Your Personal Training
Davey Francis
Davey Francis
Eastern Leisure Centre, Cardiff
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14 votes
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If you want to gain some lean muscle mass and change your body composition, have a bigger booty, smaller waist, or maybe you want bigger arms or to be more defined and toned. Whatever the goal might be with changing your body. I’m your man. Hey, my name is Davey, I am a level 3 qualified independent PT, I also have a level 4 certificate in advanced Nutrition. For the last decade I have been mainly doing bodybuilding and learning vigorously how to add lean muscle mass and decrease body fat effectively. And this is what I help my clients do and I can help you with too.

Connect with me on social media where I post daily tips on health, fitness and mindset to help you achieve your body goals so that you can live a happier, healthier life.

Os ydych chi eisiau ennill màs cyhyr heb lawer o fraster a newid cyfansoddiad eich corff, cael ysbail mwy, gwasg lai, neu efallai eich bod eisiau breichiau mwy neu fod yn fwy diffiniedig a thôn. Beth bynnag yw'r nod o newid eich corff. Fi yw eich dyn. Hei, fy enw i yw Davey, rwy'n PT annibynnol cymwysedig lefel 3, mae gen i hefyd dystysgrif lefel 4 mewn Maeth uwch. Am y degawd diwethaf rwyf wedi bod yn gwneud bodybuilding yn bennaf ac yn dysgu'n egnïol sut i ychwanegu màs cyhyr heb lawer o fraster a lleihau braster corff yn effeithiol. A dyma beth rydw i'n helpu fy nghleientiaid i'w wneud a gallaf eich helpu chi ag ef hefyd.

Cysylltwch â mi ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol lle rwy'n postio awgrymiadau dyddiol ar iechyd, ffitrwydd a meddylfryd i'ch helpu i gyflawni nodau eich corff fel y gallwch chi fyw bywyd hapusach ac iachach.
Level 3 Fitness Instruction & Personal Training
Level 4 Certificate Advanced Nutrition

Cyfarwyddiadau Ffitrwydd Lefel 3 a Hyfforddiant Personol
Tystysgrif Lefel 4 Maeth Uwch
Changing Body Composition
Weight loss
Muscle Gain

Newid Cyfansoddiad y Corff
Colli pwysau
Ennill Cyhyr
14 Reviews 14 out of 14
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Had a great experience training with Davey. Had a number of useful sessions with muscle building tips, and diet plans.
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Finished my first block of 4 sessions with Davey, I literally can't fault the guy, I had some limitations with a knee injury and shoulder pain/clicking. Davey helped me to find a work around and try other exercises which didn't cause any discomfort. Davey is also very knowledgeable about keeping a positive mind set which definitely important when training. I will be utilising what Davey has taught me in the meantime and I'll be looking to book some more sessions in the future. 10/10
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Davey is fun, energetic and knows exactly what he's teaching. His focus and dedication to you and your body is everything you need and you are sure to get results. He's always on hand if you need him and will encourage you to reach your goals. Thank you for the time and effort. The workouts were always good diverse and catered to your abilities and needs. He's motivating and his positive energy and mind goes a long way. He's more than just your average PT and is definitely worth the investment. My goal was to gain confidence and knowledge to attend the gym solo and within the past 8 weeks I've definitely gained and achieved my goal to do this Im now stronger hitting PBs and I'm now walking into the free weights section with complete confidence! I highly recommend him you won't be disappointed!
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Davey is fun, energetic and knows exactly what he's teaching. His focus and dedication to you and your body is everything you need and you are sure to get results. He's always on hand if you need him and will encourage you to reach your goals. Thank you for the time and effort. The workouts were always good diverse and catered to your abilities and needs. He's motivating and his positive energy and mind goes a long way. He's more than just your average PT and is definitely worth the investment. My goal was to gain confidence and knowledge to attend the gym solo and within the past 8 weeks I've definitely gained and achieved my goal to do this Im now stronger hitting PBs and I'm now walking into the free weights section with complete confidence! I highly recommend him you won't be disappointed!
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Davey is truly the
best personal trainer that I have ever had. I have been having regular weekly sessions with him since May although I had to take a break when, unfortunately, I got diagnosed with a neurodegenerative condition. This has been a challenging time for me but my sessions with Davey have made a huge difference to both my physical and mental health. He is such a positive and motivational trainer, very holistic, and an all round lovely person. I really look forward to my sessions with him and always end them with incredible positivity (that is no exaggeration). He can always see what my capabilities are when we are training and, through this, the training is very personalised. My balance can be a bit off at times but he recognises this and finds ways to adapt the exercises for me. Before training with Davey I wasn’t confident in setting up the machines at the gym nor ensuring that I had good form when training. Now I am able to go to the gym and train with confidence between our sessions. Thank you Davey. You have enriched my life. Good vibrations (o:
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I had 5 very productive sessions with Davey. His knowledge is excellent and he has really sharpened my technique on free weights and machines to make my workouts much more effective. Davey is friendly and approachable and the sessions just flew by. I now have several great workout plans for my gym sessions.
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I have just completed 12 personal training sessions with Davey, and they were incredibly helpful. I was previously inconsistent at the gym, doing minimal cardio, and avoiding classes, I now lift weights, exercise correctly, maintain balanced meals, and feel motivated for the gym. The sessions accommodated my busy mum life, providing the flexibility I needed which was very appreciated.. Thank you Davey! 😊
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When I was looking for a PT I wanted someone who would not only focus on my physical appearance but also mentally. Having Davey has been amazing, I have been pushed, when I lacked confidence in myself, as I always make out I can’t do another rep, when I am well capable of doing another one, Davey has made me see the potential in me. Davey has helped to change my mindset and improve my confidence.

