Your Personal Training
Muftah Dagali
Muftah Dagali
Pancras Square Leisure
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117 votes
About Qualifications Specialisms Location Reviews
Hi all!! My name is Muftah Dagali. I am a Personal Trainer and a Nutritionist. I want to help you to improve your body composition, have more energy, sleep better, and live a happier, healthier, and more confident life.

This is what I love to do because going to the gym transformed me from low self-esteemed, super skinny and a lonely immigrant to a confident, fairly muscular, and happy professional. Let me help you to view the gym as a tool to improve your quality of life rather than a financial outgoing that causes you disappointment, low self-worth, and self-resentment.

Thank you for reading my biography. If I haven’t introduced myself to you already, please feel free to say hi. I promise, I won’t bite
Level 2 Fitness Instruction & Level 3 Personal Training
BSc Biomedical Sciences (First Class Honours)
MSc Nutrition (Distinction)
PhD (quit in the 2nd year. Say hi to know why)
Muscle Mass/Tone
Losing Weight
Ladies Muscle Tone
117 Reviews 117 out of 117
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Muftah is a great PT! His knowledge base is so broad on how the body works with each movement, and what each exercise can do for you. Our session was amazing and he broke everything down into such a simple and smart way, which has not been done for me before.

Muftah's enthusiasm, positivity and passion for sharing everything he knows to help improve people's lifestyles, is infectious. It has given me the confidence to change the way I think about me "not being someone who belongs in a gym" and look forward to making it a part of my lifestyle and routine.

In the same way you never regret doing a workout, you will never regret contacting Muftah to help you with your fitness journey.
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I haven't had the opportunity to work directly with Muftah as my personal trainer, but his presence and enthusiasm at the gym have been incredibly impactful on my own training journey. Muftah's passion for fitness and genuine interest in helping everyone around him is truly inspiring.

Despite not being his client, Muftah always takes the time to check in with me to see how he can assist with my training. His extensive knowledge and generosity to share invaluable tips have greatly improved my workouts. For instance, he gave me personalised advice on my squat form by assessing my hip range of motion and suggesting the optimal foot placement and angle for my body type. This small adjustment made a huge difference!

Muftah has also offered multiple nutrition tips and countless other pieces of advice. Observing him work with his clients, I’ve seen firsthand the progress they make under his guidance!

One of the most beneficial concepts Muftah taught me was the importance of tempo in training. His explanation and demonstration of how to effectively use tempo have transformed my approach to workouts, making them more efficient and effective.

I wholeheartedly recommend Muftah to anyone looking to elevate their fitness routine. His enthusiasm, knowledge, and dedication to his clients' success are unmatched. If you want to take your training to the next level, Muftah is the trainer to guide you there!
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Before working with Muftah, I was unsure about the possible improvements in a lot of areas of my weight training. I was unaware until I ran into Muftah and he being extremely polite and kind person, helped me to observe the flaws in my exercises and how should I approach it later to improve on it.
Given the visible improvements in my health and fitness since working with Muftah, I can see why people love to work out with him and refer him more and more. Therefore, I’d love to refer him to more of my friends/colleagues as well whoever is looking for a diligent trainer.
The best features of Muftah’s service are:-
1. He is very attentive and concerned of his clients.
2. He is progress-focused and his quality of constantly striving for best increases the pace of improvement of his clients.
3. He is very enthusiastic about his work and that itself is very inspiring to continue working with him.

Can’t wait to have more sessions with Muftah, and his community building skills have helped me to connect to lot more capable individuals and I am extremely thankful for that.
Shivang Chaudhary
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I’ve seen Muftah in the gym regularly, greeting people as they come into the gym first thing in the morning - he is friendly, enthusiastic and makes the effort to know your name and find out what your goals are. This morning I had a complimentary PT session with him in which he had prepared a routine prior to our session. As well as being shown how to use the weight machines properly (some of which I hadn’t been), I found a key part of the session was learning the importance of tempo, reps and RIR. I would highly recommend Muftah to anyone looking for a PT. His energy is infectious, he really cares and wants you to get the best out of your workouts. I look forward to putting into practice what he taught me today and seeing the results. Thanks Muftah!
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The first thing you’ll notice about Muftah is his infectious smile and energy, it will put you immediately at ease and you’ll want to pick his brain and absorb his knowledge. The level of passion and dedication for what he does and his utmost desire to help people be the best versions of themselves is unlike any I’d ever seen. He is incredibly approachable and clearly someone who has taken the time to learn, is constantly learning and wants to share this and make a clear, positive impact on people who are ready to take action in improving their lives. He strikes me as someone who is able to transform even what one might consider weaknesses into strengths.

During our introductory session, he gifted me with so much of his time and energy. The way he creates an absolute safe space to talk through your experiences and fears and pivot them into motivations and goals is beyond inspiring. We touched on nutrition, fitness but above all mindset because he understands how fundamental that is especially at the start of a self improvement journey. And that bettering yourself in the gym doesn’t just stay there but transcends to other areas of your life. I believe it was no coincidence that I met him at this stage of my life, even the briefest of interactions with Muftah will leave you inspired and motivated to become the best you can be. I would wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone serious in improving their lives because he delivers the whole package!

