Your Personal Training
David Willett
David Willett
Pyramids Centre
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As a county standard competitor in different sports, and a master Personal Trainer, I currently compete nationally in my age group in running, doing Track and Field athletics. I've been involved coaching people for approaching 10 years now.

I've worked with national Level athletes in multiple different sports. My clients have medalled nationally, competed internationally, come back from long term conditions and gotten in to the best shape of their lives.

I have also helped many general population clients make some truly impressive physique transformations and get in great shape. I specialise in Strength and Conditioning for athletes of all levels, however, I also offer specialist training aimed at weight management and physique improvement, health and fitness, and improving lifting technique.

Please feel free to book in a free taster session using the contact details provided.
Master Personal Trainer
Level 4 advanced certificate in Strength and Conditioning for sports performance
Level 3 diploma in Personal Training
Level 2 gym instructor
Certificate in running leading (pending)
Strength and Conditioning for sports performance
Weight management and toning
Exercise technique and refinement
Strength training
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