to with any struggles you may have. She is always so sweet and willing to listen and help out, but also take in this information to better adapt the sessions to fit you and your current needs.

I can honestly not thank Bettina enough for all the effort she went through with me, and for all her help. I would really recommend training with Bettina, as whilst I’m sure there are great trainers out there, none compare to Bettina. She is genuinely one of the best !!!

Anyone would be lucky to train with such an amazing trainer like Bettina. From the very first session she makes you feel incredibly welcome and comfortable, ensuring all your needs are met. She always goes above and beyond to understand you and shows genuine interest in your goals and helping you achieve these goals. I was really nervous to train with her, but she immediately put me at ease and always made me look forward to having sessions with her. Training with her was such an enjoyable experience.

Bettina also does her job perfectly and I can honestly say I would be the first to recommend her services to anyone. It is very rare to find someone who genuinely cares and wants to help, and Bettina does just that.

She is amazing in what she does and I cannot thank her enough !!!
Samira Shahin Estevez
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Bettina is a wonderful Personal Trainer. She understand the purpose of each exercise and emails me details of all the diet food i can eat. Bettina is very communicative and is always very keen to help in every way possible.
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Bettina is a rare find as a class teacher and fitness instructor. Unlike other power pump class teachers I have had, she manages to not only motivate and engage but also ensure we are always on best physical form for each excercise! Hence, she is never hesitant to correct us and always ensures we get the most from each session-something thats not easy to manage whilst also leading a session, however she manages seamlessly!

She also keeps us on our toes by always introducing a new combination of exercises too!

I can't recommend her training style enough (and she has knowledge in many training disciplines to suit anyones style i might add!).
Ken Birk
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I have been training with Bettina since pre-pandemic. I had never had a personal trainer before and felt quite nervous about someone ‘scrutinising’ me, but Bettina made me so comfortable from the beginning and it was definitely the best decision I made!

I have never felt more fit, strong or informed about what exercise I should be doing. She has pushed me hard and made me challenge my own ability…including training in the snow in the middle of the pandemic! And trained alongside me!

She also listened to my body/needs the whole way along. I have had a couple of injuries (knees, hips) and Bettina made sure to tailor my plans to aide my recovery…which has happened.

I am so much more motivated than I have ever been and exercise has become such a critical part of my week and outlet for stress. I am moving houses and devastated that I won’t be able to continue, but she has left me with loads of energy, passion and knowledge about how to maintain my new lifestyle.

Can’t thank you enough, and going to miss you loads!!!
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I don’t know where to start.
Bettina is a life changing. I needed to loose weight but before to get back a bit of cardio and an healthy life style. She helped to do it all. She made sure to respect my body physiology and psychology. Bettina pushed me hard especially when I really don’t want to do it. It became so essential to have her and the training in my life.
She understands so well the human body and knows how to adapt her work to us and not the other way. Her knowledge about food, skin elasticity and how to avoid to hurt in a long term ...... Bettina repaired my knees problem without needing a surgery and it’s a life changing !!! ZERO KNEES problem anymore !!! Can I also talk about all the times I needed to cry because of personal problems (practically all the times) and she always listened but also had advice to feel better.
She knows how to adapt and I was able to train in my hotel room in New York, in my garden in the South of France and always carrying on to train with her .....
I can carry on and on but I have lost more than 13 kg with Bettina and my mind and my body feels so good I wouldn’t have it done without her !!!
Millions times thank you !!!
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August 2020. I had never had personal training sessions or even used my gym membership at Swiss cottage gym before I started training with Bettina. I had got into a bad routine of not thinking about what I am eating and also not exercising. I had never really enjoyed exercising growing up, but always enjoyed swimming or sometimes yoga. I have completed 20 sessions with Bettina and noticed such a huge change in my fitness, and more importantly I enjoy exercising now. I lost over a stone and I am still continuing to loose weight. Bettina is kind, caring and attentive to your needs. She was aware that I was slightly anxious when starting sessions and a complete novice with high intensity training. As the weeks went by, I started to make huge lifestyle changes with my eating and also ensuring that I'm more active. I would highly recommend training with Bettina, and it does not matter whatever level you are at. She adapts exercises and also pushes you at the same time. I would have loved to have continued sessions with Bettina but due to Covid I moved out of London. Thank you so much Bettina! Ayesha xx
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I met Betiina last November and she has helped me to change my life routine. To go back on track. She has been wonderful for the last few months, always there for me. She is always attentive, full of energy and she helps me to find strenght even in the days I feel I can't push any further. I can't wait for the world to go back to normal, so I can go back to my trainings with her.
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Bettina is just all about her trainee when she is with them! She has energy and such a great life story that you can trust that she listens to you and from her own struggles has learnt so much that she has many keys and solutions to help you on your journey. Train with Bettina, I wasn’t into the gym, trainers, anything but she contextualised it with my body and health. She wants you to find your strength so if you are open to that too then working with her is awesome.
Emma Songeur
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I’ve trained with Bettina for 3-4 years and could not wish for a better PT! Bettina is the right person to help you achieve your fitness goals! She is so knowledgeable, motivating and her energy will drive you to achieve your best fitness results!
Liga Konrade
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Bettina is a wonderful Personal Trainer. I am nearing the end of a twenty session course of fitness with her. Bettina always takes immense trouble to make sure I understand the purpose of each exercise and emails me details of all the exercises we did on a particular day so that I can do them on my own if necessary.
Bettina is very communicative and is always very keen to help in every way possible.
Philip Stokes

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