Thank you Muftah, keep up the good work :)
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I had two meetings with Mufta and it was life changing. Mufta is not only interested in weight loss or muscle strength, he actually takes time to get to know you, and try to understand your pattern of behaviour and relationship with food. He is non-judgemental and very passionate about his work. This is not just a financial business for him, he cares about people's wellbeing and I love the way he works with changing the mindset first and understanding how the body works. Mufta is AMAZING! I couldn't ask for a better coach. Thank you for all your hard work and motivation to help us achieve our goals.
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I have been working with Muftah for just over 12 weeks. I decided to approach a personal trainer as I was struggling to motivate myself to exercise, despite being really unhappy with my fitness level and how I felt in my body. I was apprehensive at first and it was a stretch for me financially, but it was definitely the right choice to sign up to Muftah and I’m so glad I did. In a matter of weeks he has helped me to recalibrate my mindset and how I think about the gym so that it has actually become something that’s enjoyable (most of the time!) and that I can maintain. I thought I would struggle to get to the gym and to push myself once there - yes, some days are harder than others, but so far I’ve managed to work out 3 days a week, which prior to working with Muftah was unthinkable for me. There is also a great community to celebrate your wins, and pick you up and cheer you on when you are struggling. Muftah’s energy is infectious. He is very knowledgeable but also kind, compassionate and understanding, and he will work with you to find an approach that suits you. I’ve even recently taken up jogging, which I previously declared I hated, and found out that actually it’s not too bad and I am determined to continue! If you work with Muftah, you won’t regret it!
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I reached out recently to Muftah as I was seeing him quite a lot at the gym with clients but also hanging around with his contagious energy! :-) As I am looking into getting a PT to help me achieve my objectives especially as a volleyball player, I sat with Muftah and we had a really great conversation about optimizing working out in general. Conscious that Muftah is specialized in other areas of fitness (not in volleyball particularly), Muftah still gave me great generic insights and knowledge which I didn't have. We touch based on some concepts together and Muftah kindly gave me a complimentary session so he could show me more about these in practice and highlight exercises I should do to enhance specific skills. Also, during the session, Muftah challenged me with good will and warmth, which I feel is essential in a PT; making sure that the environment is safe and that he is at our disposal, supporting in every way he can. I am very much recommending Muftah if you want to discover more about fitness, nutrition and other topics as Muftah has great qualities as a lifestyle coach. Reach out to him without hesitation!
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During my first free session with Muftah, we had a good 1 hour long conversation about what I want, what my goals are and how to achieve them. I told him I wanted to look like and get Brad Pitts body from the movie fight club. I’ve asked him questions and he gave me his best advice and made it simple for me to understand and to go and take action, better than these health and fitness influencers on social media giving bad advice and making things complicated. I will be honest I haven’t actually worked with Muftah but I’ve known him for about 10 months and I can’t wait to be able to train with him in the future. From our conversation I and the reviews I have read about him after I met him and I can see why he’s a great personal trainer.
Khalil Sattar
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Muftah is so inspirational, I have spoken to a few personal trainers in my time, and on this occasion I felt the trainer cared for me more as an individual than a paycheck.
Personally I cannot commit financially to a PT but if, and when I can, it would be Muftah 100% and I would happily recommend him to anyone who can, or to even seek advice to reach out to Muftah. Friendly, approachable and genuinely just wants to help any individual succeed
Muftah knew my circumstances however I didn’t feel treated any differently and he still gave me 100% of his attention and some wonderful opportunities and advice. I felt motivated and inspired in gym, diet but also just in general life
I’m currently not a client but I do enjoy bumping into Muftah while at the gym and just having a quick conversation as that just testament to his caring and friendly character
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Before starting my training with Muftah I struggled to find the motivation to maintain a consistent workout routine and I had difficulty sticking to a balanced diet, which impacted my overall fitness progress. Despite my efforts, I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted, and it was disheartening.
Since beginning my training I’ve seen steady improvements in my strength and endurance, which has been incredibly motivating and I’ve learned how to make healthier food choices that fuel my workouts and support my fitness goals.
Compared to before, I feel fantastic about my health and fitness. I’m more energetic, confident, and motivated. I feel equipped with the knowledge and habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The customised workout plans tailored to my specific goals and fitness level have been incredibly effective. Muftah’s expertise and clear instructions have helped me perform exercises correctly and safely.
I would highly recommend Muftah’s services to anyone looking to hire a personal trainer.
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I got invited for a one-off session to meet with Muftah through a referral, he gave me a full workout plan, access to his app for nutrition advice and an open invitation to ask for his advice anytime!

Prior to our session, he asked me to fill out a detailed questionnaire to know what I am seeking and the difficulties that I am facing with the gym, nutrition and habits, and he referred to my answers throughout our session, it really showed how much he read through and cares about helping me! We had a very in-depth conversation about who I am, how do I like to work, and what advice do I need to keep on a healthy, attainable and constant journey of improvement.
Creating and keeping to a schedule is tricky, and the smallest bump in the road can push me off the path that I need, Muftah gave me a whole new perspective on how to deal with this: by giving myself the flexibility to not always do a 1 hour gym session everyday, but to at least have a moment everyday for myself to have some kind of movement/exercise daily. Even just 5 minutes whilst I make some eggs, can be enough without feeling guilty.

To think, what am I capable of doing today?

I would 100% recommend Muftah. He is dedicated, super passionate and ready to help anyone wherever they are on their journey!
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In our first session we spoke for over an hour to talk about the root of why I was going to the gym. It was an excellent conversation where I got to know Muftah a bit more. Talking with him helped me figure out what I want to do in my fitness journey and how to navigate it. He is such a bubbly, enthusiatic person and is eager to help you become your best self, both mentally and physically. Muftah is a great person to talk to, especially if you have never had any experience in the gym before and even if you have experience. I would definitely reccommend him as a PT, not only because he knows what he is doing but is also someone who is down to earth and easy to talk to and not judgemental in any way, shape or form.
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Muftah provided an exceptional coaching experience by tailoring a workout plan specifically for my fitness goals.

His positive attitude and motivational style made the session both enjoyable and productive. I highly recommend Muftah to anyone seeking a personal trainer. His personalised approach, extensive knowledge, and passion for fitness make him an outstanding choice for achieving health and fitness goals.
Sotiris Pittokopitis
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I highly recommend Muftah to anyone looking for a personal trainer. His enthusiasm, professionalism, and genuine desire to help have kept me motivated and on track.

Muftah fully understood where I was coming from and where I wanted to be, ensuring that my training aligned with progressing towards my goals. His wealth of practical and theoretical knowledge has proven invaluable in providing a different perspective to my training and challenging me to be prepared to recalibrate and try different approaches.

Muftah has had a huge, measurable impact on my training. It is always a pleasure to see him in the gym!
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I was fortunate to win a lottery for a free month of personal training that Muftah organized for attendees of his free workshops in January 2024. This generous setup demonstrates Muftah's genuine desire to see his clients succeed in their personal journeys, not just to advance his own business.

