Your Personal Training
Harrison Salter
Harrison Salter
The Hive Leisure Centre
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31 votes
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Imagine, staring back in the mirror, feeling trapped by weight gain and its grip on your confidence and happiness. That was me, lost in my mid-20s, yearning for a healthier, happier life. But instead of succumbing, I roared, "Enough is enough!"

My fitness journey wasn't about chasing a six-pack; it was about reclaiming my life. I found an amazing personal trainer who became my rock, my cheerleader, my guide. Together, we sweated, strategised, and celebrated every victory, big and small.

The pounds melted away, but the transformation went far deeper. My confidence soared, my energy crackled, and my smile was brighter than ever. My loved ones were stunned by the change, not just physically, but mentally. My newfound zest for life even inspired friends and strangers to seek my advice.

That's when it hit me: my struggles had become my purpose. I returned to college, fueled by a passion to empower others the way I had been empowered. Now, as a certified personal trainer, sports nutritionist, and sports massage therapist, I help people like you break free from their limitations and embrace their healthiest, happiest selves.

Here's what I offer:

• Weight loss that's sustainable, not a fad. No crash diets or quick fixes – just science-backed strategies for lasting results.

• Toning and muscle building tailored to your unique goals. Whether you dream of lean curves or sculpted strength, I'll craft a plan that gets you there.

• A positive mental edge. Fitness isn't just about the body; it's about building resilience, confidence, and a can-do spirit.

You're not alone in this. We all need a supportive hand sometimes. Let me be your guide, your cheerleader, your partner in transformation. Together, let's unlock your full potential and paint your future with vibrant health and happiness.
Level 3 Personal Trainer
Level 3 Sports Massage Therapy
Level 2 Gym Instructor
Weight Loss
Nutritional Support
Muscle Development
Body Toning
31 Reviews 31 out of 31
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A transformational PT who has done wonders for my confidence in my post baby body :) I feel stronger than ever which is my main goal, but also feel totally at ease about pulling off my wedding dress next October and I know that I will look *amazing* thanks to Harrison's encouragement and expertise. As someone with ADHD, I need to outsource accountability and drive when it comes to exercise and Harrison is the perfect solution.

For additional context:

I am 34 years old, 158CM and my baby is my first who is currently 13 months old. I lost a *huge* amount of weight post birth, very quickly, through nursing exclusively for 10 months. My happy pre pregnancy weight was 49KG, when I first started seeing Harrison I had dropped to 42KG (the last time I weighed 42KG I was a pre-teen). My main goal is to reach back up to my normal weight to 49KG. I am pleased to report that after 2 months I am well on my way :D
Jody Zarkos
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Harrison has been the perfect personal trainer. I have been working with Harrison now for 5 months. He has this way of making you feel at ease and that you can really push yourself and achieve great things. Not only have I lost 4 stone since our sessions began, I am also lifting at least double the weights I could before.

I highly recommend Harrison, not matter what your goal is!
James King
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I have been training with Harrison for over three months now and I can really notice the changes in my body. My strength and stamina have improved massively.

Harrison is very knowledgeable and will guide you through each exercise carefully, to make sure your form is correct. He is funny and works you hard from day one, to get you the results you want.

I highly recommend him to be your next PT.
Blanca Burke
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I thoroughly enjoy my workout sessions with Harrison. He is so motivating and his enthusiasm is catching. Can’t recommend him highly enough.
Flic Taylor
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I had been active all my life, yoga, swimming etc but as time went on I started to find things that I used to find easy getting harder. Balance starts to go. You get stiff in the mornings. Old age was creeping up!

Then something happened. I had some sort of problem with my inner leg which seized up when I walked more than 200 metres. It was excruciating. My doctor and osteo couldn’t work out what was happening but my osteo did say I could do with increasing my muscle mass.

