Your Personal Training
Demi Harris
Demi Harris
Gosling Sports Park
Welwyn Garden City
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8 votes
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Hello, my name is Demi.

I have a huge passion for health and fitness. Having been on my own journey to a healthier, happier me, I know exactly how it feels to not know where to begin. Thats why I studied to become a Personal Trainer as I am very keen to support others in kick starting their own journey to becoming the best possible version of themselves.

I have learnt how important a balanced diet and regular exercise is for us, both physically and mentally. My aim as your personal trainer is to help you fall in love with the process of improving your lifestyle and giving you the knowledge and guidance you need to be confident and comfortable in the gym.

The gym can be a scary place to begin with, but I am confident that my expert guidance can ease you into a gym routine where you are getting the best possible workout so that together, we can reach your goals.

So, whether you are looking for somewhere to start or just need some help on your fitness journey to push yourself to the next level, working together, we can create a programme tailored to you. Contact me today to arrange your free consultation and complimentary session and lets kickstart your journey to a happier, healthier you!
Level 2 Gym Instruction
Level 3 Personal Training
Strength and Conditioning
Weight Loss
Muscle Building
Fat Loss
8 Reviews 8 out of 8
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Demi is the most amazing PT. Before Demi my gym routines massively lacked variety and enjoyment and I was so nervous about using certain gym equipments. I have been with Demi now for 5 months and she has helped completely transform me mentally and physically. I feel so much fitter, happier and healthier. I now have a great routine in the gym, I train with her once a week and when I train on my own I follow plans that she has tailor made for me. All of my sessions are really enjoyable and push me to be the best version of me. I have built so much physical strength and become so confident in the gym. When you train with Demi she makes you feel so comfortable and really takes her time to get to know you and find out what you need and want from her plans, she is so encouraging and positive. She is always on hand for advice whether that be to do with the gym or nutrition, she is so helpful. I can’t recommend Demi enough and if you want a friendly, knowledgeable, professional PT she really is your girl.
A massive thank you to you Demi!
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Good evening
I am looking for help I was watching you this morning in the gym and I would really like it if you could work with me to help me set up a program. I am 56 and I am desperate to lose weight and look good currently on high protein and low cals. I look forward to hearing from you soon
Suzanne goody
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I am a 71 year old male, who has recently realised the importance of exercise.
I have now completed my first 10 weeks with Demi, and I have to say I am so pleased I chose her as my personal trainer.
Demi's programs have demonstrated to me that I can achieve a lot more than I expected.
I keep a record of my gym visits and exercises, noting the number of repeats and weights where applicable. What progress!!
Demi has never been judgemental, gently encourages, and if an exercise goal has been achieved, we set a new challenge.
I need structure in my workouts, and Demi has supplied that with detailed instructions.
I thought I would share some information on my progress

24/1/24 5/4/24
Weight in KG 78.2 77.9
Body Fat % 22.8 20.5
Body Fat in KG 17.8 16
Body Muscle % 73.4 75.5
Body Muscle in KG 57.4 58.8

It is never too late to start improving your fitness.
Geoff Rider
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I was always scared/intimidated by the gym and just stuck to the treadmill. When i saw demi she looked very approachable. After speaking to her she made me feel safe and confident. Now train with demi once a week but also follow set training exercises without her. Demi is amazing at setting training to your body goals. Pushes you hard and supports you through the burn!
Wish found her sooner.
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Demi is amazing, she makes the gym less intimidating , always ready to listen ( no matter what stupid stuff I'm asking about ) she pushes you when it's needed and encourages you when feel you can't do something. Just the best PT.
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I feel so much more confident in using the gym and different equipment after training with Demi. She gives me the extra motivation that I need and teaches me so much. Wish I started sooner!
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Demi has really helped me gain confidence in myself and knowledge in how to reach my fitness goals. She has made working out enjoyable and is always encouraging me along the way. I can’t wait for my next session.
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Demi has been great in helping me feel fitter and stronger. She has supported me in the gym and provided helpful tips and knowledge to create healthier habits and stick to them. She always provides a friendly, non judgemental atmosphere and I always look forward to my sessions with her!

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