Your Personal Training
Lewis Fisher
Lewis Fisher
Better Gym Brentwood
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31 votes
About Qualifications Specialisms Location Reviews
I am a dedicated coach, who has the experience of assessing the position of a client, both in their capabilities and lifestyle. Together we create a system that is specifically tailored to you, moving you towards your goals.

With my knowledge of nutrition and physical training, I can integrate this into the demands of today's hectic lifestyle and help maximise your potential.

I love what I do and I’m motivated by measurable results. I will provide you with the highest level of service, in order to transform you into the strongest version of you with your gym performance and health.
Level 3 Personal Trainer
M10 PT Mentorship
Fat Loss
Coaching Nutrition
Developing Lean Muscle
Lifestyle Coaching
Strength Training
CrossFit Training
Female Physiology
Assessing Postural Imbalances
31 Reviews 31 out of 31
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I train at Better gym in Brentwood and was looking for someone a bit different to the usual personal trainers. I had been watching for a few months and noticed Lewis was different in the way he trained. My mind frame at the time I started training with Lewis was not very good due to having two family members with terminal illness.

I had a consultation with Lewis who was very understanding of my mind frame and what I was and still coping with. Also explained my old injuries and that I wanted to tone up.

All I can say is that in the forty years I have been training and I have had various personal trainers I have never achieved what I have now with Lewis. Lewis is outstanding, passionate about what he does and wants his clients to achieve. Lewis teaches you how to lift properly, very supportive but not pushy. I have never in the years I have been training achieved the definition and strength in my body I have now and this credit goes to Lewis!! I cannot thank Lewis enough and hope to continue with Lewis as long as I can. Lewis the compliments keep coming your an amazing PT !!
Lesley Morris
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Title: A Journey of Transformation: From Fitness Novice to Deadlifting 3 Sets of 100kg

I want to share with you a personal fitness transformation story that has taken me from being a fitness novice to someone who can deadlift 3 sets of 100 kilograms. In this journey, I also want to introduce an exceptional fitness coach who has played a crucial role in my success.

When I started my fitness journey six months ago, I had no prior experience or knowledge about exercise and strength training. Determined to make a positive change in my life, I sought the guidance of a professional who could help me navigate this new world. I know that this decision would lead me to discover not only the joy of physical transformation but also the incredible support and expertise of my remarkable fitness coach, Lewis.

Under the guidance of Lewis, I witnessed a remarkable transformation in my physical abilities and overall well-being. With his unwavering dedication, extensive knowledge, and unwavering support, I achieved a milestone that once seemed impossible: deadlifting three sets of 100 kilograms. This achievement stands as a testament to the effectiveness of his training methods and personal program.

What sets Lewis apart is not only his professionalism but also his patience and dedication to his clients. He took the time to understand my individual needs and goals, crafting personalized workout routines that maximized effectiveness and safety. His patience in explaining complex exercises and techniques was truly commendable, as he never hesitated to answer my countless questions or provide additional guidance whenever needed.

Moreover, Lewis possesses an exceptional ability to motivate and inspire. There were moments when I had covid and felt discouraged or doubted my own capabilities, but his unwavering belief in my potential propelled me forward. Whether through his uplifting words or his infectious enthusiasm, he consistently pushed me beyond my perceived limits, helping me realize that strength comes from both the body and the mind.

I would also like to highlight Lewis's commitment to continuous self-improvement. He actively seeks out new training methodologies, attends seminars, and stays updated with the latest research and certificate in the field of fitness. This dedication translates into a training experience that is continuously evolving and remains at the forefront of industry standards.

Based on my transformative journey, I wholeheartedly recommend him as a fitness coach. His expertise, patience, motivation, and genuine care have been invaluable to my progress, and I am confident that he can inspire and guide others towards their own fitness goals with the same level of excellence.

Undoubtedly, Lewis has played an integral role in shaping my fitness journey. From a fitness novice unsure of where to begin, I have emerged as a more confident and empowered individual, capable of achieving feats I once deemed unattainable. It is with immense gratitude that I share my story, hoping to inspire others to embark on their own transformative journeys under the guidance of this extraordinary fitness coach.

