Your Personal Training
Daniel Batchelor
Daniel Batchelor
Mountbatten Leisure Centre
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Hi, I’m Dan, I’m a Personal Trainer who has worked for BH Live for the last 7 years training clients between Mountbatten Centre & Pyramids Centre. I’m friendly and approachable to all members in the gym and love to introduce myself & find out more their exercise experience and their future goals.

I specialize in weight loss management and improving functional movement. However, my goal is to help all ages and abilities to thrive within the gym environment, to become stronger, more confident and more mobile day to day. The gym is also very important for your mental wellbeing and stress relief not only your physical heath. It’s important to build a good relationship with exercise.

Football has always been my passion and I officiate midweek/Saturdays at a semi- professional standard as a Level 4 Hampshire & FA qualified referee. Personally, I like to keep a variety in my training throughout the week from getting stronger in the free weights area to functional High Intensity Interval Training classes to a hard boxing pad session. Boxing is amazing to feel faster, stronger, more confident and is unbelievable for your fitness.

I offer 1-2-1 & small group personal training options. For further information and enquiry please don’t hesitate to contact.
Level 2 Fitness Instructor
Level 3 Personal Training
Circuit Training Qualified
Kettlebell Training Qualified
Nutrition for Sport and Exercise Performance
Level 4 Hampshire FA Qualified Referee
Weight Loss and Weight Management
Muscle Gain
Body Composition and Toning
Functional Exercise & Movements
Postural Improvement
Improve Gym Confidence
HIIT Training
Boxing Training for Fitness
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