Anyone can tell you to do certain exercises, eat healthy etc but Davey has so much passion, he inspires you with his knowledge and is good at what he does! Not only has he helped me physically but mentally as well. I always leave the session in an amazing mood!

Highly recommend!!
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When I was looking for a PT I wanted someone who would not only focus on my physical appearance but also mentally. Having Davey has been amazing, I have been pushed, when I lacked confidence in myself, as I always make out I can’t do another rep, when I am well capable of doing another one, Davey has made me see the potential in me. Davey has helped to change my mindset and improve my confidence.

Anyone can tell you to do certain exercises, eat healthy etc but Davey has so much passion, he inspires you with his knowledge and is good at what he does! Not only has he helped me physically but mentally as well. I always leave the session in an amazing mood!

Highly recommend!!
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I've thought quite a lot the about what I wanted to say on this review but it's been really hard to put into works how much Davey has helped me since working with him. It has been by far the best decision I have made! Within the past 4 months he has not only guided me physically but by mental health has improved dramatically also. I have lost weight, gained strength, and confidence. His positivity and dedication to helping you be the best version of yourself is admirable. I feel I'm finding myself again bit by bit each session. He is always pushing your to get that next PR and celebrates with you when you hit it. I look forward to each session. Can't wait to see what the future holds for me.
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To say working with Davey has literally changed my life is no exaggeration.

I had a catastrophic brain injury some time ago and following Davey’s guidance I’m able to walk and talk better.

From nutrition to strength training, Davey’s knowledge is certainly impressive. He’s made a big difference in my life!
Jordan Owen
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From the first session with Davey I was impressed with his knowledge and passion for weight training. What impresses me most is that he also focusses also on helping you develop the correct mindset when training, so it’s not just about performing the routine but also a mind body connection which has enabled me to do much more than I thought I could. In the past 2-3 months I am amazed at how I have progressed and with his coaching have made significant results. I find myself pushing myself further than I thought I could, he has unlocked motivation and drive in me that I was missing. In short I highly recommend him, he makes a massive difference to your fitness journey.
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Working with Dave changed my life! He emanates positive, and I wanted some! So, I did what he instructed, and not only was I healthy and had a body to be proud of, I had an all-round more positive outlook on life, which I’ve carried with me now the past 2 years since we first worked together. Can’t recommend him enough!
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Best choice I have made investing in me, he has given me time, his dedication, his experience and knowledge he has gone above and beyond. Davey has changed my habits, mindset and fitness levels. He's also educated me with his wide range of knowledge on why I need to do eat a high protein diet as well as what it does for my body. My mental health has blossomed alongside my physical health my appearance has changed and still changing. He's made a big impact on my life. Thank you Davey your the best

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