During the month of personal training, we met once a week, four times in total. I also had access to his bi-weekly group workshops on Thursday and Sunday mornings, where he invites any of his clients to review the technique of specific exercises. In our one-on-one sessions, Muftah reviewed my motivations for starting a new exercise regime and really listened to understand my personal perspectives on weight loss. I valued his listening skills and openness to understand my reasons beyond the obvious ones. However, I would have preferred to start learning the workout techniques sooner, instead of concentrating this learning in the third and fourth sessions.

In those last two one-on-one sessions, Muftah was very thorough as always. I wish I could have reviewed the exercises with him a few more times because although he is a clear communicator and provides intuitive tips on proper positioning, it is a lot of information to take in. However, what’s most important is that I know if I run into Muftah in a week, two weeks, or even eight weeks from now, he will greet me with the same interest and friendliness. If he’s free, he will try to help as much as possible. This is the spirit of a true educator!
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Review for Muftah

I did my research to find a PT that could bring more discipline into my life, by teaching me not only how to exercise in the gym but to encourage me to change the mindsets that were pushing me back. I was so much in my brain instead of actually acting on my goals of getting mentally and physically stronger, I was losing trust in myself and dealing with a lot of anxiety and lack of purpose. When I read Muftah’s bio and realised he was also an immigrant and had gone through similar struggles, I thought it would be a great fit for my objectives.

This has proven to be the right decision. In the last few weeks, Muftah (and his community) have taught me many new things or acted as a catalyst for putting into practice things that I only knew before theoretically. He has really identified (and continues to identify) the key areas I needed to understand and put into practice to make things happen. I could share many, but the next are a few of them.

The first lesson is that to get better at anything, you need to narrow the improvement space to key goals, do your research within a reasonable timeframe, embody the identity of people that do what you want to do, and then focus on implementing tiny actions to get there. Then celebrate when you make each of them happen and/or iterate and try differently when you don’t. The goal itself is no longer as important as doing each action and reviewing your trajectory. Hence, I’ve started living my life more fully and my actions are more purposeful and steady, and less scattered.

The second lesson is that to achieve the above you need to be willing to really invest your resources: money, time and energy. Because I’m sacrificing these to improve myself, I’m also taking ownership of my development and positive outcomes.

The third lesson is that it really helps to surround yourself with other people that are putting effort into improving themselves and are open to share both their struggles and the tips from their successes. In that sense, the kind and generous community that Muftah has built has been a big part of the successes in my journey, and I’ve met and deeply connected with really nice and wise people of all ages.

Muftah’s amazing support, knowledge, structure, encouragement, and positive energy, plus his app to keep track of your workouts and habits have helped me feel more motivated and confident about my journey and capabilities. For example, I’ve been able to not miss any of my 3 weekly gym sessions for the last 6 weeks, which in return has made me progress really fast in several of the exercises that Muftah has designed for me. I’ve also successfully implemented other healthy habits in parallel, like drinking more water and walking more. And most importantly, I’m already positively impacting the people I care about in different areas of my life.

The quality and depth of the service Muftah offers is very rare to find, mostly because of his holistic and research-based approach to change your mindset and/or physique and give you access to a community of really nice people, and that goes beyond what a regular PT would provide you with. If this resonates with you, and you’re lucky to be in London to be coached directly by him before he goes to the enterprise level, really stop your research and message him, it will change your life :)
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I did my research to find a PT that could bring more discipline into my life, by teaching me not only how to exercise in the gym but to encourage me to change the mindsets that were pushing me back. I was so much in my brain instead of actually acting on my goals of getting mentally and physically stronger, I was losing trust in myself and dealing with a lot of anxiety and lack of purpose, despite the therapy I was doing. When I read Muftah’s bio and realised he was also an immigrant and had gone through similar struggles, I thought it would be a great fit for my objectives.

This has proven to be the right decision. In the last few weeks, Muftah (and his community) have taught me many new things or acted as a catalyst for putting into practice things that I only knew before theoretically. He has really identified (and continues to identify) the key areas I needed to understand and put into practice to make things happen. I could share many, but the next are a few of them.

The first lesson is that to get better at anything, you need to narrow the improvement space to key goals, do your research within a reasonable timeframe, recognise the people that do what you want to do and embody that identity, and then focus on implementing tiny actions to get there. Then celebrate when you make each of them happen and/or iterate and try differently when you don’t. The goal itself is no longer as important as doing each action and reviewing your trajectory. Hence, I’ve started living my life more fully and my actions are more purposeful and steady, and less scattered.

The second lesson is that to achieve the above you need to be willing to really invest your resources: money, time and energy. Because I’m sacrificing these to improve myself, I’m also taking ownership of my development and positive outcomes.

The third lesson is that it really helps to surround yourself with other people that are putting effort into improving themselves and are open to share both their struggles and the tips from their successes. In that sense, the kind and generous community that Muftah has built has been a big part of the successes in my journey, and I’ve met and deeply connected with really nice and wise people of all ages.

Muftah’s amazing support and structure, knowledge and wisdom, encouragement and positive energy; his app to keep track of your workouts/habits; plus his suggestion for me to get a biometric tracker; have all helped me feel more motivated and confident about my journey and capabilities. For example, I’ve been able to not miss any of my 3 weekly gym sessions for the last 6 weeks, which in return has made me progress really fast in several of the exercises that Muftah has designed for me. I’ve also successfully implemented other healthy habits in parallel, like drinking more water and walking more. And most importantly, with my new mindsets I’m already positively impacting the people I care about in different areas of my life. Even my therapist has recognised the big improvements I'm going through!