A friend suggested Harrison. I have been working with him now for 5 months and the transformation is amazing. I literally feel 15 years younger. All the aches, pains and stiffness has gone. I have lost weight and toned. Also, thanks Harrison, the bingo wings have disappeared. He is a joy to workout with. Happy, friendly and extremely knowledgeable. Certainly knows his stuff! Each session is different and fun.
June Bevan
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Exceptional trainer! Harrison has really helped me. As a 50+ year old woman my mobility and strength has started to suffer. I am now however far stronger and more flexible than I have ever been. I highly recommend Harrison
Jenny Tool
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Being over 60 I asked myself if I needed a personal trainer. Actively fit cardio wise I wanted to venture into the other side of the gym, but was wary and unsure of the equipment. So took the plunge and booked sessions with Harrison.
From the first tiring session I wondered what I had signed up to but enjoyed it with the encouragement from Harrison I felt I had achieved something that I would not have done on my own and as the sessions went on so I improved.
Harrison explained all the exercises and showed me how to do them properly to prevent injury to myself.
I will be going back for more sessions and I would recommend Harrison to anyone who was thinking about using a personal trainer.
Thank you for all your help
Phil Bradbury
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Harrison is a wonderful trainer: he has consistently encouraged me with my fitness journey and it has transformed my mindset, as well as my body, for the better!

I feel motivated to pursue my goals from Harrison’s personally-tailored training sessions. Now, I look forward to my workouts and pushing myself to see what else I can achieve!

I had never been to the gym before so I was nervous but Harrison is very friendly and immediately made me feel comfortable and confident with my routine.

I would highly recommend Harrison to anyone looking for a personal trainer!
Rachel King
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I am very happy with Harrison as my personal trainer. Before I started with Harrison as my trainer I had little to no experience in the gym. Im now much more confident. I'm seeing great results and really enjoying every session in the process!
Martin Tool
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Superb personal trainer and a really nice guy.
Martin Goodfellow
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I am in my mid 50s, obese and with high blood pressure. Before starting with Harrison I was absolutely gym and exercise phobic. Harrison's easy manner, clear communication and focus has enabled me to break that barrier and enter the gym and enjoy it. I am starting the journey to being truly fit and happier in my own skin and body!
It is early days. I will report back in a couple of months time. In the meantime, if you are in two minds and unsure what to do I would suggest finding out more about Personal Training with Harrison. It's changing not only the way I view exercise but giving me a more positive mindset in other areas of life as well.
Richard Mills
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Great trainer, have learnt lots of new techniques in the gym
Kate Dewally
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I have been training with Harrison for 3 weeks and already I’ve lost the best part of a stone. His approach is all about overall fitness. He’s monitoring my calories, nutrition and has assigned me extra workouts to do outside of our sessions. I’m super happy with progress I’ve made so far. Thank you so much Harrison! You’re simply the best!!
Heather Saunders
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Harrison is very nice guy, that pushes me to meet my goals. I used to be nervous about coming to the gym, however our sessions together are now the highlight of my week. I now have a lot of confidence in the gym, and Harrison is helping me reach my full potential.
John Thompson
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very cool trainer, conducts interesting and intensive training
Alex Lyon
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We've been training with Harrison as a couple for about 6 weeks now and are absolutely loving it. We had no PT or weight training experience before, but we're starting to feel confident on each exercise and are really seeing results as time goes by - like, actual visible muscles! It must be said that leg day is the BEST, but push and pull days are also great and we're each discovering a knack for various different things. Thank you Harrison, we're looking forward to our continued journey with you!
Giorgia & Simon Mayes
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I just recently decided to get healthy, lose weight and get my eating in order so I decided that it might be good to gain the help of a Personal Trainer… I have been training with Harrison for just over 2 weeks now and I can see the improvements already… I train with him 2 times a week and I feel that this is so beneficial for me by having someone to keep me accountable… the sessions are really helpful and he knows how to push me to reach my full potential in each session… Harrison listened to what my goals were and tailored a routine for me at the gym… I have always kind of disliked the gym, maybe because I felt awkward or I don’t know how to use the equipment … this time however I find myself liking and looking forward to the sessions and the gym… Harrison explains how to use all the equipment safely and I definitely am much more confident in using the gym now…. I feel so much more motivated this time around and am determined to reach my goal… my positivity is at an all time high and after 2 weeks I’ve lost just over 7lbs… so thank you Harrison for all your help so far!
Sarah Jordan
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I couldn't recommend Harrison enough! I've been struggling with motivation and confidence and Harrison has been perfect! He is incredibly kind and understanding and great at helping me to believe more in my ability. He's also very patient as I need to be shown things plenty of times! If you're considering a PT - definitely get in touch with Harrison :)
Laura Jessop
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I have only been training with Harrison for six weeks or so but already I’m loosing about 3lb a week. He does push me hard and pushes me to get results.