Together, let's strive for greatness and unlock our full potential!
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Lewis is a great PT. He’s extremely knowledgable of both training and nutrition. Most importantly for me is his calm and patient manner. I’ve gone from minimal gym experience to confidently training by myself.
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I have been training with Lewis now for 16 months. I am probably the oldest client he has on the books. I've had to work around a lower back issue which has improved and is more stable. My overall strength has increased. Before I joined Lewis I had been on an intensive 8 week training program which was a combo of diet and primarily cardio, I lost 5kg.
With Lewis I wanted to take this a bit further and hopefully drop some more kg,s but increase my strength . With his knowledge of nutrition & weight training I have achieved bith my goals.
Very happy to recommend Lewis .
Alan Fletcher
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I started with Lewis as a complete beginner to the gym, had no confidence in using the equipment and wanted to kick start my fitness journey. 6 months later I am lifting weights I never thought I could, am 7kg lighter and 4 jean sizes down! Lewis is super knowledgeable, pushes you and knows how to get results. 100% recommend, just be prepared to buy a whole new wardrobe!
Brooke Evans
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Lewis has, without a doubt, changed my life. I like most was cautious of PT’s and if I ‘needed’ one. I had been following powerlifting for 5 years and reached a 500kg total, but became lost after hitting that goal with my weight spiralling to 94kg and falling out of love with training. In came Lewis, who has managed every single life issue or event that has come up - and there was many at the beginning. We’ve gone from strength to strength and lost over 24kg in the process, he’s supported me to photoshoot ready condition which always seemed like an unreachable dream - but Lewis has made it happen. I cannot recommend him enough!
Adam Field
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I worked with Lewis for 10 weeks and he really helped me achieve my goals. Lewis helped me lose 6-7kgs, increased my lifts dramatically, pushed me to do my cardio and helped me make better choices with my diet. Previously I was going to the gym with no real plan but Lewis’ knowledge and supported really motivated me to improve.
Aaron West
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Lewis has been very patient with me as I was on and off training last year. Through the training he was very knowledgeable and helped me gain confidence with weights. He also took into consideration my back issue and found the best exercises to suit. He advised on what foods and calorie intake was best and I lost a stone. I am now training with him again and have my upmost faith he will lead me to reach my goals.
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Great trainer, had very good results and lost weight quickly. Explained all the exercises very well!
Valerie Van Gaver
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Lewis has, without a doubt, changed my life. I like most was cautious of PT’s and if I ‘needed’ one. I had been following powerlifting for 5 years and reached a 500kg total, but became lost after hitting that goal with my weight spiralling to 94kg and falling out of love with training. In came Lewis, who has managed every single life issue or event that has come up - and there was many at the beginning. We’ve gone from strength to strength and lost over 24kg in the process, he’s supported me to photoshoot ready condition which always seemed like an unreachable dream - but Lewis has made it happen. I cannot recommend him enough!
Adam Field
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I couldn't recommend Lewis enough. He is really friendly and personable and very knowledgable. I had never been to a gym before working with Lewis and he made the experience really comfortable and enjoyable. I look forward to every session! He has helped with my diet and helped me put in place good habits to make my fitness journey so much easier. Since working with Lewis may stength has progressed so much quicker than just working out at home. Highly recommended!
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Before, I met Lewis, I was doing the bare minimum in the gym due to getting back off of recovery from an operation. I was out of synch with everything and what's worse is that I am getting older and reaching a time when most people slow down. I decided that I need a change and new goals. Then I met Lewis. I shared with him my present situation, my challenges and my goals. He then put together a plan that worked for me. To get me back lean with good muscle tone. He took me above and beyond. The workouts were tough but effective and having good meal plans were a plus. Over the months, ai have lost 6 kilos and my physique is better than it ever was. Lewis is a good communicator, he checks in and he helps you understand the routines. I highly recommend him. Investing in ones health us a good thing!
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Lewis has been awesome in helping me get stronger and build confidance in the gym. He is always looking for ways he can help me to get the results I was working for. Lewis is knowledgeable in his PT, I highly recommed him to anyone looking start gym and looking for how to get the results you want. he is really kind & very understanding he will always look for ways to work better to help you get results. You are amazing Lewis, thank you for being awesome!
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He's a very good trainer, I would highly recommend him, he helped me to change my diet and lose wait effectively. He is very consistent, if I were to train once again I would definitely train with him.
Edyta Wierdak
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I would highly recommend him, as he is consistent and I trained well with him. He helped me change my lifestyle, and diet. If I were to do this again, I would happily choose to train with him
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I’ve been training with Lewis for a few months, I can see a big difference to my physique, general fitness and confidence in the gym. 10/10
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Definitely recommend Lewis to anyone looking to improve their strength and physique. Worked with Lewis when I just finished rehab after an injury I picked up during lockdown and his sessions helped me get back in the gym and recover. Also a fantastic motivator and a great guy too. Definitely worth it 👍🏻
