Your Personal Training
Mary Anderson
Mary Anderson
Atherton Leisure Centre
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8 votes
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My path to fitness was sparked by an automobile accident that left me with a pelvic fracture and in a wheelchair for three months. After recovering for a year, I began studying to become a fitness instructor, and I completed my studies in 1998.
For over 25 years, I have been committed to changing lives by using advanced methods and personalized strategies to assist clients in reaching their full potential.
My personal training career has resulted in me becoming a specialist in women's fitness. Optimum Performance Training is the method I use to train women of all ages and body types, including younger, pre-and post-natal, and older women, in accordance with their needs.
My clients have achieved the best results through these specific stages of training which include; stabilisation, strength endurance training, muscular development, and power training.
Nutrition plays a key contributing role to your overall health. I am an advocate of holistic nutrition that takes into account an individual's unique needs, lifestyle, and environment. I hold the belief that adopting healthy habits can result in a more fulfilling lifestyle. I also acknowledge the difficulties involved in establishing new fitness routines. My objective is to transform your perception of fitness so that it seamlessly fits into your lifestyle.

“The best investment is in yourself “
Book your free personal training session now!
• Level Four Exercise and Nutritional Interventions for Obesity and Diabetes
• Level Three Personal Trainer
• Women’s Fitness Specialist
• Exercise Referral
• Ante/Post Natal
• Older Adults
• Kettlebell Training
• TRX Suspension Training
• Boxercise Instructor
Women’s Health & Fitness
Holistic Nutrition
1-2-1 Women’s Boxing
Weight Management
Functional Training
Core Stability
High-Intensity Interval Training
Spin Cycle
8 Reviews 8 out of 8
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I started training with Mary 3 years ago having decided it was finally time to get my diet in check and establish regular exercise into my routine, after a lifetime of unhealthy habits and yoyo-ing weight. I started from absolute zero in terms of fitness. Mary's no-nonsense approach and depth of knowledge about nutrition and training really helped me to get on track and start to build up the discipline I needed. She was extremely supportive in my hiatus and return to training after a required surgery, and later on in creating a tailored training plan for me when I took on a demanding Alpine trek for charity, which I definitely would not have survived without her! Having lost the best part of 10kg, and built muscle and toned, I am now in the best shape of my life all thanks to her.
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I have been training with Mary for over 6 years and she is an extremely experienced, committed and professional personal trainer. Her expertise, encouragement, and tailored workouts have helped me achieve my fitness goals and develop a healthier lifestyle, and I am now stronger and fitter than I have ever been. I enjoy the variety and challenge of the workouts and the fact that Mary is focused on helping me achieve my goals. My fitness level has increased, my technique has improved and I am much stronger.
I would highly recommend her services.
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I have been training with Mary for over 6 years and she is an extremely experienced, committed and professional personal trainer. Her expertise, encouragement, and tailored workouts have helped me achieve my fitness goals and develop a healthier lifestyle, and I am now stronger and fitter than I have ever been. I enjoy the variety and challenge of the workouts and the fact that Mary is focused on helping me achieve my goals. My fitness level has increased, my technique has improved and I am much stronger.
I would highly recommend her services.
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I started PT sessions with Mary after feeling very faint at LM Body Pump classes. I needed a PT who understood the challenges of menopause and could work around them with me. Mary is extremely knowledgeable about fitness and nutrition and great at adapting each session according to my needs on any given day. I’ve lost weight, toned up and feel much stronger and more confident. I genuinely look forward to each training session and would recommend Mary to anyone to improve their fitness and wellbeing.
Caroline Thomson
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I met Mary in 2017 when I joined her superb spin and box fit classes. I was so inspired by her energy and enthusiasm that I took up personal training sessions with her. I embarked on a health and fitness journey that changed my life. With Mary's motivation and support, I lost over 3 stones and have never looked back. I wish to thank Mary for all her help with changing my diet and exercise routines. She is an inspiration to all that meets her.
Vanessa K
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Few years ago I met Mary at the gym where she is a Personal Trainer. I spoke with her about my struggles with losing weight, I was so lost and didn’t know what to do to achieve my goals.
She recommended me some sessions with her. I trained with Mary for around 3-4 months and I lost 10kg. I achieved my goal!
Mary’s approach was so impactful and important. What she taught me would remain with me for the rest of my life.
Rebecca Dan
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Since working with Mary I have lost weight, become stronger and fitter as well as become more motivated to make my health and well-being a priority.

Mary understands women’s bodies and how to motivate us. I like that she can relate to being an ‘older’ woman and different life stages and she understands how to help me to feel better no matter what part of my cycle.

Mary genuinely cares about her clients and our progress. She’s always looking for new ways to help and challenge us!

Getting personal training with Mary has really been worth the investment in myself.
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I started my fitness journey with Mary 7 years ago. With her guidance, I achieved incredible results and gained the confidence to continue solo.
Despite gaining weight during lockdown, Mary welcomed me back and helped me shed over 20lb, lose fat, and build muscle. Her expertise in diet and nutrition has been invaluable. Mary's encouragement has made all the difference. Now, I feel happier, healthier, stronger, and more confident than ever!

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