The quality and depth of the service Muftah offers is very rare to find, mostly because of his holistic and research-based approach to change your mindset and/or physique and give you access to a community of really nice people, and that goes beyond what a regular PT would provide you with. If this resonates with you, and you’re lucky to be in London to be coached directly by him before he goes to the enterprise level, really stop your research and message him, it will change your life :)
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Muftah, a personal trainer that exceeds expectations. Muftah identified my needs as more than push/pull/lift. I was inexperienced in the fitness and my sessions in the gym were just randomly exercising with no intention or direction. I needed help in both areas, approaching a personal trainer was scary yet I was quickly assured Muftah was the right trainer for me, with phenomenal results.
My journey began with assessing my needs, displaying a fantastic ability to understand me, my needs, what drives me (what didn’t) Muftah showed unequivocal patience during the initial period where I had to learn so much so quickly. Muftah supported me through that stage, reassuring never judgemental, never comparing me.
Mind, Body & Soul. Muftah’s service extends much further than ‘a session’ when you join Muftah you join an immersive experience that promotors self-development of the Mind, Body & Soul.
Form workshop, if your already using Pancras Square gym, you’ll see Sunday/Thursday Muftah holds a workshop for all his clients, an opportunity to discuss issues from Nutritional cheats, idea sharing, check form for exercises, check in with progress and some absolute spectacular mind set/soulful discussions.
Muftah’s community, social media at its best. A place where like minded people can chat about experiences, share knowledge, grow, be accountable & celebrate achieving our goals.
Monthly events(client of the month), the community gathers once a month on an event which has included Archery and Tough Mudder bringing the community together to take part in an event – albeit some competitiveness shows through – its such great fun. Client of the month, wow the client who achieves the goals set out by Muftah, receives points, points mean prizes, when you win you get to celebrate buy choosing an event.
Mind, Body and Soul. A journey I have so much to be thankful for, never looking back at the investment I gave my self with a PT who’s service delivers because he genuinely cares about us - you
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Before I started working with Muftah I was overweight and lacked confidence and motivation to make changes. I also felt very intimidated by the gym environment.

Muftah offered me a very tailored service and we began to work together on my transformation.

Working with Muftah was the best decision I have taken in years. I now think more positively, have confidence using the gym, lost weight and gained muscle.

Muftah is a very caring, knowledgeable and enthusiastic individual, I would thoroughly recommend Muftah to anyone to needs a Personal Trainer.
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Muftah has given me really great advices not only with gym exercises but also motivational advices. you can tell he really loves helping and training people and doesn’t just do it as a random job but put his heart in what he does. He cares about his student progress and wish to one day maybe have a full training program with him as I can see he really cares. He’s really kind and gave me aside from exercises advice also nutrition advices.

He’s always available to help even if you’re not doing a training program with him.

I suggest Muftah to anyone that would like to start a gym journey or even just have some advices and motivation.

Really had fun doing the session and felt extremely motivated to continue.
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Hi! I’ve been training with Muftah for over a year and a half, and he’s an absolutely fantastic coach. He’s very kind and patient. He helped me to lose more than 15kg, and taught me so much knowledge about nutrition and fitness, which completely changed my lifestyle. I’ve never felt this healthy, strong and self-disciplined.

In recent months, he even pushed the program to a higher level, he set up a daily habit check-in, which is really useful for me to plan my daily food intake, work, and sleeping times. He also organised a weekly run in the park once a week, with the community members, I really enjoyed it.

I would definitely recommend Muftah to anyone who’s looking for a personal trainer!!
Yumo Yuan
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Hello. I am Andrea and I couldn’t be happier to write about my training experience with Muftah! I have started working out again recently after a couple of years during which my only exercise was pool swimming. I have seen Muftah several times in the gym working with other clients and each time I was really impressed by his enthusiastic attitude and smiley expression. More than once, I thought: “Wow, it must be great working out with him!”. One day he introduced himself to me and we ended up chatting. By chance, I mentioned to him that a few years earlier I had injured my back while deadlifting. To my surprise, he invited me straight away to one of his focus training sessions on deadlift. That was my lucky day indeed. Training under his supervision was such a great experience!

Our meeting was scheduled on a Sunday afternoon. Muftah came on time to the second, which I really appreciated. During the session, Muftah explained me thoroughly everything there is to know about how to deadlift correctly. He started by recommending me the bar to use. He then explained me how to position my feet on the ground to better stabilise the body, all the body movements in details, as well as how to breathe properly during each repetition. I was amazed by the level of detail of Muftah’s explanations. I trained the exercise several times, while Muftah was observing me and correcting my mistakes. This is when I realised just how bad my technique was, despite the fact that I had done gym training for several years in the past, and how helpful training with Muftah was for me to improve my technique. Overall, I did expect to have a great time training with Muftah, but this experience really surpassed my expectations!

Looking back at my own experience, I cannot stress enough how much I enjoyed training with Muftah and how much I found the training useful to improve my technique in deadlifting. Therefore, I strongly recommend him not only for gym noobs, but also for more experienced people who want to improve their techniques. With his friendly and professional attitude, I have really no doubts you will also have great training experiences.
Andrea Cairoli
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I’ve been training with Muftah for 2 months and it’s been a mind and body-changing process. He guides you to a routine of self-knowledge beyond what was expected.

Also, the features of his program include an app with a lot of information about nutrition, the body, muscles, daily goals, and more.

Beyond that, his program has workshops to share knowledge and community events to celebrate the big wins of everybody. It is amazing for an immigrant like me to know nice people around the city with the same vibes as you want to pursue.

About the session and training, he has an amazing friend-professional attitude. Every session I learn something new. His contagious energy and positivity are quite something for me, because I am a very introverted person, but I appreciate his attitude because it makes me leave my comfort zone.
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Muftah is unique, the service you will receive far exceeds the title of Personal Trainer. When you first meet Muftah he will listen to your needs, ask you about your goals and produce a nutritional & physical program. Muftah will assess your mindset and provide you with the support and guidance to build a fantastic positive mindset to compliment your hard work.
Nutrition, mind & body. Is there more...?
Included in his incredible service is the community, which encompasses social media and in person this is so much fun its addictive. There are frequent form workshops, which answer the many questions you may have from the sublime to the obvious, like minded people gathering together to discuss/share/learn/grow. The community also takes part in events outside the 'gym' environment and there's a prize for the client of the month!
Muftah's professionalism, knowledge, energy, drive and passion is intoxicating and will motivate you to achieve not only your goals but your dreams.
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Where do I even start with Muftah!

He has been my personal trainer for almost five years now, and the changes I have seen with him over this time have been remarkable. I have lost 20 kilos, which has transformed my life in every aspect: mentally, physically, and in my ability to approach tasks more efficiently.

