Your Personal Training
Lewis Walkinshaw
Lewis Walkinshaw
Havant Leisure Centre
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I wanted to become a Personal Trainer as I have always had a passion for helping people whether that be volunteering, just being there for those close to me or when I served in the Royal Navy for 2 years helping the country. I developed the motto "focus your mind, your body will follow" as I now want to help you get into the shape you have always wanted but not by typically focusing on looking the best physically but by getting you to focus on your mind as your body will just fall in line.

My vision is that in an era of social media where people focus so much on how they look by comparing themselves to others bodies, I feel instead that by making the gym and diet an automatic process will lead to a positive habitual result developing. If you are looking at my profile now you are already making a step to conquering your mental processes.

The gym can be intimidating especially on top of the mental struggles we face on a daily basis. I suffered badly from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) at a young age which led to perfectionism and anxiety developing as I got older but I have managed to conquer these by nailing down my thoughts and changing them predominantly in sport and in the gym. I mention this, as I am now obsessed with helping others grow and develop their mindset as I did as it does not define who you are! Now I am fully qualified, I can dedicate all my time to help you and the struggles you might face daily to get you in the best shape whilst having fun along the way. Let's make this game we call life become automatic by contacting me to start your journey!
BSc Sport & Exercise Sciences Degree
Level 2 Gym Instructor
Level 3 Personal Trainer
Helping you to understand your mental processes
Make going to the gym and eating healthier automatic
Training your mental resilience to overcome anything
Developing muscle hypertrophy
Developing the fundamentals
10 Reviews 10 out of 10
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I retired in 2023 and set myself a goal of becoming a walk leader in 2024. To be able to pass the leader assessment and be fit enough to lead groups, I needed to improve my overall fitness, stamina and mobility. I was always the one at the back of the group, struggling to catch my breath and make it to the top of a hill.

Step one was joining a gym and finding a personal trainer, who could work with me to achieve my goals, both mentally and physically. I wanted someone who would tailor make a programme for me, based on my level of fitness, gym phobia and determination to become a walk leader.

And I struck gold with Lewis. My initial assessment was very insightful and helped us both understand my starting point. From there Lewis was able to devise a realistic programme for me which would help me achieve my goals. Throughout the last few months we have adapted the programme to meet my growing confidence and overall fitness.

It’s been tough at times and without Lewis’s support I am sure that I would have hung up my trainers a long time ago.

He combines professionalism, knowledge, patience, encouragement and always has a cheerful and positive approach to all that he does.

Lewis offers more than gym sessions, he also helps with motivation and nutrition and is available to answer questions and give support outside of the sessions. All of which have been invaluable in helping me achieve my goals.

I can safely say that my fitness, mobility, stamina and confidence have significantly improved. And I am quickly moving towards meeting my goals for 2024.

The benefits of having Lewis as my Personal Trainer have been amazing to both myself and my friends and family (who have noticed the changes I have made).
Jane Biggins
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I have been between jobs at the moment, and realised that I needed to get serious about my fitness in my early sixties. I wasn't at all confident about using a gym and didn't feel good enough to even attend beginner classes in most exercises. I now happily attend the gym 3 times a week with two personalised gym routines and a personalised daily mobility routine. I have developed confidence in using the gym equipment, resilience when exercise seems harder to do and have a safe place to keep physically fit. I was never an exercise person and never had special sports gear, but none of that matters if you know how to move your body properly. BeMindset has given me the confidence to use the gym, improve my stamina, and learn a range of new movements. I realised that confidence matters, especially looking forward to a healthier ageing process.

Lewis is a thoughtful and knowledgeable trainer, who listens to concerns about performing exercises. That means he trains you to do the exercise accurately so you don't injure yourself, but still achieve that exercise. He trained me to work on routines independently as well as working with him in training sessions. The level of support has been very good to help me in achieving my goals. Life events can affect how well you exercise, but developing the resilience to prioritise exercise has helped my whole family actually. Personal trainers are certainly not all the same, as Lewis has shown. His positivity and sense of what you need in training is excellent. He works with you as an individual, and helps you to reach your own goals with considerable care. He wants you to gain skills for your long term physical benefit, and this is exactly what happens.

