Your Personal Training
Manraj Dhillon
Manraj Dhillon
New Chiswick Pool
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I am Manraj, a wellbeing advisor, personal development coach and former men’s physique athlete.

I believe myself to be a very intelligent and well rounded individual. Distinguished myself by acts of gallantry above and beyond the bodybuilding world. My exponential actions led me to become a 2 time Men’s Physique Champion in the space of 11 months. I also take pride in excessively studying human nature.

Currently, my focus has shifted from bodybuilding to functional training. I tend to transition between the two, depending on how I feel. Regardless, I am very experienced in both fields.

With the skills and experience I have gained over the past couple years, I would love to help people transform their body through the art of training and nutrition, while also transforming the mind through the art of philosophy and psychology.
Level 2 Fitness Instructor
Level 3 Personal Trainer
BTEC Level 3 in Sport
Strength & Conditioning
Functional Training
Muscle Gain/Fat Loss
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