Your Personal Training
Josh Sacks
Josh Sacks
Brooklands Health Club
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I’m here to help you unlock your full potential. While challenges are inevitable in your fitness journey, both inside and outside the gym, as your personal trainer, my mission is to provide you with the tools and knowledge to overcome these obstacles stopping you from achieving your goals. I know there are hundreds of fantastic personal trainers all with similar messages; however, what sets me apart is my commitment to providing you with elite-levels of fitness and nutrition programming based on the most accurate scientific evidence. I don’t want you to just reach your goals; I want you to surpass them.

Whether you want to train for a marathon, a bodybuilding competition or simply want to improve your overall health by losing fat and building some muscle, my background in sports and exercise science alongside my ongoing formal education will give you the tools to witness remarkable transformations in your physical performance and appearance.

Physical performance and appearance, however, is just one piece of the puzzle. I also want you to develop a positive, resilient mindset by providing you with a blend of motivation, accountability, and education to create habits that extend far beyond the gym walls, ensuring your long-term success and wellbeing. If you truly dedicate yourself, work hard, and maintain a positive mindset, there’s truly no limit to what you can achieve. So, kick your excuses to the curb and let’s work together to create the best version of yourself!
Level 3 Personal Trainer
Level 2 Gym Instructor
Sports and Exercise Science BSc (In progress)
Level 4 Personal Trainer (In progress)
Level 4 Strength & Conditioning Coach (In progress)
Level 4 R.S.P.H Nutrition (In progress)
Strength and Conditioning
Physiological Performance for Competitions (Powerlifting & Endurance Events)
Body Composition (Fat loss & Muscle Building)
Mindset Coaching
Long-term Lifestyle Improvement
Advanced Nutrition Programming
4 Reviews 4 out of 4
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Josh has helped build my confidence in the gym. He is a great motivator and is always there to help in and outside the gym. I already feel better about my self and overall more happy and living a healthier lifestyle
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My training with Josh has so far been excellent.

He took a great deal of time early on to listen to what my needs were & what I wanted to gain from training, he then tailored a solution accordingly based on the amount of time I have available to workout, the kind of exercises I enjoy, and the amount of sessions I wanted to do per week.

As we’ve progressed, Josh is constantly checking in on me both training & diet wise, constantly offering tips to make my daily diet easier & more sustainable, and offering tips to improve training. He’s made it quite simple for it to feel sustainable long term, even whilst my training plan has changed based on fitness goals.

Josh is genuinely great for adjusting my plan to suit my needs, and can provide goal orientated training which is really helpful.

Overall, would massively recommend. Josh is driven, committed & super friendly. He makes it easy and simple to commit to the plans he sets out for you.
Tom Barlow
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Josh is fantastic! He’s incredibly motivational, and the whole package, nutrition guide, and app is brilliant. Josh pushes me beyond what I think I’m capable of in the gym, and I’ve been feeling the results from the get go. He is persistent in tracking progress day to day, not just in our sessions in the gym, which helps me massively to stay on track. Can’t recommend him enough!
Rebecca Crowther
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I have been working with Josh for just over a month, with the aim of improving my overall health and lifestyle. I have found Josh's information on meal inspirations really helpful, along with the informational guides to understand the benefits of different food groups. I find that the in person sessions are fun, challenging and engaging as Josh provides a variety of routines within the program to keep things fresh, as well as pushing me on every workout to achieve the best! I enjoy using the app to log my food stats, as well as track progress in the gym, I find it's helpful to look back at previous workouts to track progress. I feel that Josh keeps an eye on what is going on, very useful, to ensure I am on track to what we're trying to achieve. I would 100% refer anyone to Josh who is looking for a similar service to me to improve their health & fitness, he's a great guy who is providing a great service for me.
Charlie Packman

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