I would definitely recommend Harrison to anyone looking to get real results at the gym!
Ian Lovett
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I can’t recommend Harrison enough!

He’s really helped me loose weight and regain confidence!
Tom Cooper
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Such a nice genuine guy , patient and caring of your needs , while encouraging you to do well , during training and making sure that what your doing is the correct way , so not to hurt yourself, and still get results , definitely 10/10
Richard Callis
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Thanks for continuing to push me Harrison! You’ve really helped me get into good shape and I feel much better in myself. Thank you. I can’t wait to see you on Wednesday. Leg day is the best day!
Lexi Smith
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I have only been training with Harrison a couple of weeks. He helps motivate me and makes me push to get "effective reps" as he likes to call them. High intensity but totally worth it. Harrison is clearly very passionate about what he does and very knowledgeable.

Already I'm doing exercises like squats and deadlifts and I'm very happy with my progress. Thanks Harrison :-)
Sarah Cunningham
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Personable trainer who motivates to achieve personal goals. For me just getting started toward a more healthy lifestyle was what was needed. Harrison met me where I needed him to be and continues to provide bags of energy and encouragement. Highly recommended whatever one's personal goals.
Garry Miller
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Harrison is very personable. Trains me and my partner. Has helped me with rehabilitation exercises and strengthening the muscles around my knee. Highly recommend Harrison to anyone looking for a trainer
Mandy Miller
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Recently back in the gym after +10years of doing nothing and putting on the Dad pounds. I thought I'd try a personal trainer for the first time.

Harrison has been superb, I train twice a week with him. He knows his trade, understands what I want to be able to achieve and is providing the tools to achieve it.

Every workout I thoroughly enjoy, I'm motivated, encouraged and leave the gym happy with the progress I'm achieving with Harrison's training. I highly recommend. Thanks Harrison 👌🏼
Nick Playford
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Harrison is amazing! Very nice guy and super motivating!
Tom Martin
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Harrison is fantastic at encouraging you to go further (where it really matters!) I have been training with him for just under two weeks and can already feel and see a difference. His patient and makes it a fun experience! Training with Harrison has helped me gain confidence in using free weights too, having little to no experience in that area of the gym, he has shown me the correct form and helped me pay attention to mind and muscle connection! It has been fantastic to have Harrison help me further on the journey to becoming the best version of myself!
Star Star Star Star Star
I can't praise Harrison highly enough, he's so easy to talk to, a great communicator. He shows real understanding, compassion and knowledge of the journey I'm on. I can see it's a passion for him, which is inspiring all in itself. As someone who was very intimidated by anything fitness training related he completely put me at ease. Being a larger lady and a complete fitness novice, to have that confidence he's given me is priceless.
Sharon Brace
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Absolutely blown away by Harrison as my personal trainer; he has absolutely changed my life for the better.

Mentally I am so much more positive than when I was at my heaviest eating what I want I was a miserable boss, husband and father

My health has drastically improved my sleep apnea is gone. I have the energy to play football with my kids and run around with them.

Harrison has given me the assistance to gain the mental strength to get a new job role.

I have become a better person overall with the help and guidance he has given me, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results.
James Garner
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Harrison is a phenomenal trainer. Such a brilliant guy and very professional. I started seeing Harrison not long after I had my second child, and I had that stubborn baby fat I really wanted to lose.

Right from the get-go Harrison made me feel at ease, he was very supportive and motivated me to achieve.

Harrison has been training me now for just over a year and I’m in the best shape of my life. I recently got married and was able to fit into the dress I really wanted, and wouldn’t have been able to without his help.

If you’re thinking about becoming confident and changing your life, being more happy and content within yourself, then get in touch with Harrison. He’s simply the best! :)
Samantha Jones

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