The level of professionalism I have received from Muftah has been incredible. He has stood by me, offering guidance and care every step of the way. Muftah understands that my personal life significantly influences my behavior and mood. He frequently takes note of any personal problems I am facing and helps me work through them.

Every session, if I walk in feeling down or unmotivated, Muftah ensures that by the end of our time together, I am at my best. He guarantees that I have had the best hour of my day with him. Muftah is dedicated to teaching me about my body, how to train independently when I am traveling, and the right tips and tricks to stay on track, even when life throws unexpected curveballs.

Each session, he asks what I learned the most and how I will implement it into my life right away. We have a growing community of his clients, and Muftah fosters such a healthy and positive environment. It would be silly to go with anyone else but Muftah as your personal trainer.

If you're looking for a PT who is professional, knowledgeable, and genuinely cares about your overall well-being, look no further than Muftah. He has changed my life, and I am confident he can do the same for you.
Ronick Somaiya
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I had chatted with Muftah a couple of times and he knew that as a complete novice I wanted to learn more about strength training, but had been a bit hesitant to do it for fear of injury and because I am so unfamiliar with the equipment, etc. I joined his deadlifts workshop and was amazed at how easy Muftah made it! I learned about technique and gained more confidence in an area of the gym I actively avoid! I would definitely recommend him as a PT. He cares for people's wellbeing and he is passionate about what he does.
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My recent participation in a workshop on squat mechanics, led by Muftah, proved to be a highly beneficial learning experience. Before attending, a lack of comprehensive knowledge and unfounded concerns regarding potential injury led to the exclusion of squats from my gym regimen.

Muftah's instruction, however, provided a thorough and insightful exploration of the squat exercise, effectively bridging the knowledge gap I previously possessed. His approachable demeanor and extensive knowledge fostered a positive learning environment, where all inquiries were addressed with patience and understanding.

Based on this experience, I strongly recommend Muftah's services as a personal trainer. His expertise and ability to effectively communicate complex concepts would benefit a wide range of clients.
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Muftah Is a great personal trainer and most of all most welcoming and energetic person I’ve met at any gym. From the first time I’ve seen him at the gym he’s always smiling and welcoming to anyone and anybody who comes to the gym and makes you feel welcome first thing in the morning even on days you’re feeling lethargic he’s there to energise you with his presence. I spoke to Muftah one day after a session when he came to tell me he noticed how regularly I’ve been attending the gym and we had a really great chat about what my goals were and my attendance and I walked away feeling like I was on the right path and assured. It was great to feel noticed for my dedication and since then he’s always taking the time in between his sessions with client to check on how I’m doing and even given tips on how to improve my workouts when I’ve asked for some pointers. He’s an all round great guy and very informed person trainer and we need more personal trainers to be just like him, caring, professional and curated to their clients needs.
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I had a very good experience with personal trainer Muftah. He is incredibly precise and well versed in the art of training and in the process of improving the health of his clients. Working out with him has provided me with a lot of clarity and I’d definitely recommend him to anyone I know who is sincerely looking for gym. Very enthusiastic and just the right amount of dedication expected from a high class trainer.
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I had a great squats form session with Muftah. Really nice guy with great energy. I had a great time and I learned a lot which gave me the confidence to do squats more often. I've always been scared of them as I wasn't sure about my form and thought I would injure myself. Muftah really helped me gain confidence in my form. He was able to explain the exercise really well, thoroughly go through all of the motions and then help me practice so that I can perfect it. I had always assumed that trainers would primarily just push and watch your diet so that you get the best out of your body but a session with Muftah help helped me correct my form as well as answer some questions I had. It was a great learning session overall and I would definitely recommend him.
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Thank you Muftah! I am indebted to you for helping me with my deadlift form.

Deadlift is an exercise I’ve been wanting to get to grips with for a few weeks but was concerned about injuring my back with incorrect form. Luckily Muftah was on hand! He approached me in the gym and very kindly asked if there was anything I ever needed advice on. I’m very glad he did.

I value his approach to coaching and he clearly thinks very carefully about his client. He provides helpful analogies that are useful to keep in your mind when performing the exercise as well as more in depth explanations about the anatomy and biology involved.

Learning correct form and having a solid foundation is key to being confident and enjoying your time in the gym- Muftah is the guy to help you do this!
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I have attended gyms regularly for decades, and I like the Better gym at Pancras Square for the range of the equipment and for the quality of the staff.

In this context, I asked Muftah Dagali to show me how to use correctly a machine for posterior flexibility. This in turn lead Muftah to propose that we examine the flexibility of my hip movements.

During an appointment, taking into account my age (71) and an old injury in my lumbar, Muftah lead me through a straightforward flexibility test, involving lying on a 18 inch plyo box while hugging a knee. The position of the opposite, relaxed leg indicates the degree of flexibility in that hip. Using pictures, Muftah showed me the position of my legs, and assessed my flexibility. In his view, while neither hip nor leg was in a poor situation, both could be improved.

To address the issue, Muftah recommended three stretching exercises, two involving no equipment, which compliment the exercises prescribed by the physiotherapists. We did the exercises together to ensure I did them correctly. He also showed me the most common errors that people make while doing these exercises, which nullify their benefit. I have added these to my routine, with immediate positive results.

Thank you Muftah for your excellent advice.
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I've had an incredible experience with my personal trainer Muftah. His energy and enthusiasm are truly inspiring, motivating me to become a better version of myself both in my daily life and career. Being around him is a positive influence that uplifts my spirits every session.

His knowledge and expertise in personal training are exceptional, and it's clear that he invests a lot in his own development to provide the best training possible. One of the standout moments for me was when he used analogies to explain concepts, such as breathing techniques. He compared it to swimming, emphasizing the importance of breathing in and out only when above water. This simple yet effective analogy helped me understand and apply the technique perfectly.

Another memorable lesson was his analogy about strength, likening the right breathing technique to a beer can—stronger and more resilient when filled. These insights have not only improved my physical training but also my mental approach to challenges.

He also suggested that I teach what I've learned, as it's the best way to solidify my understanding. Writing my own notes after each session and having him review and add to them has significantly enhanced my learning process and retention.

