Your Personal Training
Marcus Dyce
Marcus Dyce
Forest Hill Pools
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My passion for sports started when I was 8 years old when I fell in love with football, playing in to my teens I then found a new passion in rugby and going to the gym.

Once I entered the corporate world I lost touch with these passions for a couple of years, working in sales and recruitment was a high pressure and stressful environment which lead me to sign back up to the gym in 2017, to gain back muscle I had lost.

The biggest shift I noticed was the positive impact this had on my mental health, in 2023 I decided to leave the corporate world and become a fitness instructor helping people to achieve their goals by delivering classes and helping people in the gym, now as a personal trainer I look forward to helping my clients achieve their goals and improve their mental health by feeling and looking better.
Level 3 qualified Personal Trainer
Qualified Boxercise / Boxfit Instructor
Qualified Spin Instructor
Level 2 Fitness Instructor
Muscle Building
Strength & Conditioning
Performance Training
Fat Loss
Toning/ Bodycomposition
Nutritional Advice
Body weight Training
Over 50s
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