Your Personal Training
Michael Holman
Michael Holman
Hough End Leisure Centre
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9 votes
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Having spent my teens and twenties focusing on health, fitness and competing in a range of sports, my fitness took a back seat as work and other responsibilities became seemingly more important. It was only then that I realised not pushing myself physically was having a negative impact in other aspects of my life. As I got back to a good level of fitness I realised my passion lay in helping others do the same.

I realise how daunting it can be starting out, with so much information out there and the prospect of getting into the gym alone it’s not easy to kick things off. This is one of the areas I can help you with. I believe in working with you to get a real understanding of what you are looking to achieve, putting in place an achievable set of goals, and then working together to train, educate, and push you beyond those goals. The confidence gained from stepping out of your comfort zone is enormous, and the benefits not only physically but also mentally are hugely rewarding.

Whether you are someone looking to start the journey to better health and fitness or someone who has hit a plateau and wants that support and focus to move onto the next level, I can help you achieve what you are looking for. I believe in building a solid working relationship that makes training enjoyable while pushing you to be the best version of yourself.
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing
Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training
Weight Loss
Weight Management
Cardio Conditioning
Strength Training
9 Reviews 9 out of 9
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I highly recommend Mike as a personal trainer. From the very beginning, he helped me gain confidence and competence in the gym, making a significant impact on my fitness journey. Mike was an absolute pleasure to work with; his friendly demeanor and approachable nature made every session enjoyable. He always made me feel comfortable, ensuring that each workout was tailored specifically to my needs.
Mike was incredibly accommodating, always finding ways to fit sessions into my busy schedule. His support and encouragement were instrumental in helping me achieve my fitness goals. I am now delighted with my results and have developed a genuine love for the gym. No matter which gym I go to, I feel confident using any equipment thanks to Mike's guidance. His expertise and dedication are outstanding, and I couldn't have asked for a better trainer. If you're looking for someone to help you transform your fitness routine, I highly recommend Mike!
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Before I met Mike I was stuck and confused about what I was supposed to be doing in the gym and at home in terms of food and nutrition. Now, I feel confident and so much more capable than I ever have. Mike really takes the time to explain all exercises in detail, whilst being your biggest supporter and motivator as well. I have felt safe and comfortable in Mike’s company which is really important when working with a PT in my opinion.
Mike has also been very supportive with regards to my personal issues that I’ve encountered recently, taking the time to provide a space where I can vent and talk about such difficulties. This has been so helpful as mind and body are working together, always.
I’ve got to a place where I feel confident to tackle the gym alone but will miss Mike’s company and enthusiasm. I’m sure I’ll be back for a top up session soon enough.
Thanks for all your support Mike, it’s much appreciated.
Aimee Jay
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To say Mike has changed my life wouldn’t be an exaggeration. I’ve just come to the end of training with Mike for just over 18 months.

I started training with him at my heaviest weight. I was unhappy, unsure what to do in the gym and my confidence was rock bottom. I knew I needed to change but didn’t know how. For the last 18 months Mike has guided me through weight training programmes and has been my biggest cheerleader. He is genuinely interested in you as a person and your development, he is kind, caring and patient, but will always push you to do your very best. I’ve grown to love the gym and am now confident enough to continue on my own.

If you are looking for a PT, please don’t hesitate to book in with Mike. It’ll be the best decision you’ll ever make.
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I never thought i will lose weight but after meeting Michael he build up my confidence and i could see change in my weight and i loved going to the gym because of him Michael is a very friendly and funny person easy to talk to and that's what we need in a personal trainer a person who we can openly share our weight problems so if your a looking for personal trainer Michael is the one thanks.
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I was a regular in the gym before I booked a weekly session with Mike. Previously I was getting bored not having a programme and not knowing how to use the equipment in the weights area. I wanted to achieve muscle tone and become confident to use the weights. Mike was great because he asked me what I wanted to achieve and gradually worked with me on a programe that built my strength up to a level were I was lifting heavy weights and achieving my goal. He talks through what you are doing and explains why, and is knowledgeable on nutrition too. Not only did I finish training with Mike confident enough to continue on my own having achieved my goal, I really enjoyed my sessions because he's so easy to work with and very positive and motivating, I always looked forward to my sessions.
I definitely recommend using Mike.
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Training with Mike has given me a totally new understanding of what my body can do. After a year of lockdown and losing my fitness habit, Mike has given me confidence and enthusiasm about exercising again. I feel pushed to work hard and surpass what I’ve done before, but very safe and without any pressure. The strength section can be intimidating but Mike’s relaxed and kind attitude cuts through that, and I’m now happy to go and train by myself, setting up equipment without any concerns.

I can see and feel the physical results, but just as importantly I am really grateful for the clear-mindedness and increased energy levels that come from regular training. I’ve been having sessions with Mike for a few months now and look forward to continuing them.
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I highly recommend Mike as a personal trainer. I’ve never been a person that enjoyed the gym or understood the importance of lifting weights. Since having sessions with Mike I’ve loved training. My overall strength and fitness has improved and I am now able to complete exercises I would never have attempted on my own.
Sessions with Mike are always fun and motivating. He pushes me to achieve my personal goals and supports this through training and nutrition.
I honestly couldn’t recommend a better personal trainer.
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As a 38 year old guy, I have spent portions of my life in and out of gyms. I’ve toyed with fitness off and on, from intense bouts of cardio for weight loss, to body pump classes, to swimming. There has never been any consistency to these periods. I’ve always been a little intimidated by gyms truth be told. Until I met Mike. From our first meeting, he made me feel completely at ease, and we discussed all of my past successes and failures, in a way that showed he really cared about making a real positive change. His tone is warm and affable and very supportive. He makes you feel like you are accountable to him, but in a really good, engaging way. I’m nearly a year on now with him, and I’m delighted with how my fitness is progressing. I have stopped smoking. I feel stronger and more confident. I feel better in clothes. My bad back has (fingers crossed) long gone. Mike adapts our sessions to my aims without any issue, and I really do relish coming to our sessions, which I never thought I’d say about exercise or a gym.
I couldn’t recommend Mike more. He’s one of life’s good guys, and, from my experience, letting him help you from a health and fitness perspective will really make your life better.
Thank you Mike for all of your support to date.
John Spencer
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My PT sessions with Mike are up there in my top 3 purchases! I was previously quite lost in the gym and scared of the strength area. After spending 10 weeks with Mike I grew to love squatting, deadlifts and upper body weights. The confidence it has given me inside and out the gym has been incredible. Mike is very approachable, patient and kind. I couldn’t have asked for a better trainer to introduce me to a love of the gym and exercise!

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