Hayden King
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Lewis not only has lead me to a great fat loss journey but also helped me get my self confidence back up. In a year I was able to go from 42 - 34 waistline and gained some great muscle strength/definition. Starting with in person training and moving over to online coaching, I was not sure if I would get anything out of online only PT. It’s safe to say that the way Lewis has it set up is very user friendly and I feel more motivated than ever to reach my goals! 11/10 Lewis let’s keep at it!!!
Jake Doran
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Lewis is brilliant. Training with him helped me access a new level of fitness and understanding of what works for me to gain functional strength: all aimed at being able to carry my young boys around and feel healthy as a (somewhat older and always busy with work) Dad. I am in my early 40s and hit my lowest weight since I was about 20 years old!!
Mark Hodge
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I’ve worked on and off with Lewis for around 18 months now. I cannot recommend him enough!
He is always pushing me beyond my own expectations and is consistently there on the phone checking in and provided support.
I have seen massive changes to my physique and mental well-being since working with him and I can’t thank him enough!
A super nice guy with bags of knowledge.
Brad Cowan
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I have gained so much from training with Lewis. I had wanted to train with a PT for years but was apprehensive about taking the step. Now I can truly say that I have never looked back. I used to rely on group classes and running to meet my fitness goals, but Lewis has completely transformed my strength ability. His calm, friendly and approachable persona make the sessions very enjoyable. And the logical, professional and thoughtful approach he takes offers a level of support that helps you to reach new goals that didn't even seem possible! I highly recommend training with Lewis to anyone and everyone I can
Sophie Knapton
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I worked with Lewis for almost 6 months and I couldn't recommend him enough. He tailor made an exercise program exactly to me goals with ongoing support with diet and lifestyle outside the gym. I had to take a break due to surgery but now I am looking forward to restart in the next couple of weeks.
Chadwan Al Yaghchi
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Thank you for turning my “boats” into “boxes”. You pushed me further than I thought I could go and showed me that I can achieve my physical goals if my mind wants it bad enough. Training with you has benefited my perspective in other areas of my life and I feel more empowered than ever. Thank you for transforming me
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I’ve been training with Lewis for just shy of a year now. In that time he has completely transformed my fitness levels and physique ( even though I’ve not been the most diet conscious client he has ever trained ) It prove’s that Lewis’s training methods and knowledge in his field will still yield great results as long as you are willing to turn up to put the work in. I really couldn’t recommend Lewis highly enough.
John Duhig
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Lewis has been very efficient at adapting my training and nutrition to the goal I had which was muscle gain and fat loss.
Transformation has been showing within the first few weeks.
If you’re dreaming of improving your body and your mind, and just need to little bit of motivation to get you started, get in touch with Lewis and you’ll be on your way before you realise it.
Yohan Nebbout
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I have loved training with Lewis over the last year. I’m lifting weights I didn’t think were possible for me. Lewis always keeps things fresh, keeps challenging me while never being pushy, and is super professional, organised and on top of things. Highly recommend!
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I'd highly recommended Lewis to anyone who's trying to improve their strength and fitness. He's a very knowledgeable and experienced trainer, and a fun guy to train with. You'll definitely see results!
Charles Szilagyi
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Lewis is very motivating, he is very knowledgeable and dedicated to all his customers. Personally, he pushes me beyond my boundaries and couches me not only physically, but mentally to motivate me to achieve my goals. He goes beyond couching at the gym, he provides resources about nutrition, and has even connected me with a physiotherapist to help me recover from an injury. I would strongly recommend Lewis for anyone who is serious about getting in shape!!
Chelim Keen
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Highly recommend Lewis to anyone wanting to change their physique in a way that fits their lifestyle with a diet / workout plan they’ll enjoy and is easy to stick to. After the 12 weeks coaching I have lost a considerable amount of body fat and feel much healthier / happy overall. Lewis will 100% get you where you want to be!
Sean Reeve
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Where do I start with Lewis. What a guy with patience better than most. Considering I loved sport I probably loved the pub more and the gym was one place I didn’t ever want to go to. Lew has changed all that now. I’m confident walking into the gym and know what I’m doing. One of the hardest things for me was making this work around my work life and the amount of networking but Lew helped me figure all this out and over the time I lost 21kg. Can’t say any part has been easy but it’s been extremely rewarding and worth every part. Lew knows exactly what he is talking about and explains every step to you. Thanks mate you are quality and keep doing what you are doing.
Billy Saunders
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Lewis has been a game changer in my fat loss journey. My scale weight would never change and I did not know why. I thought I was dieting correctly and would always end up frustrated with my lack of progress. All it took was a few small tweaks and I was able to see progress within a few weeks. I didn’t have to do any crazy dieting. I was still able to eat the foods I enjoy and transform my physique at the same time. He was very supportive all the way through and made the yprocess easy for me to follow. Now I’m excited to move in to our next phase of training!
Ben Banks

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