Lastly, Lewis is completely professional in his interactions with clients, with easy booking of meetings, and monthly payments of fees. I would completely recommend Lewis to anyone trying to achieve their fitness goals. He takes time and care to discover how to work with you to get the results you want. He monitors you to check your current abilities and so knows appropriate safe ways to progress.
Katharine Parris
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I can’t recommend Lewis highly enough. If you are looking to take your understanding, commitment, and personal growth to the next level, Lewis is your man. I say personal growth as Lewis is focused not only on your physical wellbeing and development, but also highly aware of the impact of this on your mental health and vice versa. Lewis’ mindset work throughout each session helps you to see what is possible with consistency and effort, combined with his excellent feedback throughout each exercise. Lewis will make sure that your programme is totally tailored to you, balancing achievement with challenge perfectly so that you are in the optimal zone for development. His passion for a range of different exercise types includes calisthenics, mobility, flexibility, as well as strength training, and all of this combines brilliantly to ensure a well-balanced programme that helps you improve strength and fitness, whilst remaining free of injury. Lewis is always happy to help, even out of session times, and takes an active interest in nutrition, sleep… basically anything that can help you develop and grow. Exceptionally passionate, knowledgeable, and committed – you can’t ask for more than that, and that’s exactly what you get with Lewis.
Josh Turner
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I am very happy to write this recommendation for my personal trainer Lewis
I am 81 and have been going to the gym for many years doing the same workouts, and felt I wasn’t achieving much and decided to work with Lewis as my personal trainer .
After an initial assessment Lewis quickly identified that my posture and core strength were areas needing improvement , he designed a comprehensive programme of mat ,weight and cardiovascular exercises which he set out in a detailed spreadsheet to follow week on week and for me to update and monitor progress . As a way of further clarification and help he prepared a detailed video to show how exercise should be performed . This I found invaluable .
At each session Lewis watched ,encouraged and checked I was doing each routine correctly .He regularly followed through during the week to ensure I was coping and any areas I needed help with ,always happy to assist in any way . He also checked that I was maintaining healthy and nutritious diet.
He has developed a variety of routines to keep me interested and motivated . From being in a bit of a rut at the gym, Lewis has made me focus and understand how my upper and lower muscles work and how each exercise helps . This has given me the drive to improve and develop to have a more healthy ,fit and happy lifestyle
Lewis has a pleasant , warm personality ,very competent, patient and professional and I have thoroughly enjoyed my training sessions with him, he has given me the drive to continue to improve . I would not hesitate to recommend him to other clients

George Cunningham
George cunningham
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I fully recommend Lewis as a personal trainer. He would hold you accountable, He will design an exercise programme to fit your body and your needs . He ll work with you on your mindset. I had such a good experience with Lewis. He taught me to challenge myself and carry on , when things were getting difficult , and not to give up. He gave me guidance on my food choices. After I worked with him for 3 months , I can say now , I like exercise and I like spending time in the gym. Thank you Lewis .
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I was sceptical about getting a personal trainer, but very glad I did in the end! I was so nervous at the gym and would just end up staying on the treadmill the whole time, but Lewis helped me overcome that and I now have the confidence to go pick up the weights on my own. He has helped me with my form and gaining strength back after losing 10 stone and losing all of my muscle.
He is also super friendly, and made me feel at ease!
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Before working with Lewis I had a goal but no idea how I would get there, Lewis unpicked with me the barriers preventing me from going to the gym and prioritising exercise. He supported with my eating and I am feeling more confident to be able to get to where I want to be. The programme is personalised and focused on what is best for me, I would highly recommend Lewis, thank you 😊
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am delighted to recommend Lewis Walkinshaw as my personal trainer. In just two months, Lewis has surpassed my expectations. Initially, I had concerns about my age hindering my physical abilities, but Lewis's expertise and personalized approach eased my worries. He tailored a challenging yet enjoyable fitness program based on my specific needs, limitations, and goals. Lewis's dedication and professionalism are commendable as he motivates me while ensuring my safety. With his extensive knowledge of exercises and training techniques, I have made steady progress. What sets Lewis apart is his ability to make each session enjoyable with his infectious energy and positivity. Beyond training, he provides valuable guidance on nutrition and independent exercises. Lewis's passion and expertise have made a remarkable difference in my life. Thank you, Lewis, for improving my strength and mobility at 80 years old!
Brendan O'Connor
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I enrolled on a 4 week programme with Lewis and it has honestly turned my gym life upside down. I now go to the gym with a goal, a purpose and most importantly with confidence.
My mind set has changed 100% and Ive learnt how to fuel my body better whilst following a structured gym programme. I honestly can't thank Lewis enough for his support and guidance and would highly recommend him.
Laura Willmott
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A great experience and learnt a lot! I did a kick start programme with Lewis to improve motivation. He did a very thorough programme taking into consideration my Scoliosis and my own personnel wants and needs. He was very knowledgeable and improve my technics and introduced new exercises with realistic expectations 👍🏼
Louise Lawrence

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