Overall, his dedication, knowledge, and positive attitude make him an outstanding personal trainer. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to make meaningful improvements in their fitness journey.
Lisa Zhang
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I attended a workshop with Muftah and also had over 6 months of coaching. I really benefited from Muftah's clear instructions, he is able to give simple and precise information that doesn't leave me overwhelmed. From the workshops and his coaching, I always find that I am learning something new which makes me feel more confident in the gym. Muftah's friendly personality means that I wouldn't hesitate to explain any issues I have and he's always on hand to give the best solution. I would highly recommend working with Muftah, I have found his approach extremely rewarding and I feel great because of it.
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I have now been training with Muftah for about eight months and there are a number of things I like about working with him, so I’ll name a few. 1) You really feel that he takes a genuine interest in you and actually cares about your well-being. He pays attention and listens. You can tell that he loves working with people. 2) He is a safe space. He is never judgmental and is very patient. He does not make you feel ashamed or not good enough because you miss your target or can’t do certain things (yet). Instead he helps you focus on the positives and the progress made. He is more than willing to work with you in a constructive manner on tangible actions. 3) to me Muftah is more than a fitness trainer but in some ways also a life coach and mentor. Health & fitness goals tend to be intertwined with life goals in general and to some extent professional goals, and Muftah helps me in ways that is also beneficial to other parts of my life. e.g. how to organise my priorities (so that I can make time for exercise). 4) He shares his life experiences where relevant. You really feel you know where he is coming from and that he himself has been through numerous (some unimaginable…) life challenges. 5) His energy and positivity are contagious!!

I would 200% recommend working with him to anyone who is serious about making changes to their health and fitness habits and beyond but doesn’t want to do it alone. It’s not exactly super affordable, but it is the most valuable investment I am making on myself since my higher education.
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Hello. I met Muftah at the gym a couple of months ago then after quite long break we met last week. This spontaneous conversation tuned into new learnings for me about my health and body care. First, by looking at my training and identifying the gaps in my training cycle he gave me good tips how to have more control over my gym schedule and was really encouraging. Second, regarding, gaining weight and being fit he motivated me be more serious with my food intake which would lead to take more energy consumption.

I truly believe that , Muftah is very approachable, sociable and can easily work and train everyone. Plus, he is very funny so you would not never get bored.
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I had a conversation with Muftah, and he helped me with my exercise form so that I could get the most out of my workout. I was able to ask him questions regarding my other exercises, and he was happy to help. Muftah is extremely polite, kind, and respectful. He helped me understand how to pace my exercises while also going into detail about muscle contractions, which helped me visualize and understand .

As we spoke the directions and vocabulary were straightforward, which was very helpful to me as a beginner. He demonstrated a few exercises for me, which helped me modify and improve my form. This was very beneficial because he took the initiative to approach and help me. He was extremely enthusiastic and patient with all of my questions and inquiries.

I would highly recommend Muftah since he is not only polite and friendly, but also welcoming and approachable, which I believe is essential for personal trainers. I believe that his warm and gentle demeanour fosters open communication, resulting in a good trainer-client connection founded on trust. A friendly face is especially needed, considering how daunting the gym can be. Muftah's expertise is extensive and very valuable in assisting others.

Thank you very much!
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I appreciate Muftah’s help with teaching me how to relieve the tightness in my hips and legs, especially the hip-joint. He spent an hour of his own time and told me possible reasons for the symptoms (why I am getting tired easily and why it's painful) methodically and in great detail. Furthermore, he showed me the exercises first and then guided me to do them myself correctly, which was very useful. I felt so much better and less painful than before the session. My hip flexibility has increased significantly.

Muftah also invited me to the community events, even though I'm just visiting family here on holiday. I enjoyed the events with my daughter and granddaughter. My daughter is a member of the community and it looks like a great group of like-minded people. Thank you so much!
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The thing about Muftah's program is that it's not just a gym training session.

It's a life transformation body and mind shift.

On a personal level I have been only 3 weeks following the program and my body is already way different, I love to see my arms well shaped, also the rest of my body looking and FEELING great.

One other aspect that is key is the community events that are a highlight on my calendar and I make sure to go on every single one as they prompt me to enjoy meeting other people but even more understand how my body is constantly being used and no matter the event, even pottery, there is something to learn and understand about how key our body and mental health contribute to a happier life!

I am looking forward to feel and see myself in the mirror in 3 months!
Vinicius Pereira
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Working with Muftah as my personal trainer has been a transformative experience. Before starting with him, I really struggled with consistency at the gym, understanding proper nutrition, and knowing the right form for exercises. I felt okay about my health and fitness, but definitely lacked knowledge and confidence in those areas.

Since training with Muftah, I've made incredible progress thanks to three big wins: 1) Finally achieving consistency with my workouts, 2) Learning how to properly fuel my body, and 3) Gaining the ability to structure my life around prioritising health and fitness. I now feel so much better - both physically and mentally. Muftah has given me newfound confidence in my health and fitness journey.

There are so many things I appreciate about Muftah, but a few standouts are his incredible depth of knowledge that he shares in a digestible way, his contagious energy and positivity, and the individualised personal relationship he builds with each client. He truly cares about understanding your specific goals and needs.

If you're looking for an exceptional personal trainer, I couldn't recommend Muftah more enthusiastically. His passion, expertise, and commitment to his clients' successes are unparalleled. Working with him has been an amazing investment in myself.
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I had a consultation with Muftah and honestly, I must say, it was an incredible experience.

