Your Personal Training
Charles Ross
Charles Ross
Better Gym Templemore Avenue
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Good morning, good afternoon, good evening!

I’m Charles, and what I want to do is make the version of you that’s reading this right now, a better version. Whether you’re training for a big event, need a change in lifestyle/direction or simply just want to be able to bend over without feeling that ache you’ve had for years, I’m all for it.

Everyone reaches the finish line a little easier with some help. I want to be the trainer to equip you with the knowledge and ability to ensure you reach any goal you may come to me with and equally so, I want to be the trainer hoisting you up when you speak of your success.

So, whatever time it happens to be, if you ever see me around the gym, on the street or in the shop, please, don’t be a stranger and say, “Hi!”
Level 2 Fitness Instructor
Level 3 Personal Trainer
Weight Loss
Muscle Toning
Sport Specific Training
Building Lean Muscle
Injury Prevention
Mobility Training
Circuit & HIIT Training
Functional Movement
Lifestyle Improvement & Nutritional Guidance
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