Muftah's guidance was tailored specifically to my needs and abilities. He was patient, took the time to understand my fitness goals and gave me personalised advice on how to kickstart my fitness journey. His insights were so valuable and gave me a clear direction on where to begin. What stood out the most was his realistic yet motivating approach. Instead of overwhelming me with unrealistic expectations, he laid out a plan that felt achievable. His encouragement gave me the confidence I needed, making me believe I could reach my fitness goals with dedication. He went above and beyond to genuinely help me with nutritional advice and more. He reassured me that I was in good hands in just a short meeting with him. His kindness, expertise and genuine desire to help others succeed make him an outstanding personal trainer and I would, without any doubt, recommend him to anyone in search of supportive guidance on their fitness journey.
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I recently had a short but impactful conversation with Muftah about beginning my fitness journey. In just that one hour conversation, I could tell how passionate and skillful he is at what he does. He guided me to uncover my motivation for embarking on this path and truly grasp its significance. Thanks to him, I'm now incredibly eager to kickstart my fitness journey. I wholeheartedly endorse him for anyone serious about their fitness goals!
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Before working with Muftah, I was afraid of the gym and strength training because the environment was intimidating, I was worried I’d injure myself and I felt that the financial investment in a personal trainer was not justified. Before working with Muftah, I never thought strength training would be for me because it didn’t feel affordable or worth prioritising in my life. This all changed after my first meeting with Muftah for an informal chat over a cup of tea where he spent 2 hours listening to me, understanding my goals, my “why”, my fears and my hopes from the gym.

Since working with Muftah, I have been “winning” at life, and he has made sure I recognise that. For example, I can now go to the gym independent of our PT sessions and know exactly what I’m doing and OWNING it. Outside the gym, I am getting back into running and every step forward is a win (no more “all or nothing” thinking with running). I’ve also found that this has strengthened my relationship with my brother and sister, as they both love going to the gym and now we all have a common topic to talk about, to learn from each other, and for me to also impart some “nuggets” from Muftah!

I am writing my review while on holiday at an all inclusive resort. I would have expected my nutrition and fitness to “stop” while away, but to my joy, the daily habits and wins that Muftah’s mindset coaching has built in me has empowered me to feel successful and enjoy life while also looking after my body and my mind.

The best parts about working with Muftah are that he is easily contactable. His communication is extremely clear, efficient and I know he is always there for me - in fact, even outside of our sessions, he is always keen for me to ask him questions! This invitation really empowers me to keep learning. I’ve also really enjoyed meeting other clients that Muftah works with, at the weekly Form Workshops. I feel surrounded by a like-minded community of kind people, all on #TeamMuftah. Whenever I tell my friends about this journey, I’m inundated with comments like “this is better than any PT I’ve ever heard of before!”

I would not just be recommending Muftah as a human. I would be recommending Muftah as a colleague, a friend, a leader of the fitness community, a brilliant app, a vault of knowledge and a really big warm smile. I feel uplifted every time I see Muftah and really feel he is as invested in me and my health journey as I am. I know this is only the beginning of what’s to come. A sincere and heartfelt thank you to Muftah. I hope that we continue to stay in touch even once I graduate (in due course) from your PT programme.
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The session I had with Muftah was truly intense, and I learned a lot. He provided excellent guidance on my diet and how to integrate it with my workouts. Additionally, all the exercises he assigned to me were explained perfectly. His passion is evident and serves as a significant motivator for his work, apparent from the moment you meet and talk to him. I would definitely recommend him to anyone interested in a personal training session.
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The main things that I have learned from Muftah are knowledge of anatomy, workout programming, tempo, rest periods, and the physics of exercise.

This not only increases the effectiveness of muscle gain / fat loss, but also is transferable between exercises so you don't have to remember 100 things, just some underlying principles.

Also the importance of good recovery, taking it easy when your body is showing warning signs, and common mistakes that happen across different exercises.

I have increased my muscle mass, lost fat, and gained a confidence to workout with little risk of injury
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I attended three coaching workshops(deadlift, bench press, and squats) given by Muftah. All the sessions proved extremely valuable to me as Muftah started from the basics and then progressed onto explaining the reason for form and technique based on body anatomy. He is really passionate and energetic during his coaching sessions. He himself is also very fit and leads by example.

I would highly recommend Muftah to anyone looking for a fitness coach.
Archit Garg
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Muftah gave me a taster PT session and it was a really great experience. Despite being filled up for the next 3 months his dedication to his craft is evident through his enthusiasm and genuine want for you to better yourself! I really appreciated his thorough explanations of each exercise we did. He made sure I understood what part of my body I was training aswell as making sure I didn’t injure myself by teaching me how to perform each exercise correctly. Before the session he encouraged me to think about what I wanted out of this experience, so he could offer me the best service. By asking questions about my nutrition, daily activity and my main goals at the gym and out of this training. I highly recommend Muftah if you are searching for someone who truly wants to see you thrive and achieve your full potential both physically and mentally.
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Muftah is a highly professional Personal trainer and Nutritionist. He has a clear passion for what he does, and always shows up every day with loads of motivating, positive energy.

Muftah is highly knowledgeable in a wide range of areas relating to fitness and nutrition. He is clearly motivated by self-improvement, not just of his clients, but also himself. He is always looking for ways to improve his training and sessions with you, including looking into other styles and training methods depending on your individual needs and goals e.g. sport-specific training.

Despite having been training for over ten years I have really learnt a lot from Muftah and feel more confident in my training. It is always a joy to work together with Muftah towards my fitness and overall health goals.

I would highly recommend Muftah to anyone who wants to improve their health; their fitness; or if they have a specific goal in mind.
Josh S
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I recently attended Muftah’s squat workshop. I found it extremely informative, and very helpful, and can say that I am now confident with my form when squatting. Muftah explained the concepts in a very clear, friendly and professional manner, and guided the class. I would highly recommend Muftah to anyone looking to hire a personal trainer. He is a genuine person, who is highly skilled and qualified, and wants to help other people. Thank you Muftah for a very enjoyable workshop!
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Muftah’s energy stands out on its own. He is a professional qualified personal trainer and nutritionist clearly passionate about what he does.

I have had other personal trainers and online coaches. I consider myself aware of this industry and how important is to find a good professional if you want to improve your performance alongside learning. In my view, Muftah’s in-depth knowledge and enthusiasm are qualities as a great coach.

I really like his holistic approach - it is not just the workout in the gym that matters, but everything around it from nutrition, mindset and rest. I shared a few doubts with him and first of all, Muftah helped me to focus by narrowing it down to one priority topic. I can say after talking with him just about sleep, it felt like a masterclass on the topic and I walked away with key customised actions that I started implementing straight away.

I really liked his approach to being effective and his advice to tackle one thing at a time.
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I had my first session with Muftah today and was so grateful he gave me this opportunity! Both my siblings praise him like anything and i’m so happy I got to experience a session today. He was extremely thorough with educating me with each machine. Although I have been in the gym for almost 2 years, I learnt so much more today in 1 hour with him. The positivity and motivation really helped push through the workout. I couldn’t recommend him enough to any of my friends or family.
Shnour Lakhani
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Muftah’s energy stands out on its own. He is a professional qualified personal trainer and clearly passionate about what he does.

I have had other personal trainers and online coaches. I consider myself aware of this industry and how important is to find a good professional if you want to improve your performance alongside learning. In my view, Muftah’s in-depth knowledge and enthusiasm are qualities as a great coach.

I really like his holistic approach - it is not just the workout in the gym that matters, but everything around it from nutrition, mindset and rest. I shared a few doubts with him and first of all, Muftah helped me to focus by narrowing it down to one priority topic. I can say after talking with him just about sleep, it felt like a masterclass in the topic and I walked away with key actions that I started implementing straight away.

I really liked his approach to being effective and his advice to tackle one thing at a time.
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I recently completed a squats workshop with Muftah. He really took time to help me improve my form - and his enthusiasm was infectious!
I learnt lots in this short, stand-alone session so can only imagine the progress Muftah could inspire as a regular personal trainer. Workshop and Muftah highly recommended by me!!!
Ciara Holland
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I had the pleasure of meeting Muftah at the St Pancras gym a few months ago, and his commitment to my training has been totally unparalleled.

His form workshops for compound exercises, completely free of charge, have been so helpful for developing my technique on compound movements. These sessions, created purely to prevent injury in gym goers he does and doesn’t teach, have proved invaluable.

Always with a smile on his face, Muftah’s energy is truly one of a kind and exceedingly motivating. It’s clear he loves what he does and cares deeply about the successes of his clients. What an amazing human.
Rupert Mcminn
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I had the privilege of attending Muftah's free workshop, and the experience was nothing short of exceptional. Muftah's extensive knowledge in fitness was evident as he guided me through learning the proper technique for squats. What stood out the most was his unwavering commitment to ensuring I performed the movements correctly, emphasizing safety from start to finish. Remarkably, after over 30 years doing squats wrong, this time I felt the engagement of my thigh muscles, a testament to Muftah's mastery in technique and his effective teaching approach.
Muftah's understanding of diverse body types was apparent as he tailored instruction to individual needs, making the class very enlightening. His passion for life, coupled with an infectious energy, goes beyond the realm of fitness, inspiring positive changes in various aspects of life. Perhaps most notably, Muftah's generosity is remarkable—providing a valuable workshop for free reflects his genuine dedication to helping others without financial barriers. Overall, Muftah Dagali's workshop was not only informative but also motivational, making a lasting impact on my fitness journey.
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Words are not enough to express my feelings and gratitude. I can not describe how lucky I was to come across your profile coach. It has been a game changer since I met you. Muftah is an exceptional person a dedicated person who only seeks to satisfy his customers and achieve a goal together unlike several other people whose interest is only financial. He is an outstanding, professional coach. He helped me regain confidence since our first meeting. He performs his work perfectly and tailors a specific program in accordance with the needs of each client. He helped me reconnect with my body and rebuild a self esteem after going throughout a postnatal depression where they were lots of changes in my body. From day one, you can tell that he is the right choice as he has an outstanding background in his field and he handles his work very well.
He is fully aware of the needs of each client, so he works hard and quick to plan a program for them to achieve their specific goal. Within few hours of our meeting, I received my plan on his app and this was amazing!!! I could use the app whenever I go to the gym and have control over the program given. He also checks your progress from his side as he has access to every client’s individual program. These are the person who deserve to be called an «influencer ». I highly recommend him and I advice everyone to contact him for making their healthy body come true as beside the workout program, he provides support with diet too. Am I not lucky 😍
Contact Muftah and make your dream come true !!!
I advise you to be in kings cross better Gym as you will have the opportunity to meet him so he has more control over your training.
Good luck everyone and remember that Muftah is your key to achieve your goals so do not waste time.
Dora Aggoun
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Muftah is so much more than an excellent fitness coach, whose service is FIRST CLASS by anyone’s standards. He is also a gifted teacher and mentor on mindset, nutrition, sleep hygiene, business and so much more. I wanted to leave this additional review after training with him for four months - it’s still the best decision I made in upgrading my health and fitness! As if that’s not enough, I managed to inject the biggest boost of energy into my business, thanks to his coaching!
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I've attended Muftah's deadlift form workshop at the Better Pancras Square Leisure gym, and I've enjoyed it a lot.

There was an initial part about the theory of deadlift and its implications on the human body, with Muftah asking participants some questions making sure we understood what he was explaining, and then he proceeded showing us the deadlift technique, decomposing the movement and explaining why that was the correct form.

Then we tried executing the movement, with Muftah correcting each participant, making sure our technique was correct and suggesting us what to focus on for future repetitions.

All in all I was very impressed with the workshop, I've learned a lot and I would recommend Muftah to someone looking to hire a personal trainer.
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The service that Muftah provides is so excellent and top-notch that I was only too happy to write this quick review for him. His astounding enthusiasm and boundless energy are infectious. He's literally always motivating and encouraging.

Within just a couple of weeks he's turned me from being someone who was struggling to do regular workouts into someone who now looks forward to hitting the gym and who's also changing his diet and indeed his overall mindset.

I should point out that I'm not even a fee-paying client of Muftah's either! He often asks his clients if they know anyone who might benefit from his know-how and expertise, and this is how I was nominated. He very kindly offered to draw me up a fantastic gym-routine, all free of charge!

He's given me access to his own, self-developed phone app, on which he's uploaded multiple videoclips of the tailor-made workout that crafted for me free of charge. The app, through which he gives me non-stop pep talks, also has lots of protein-packed recipes for highly nutritional breakfasts and meals for his clients to choose from.

I now have a more positive attitude to gym-going, following a healthier diet and about the power of the mind to change the course of your life. He's helped me hugely in all three of these areas, and for those reasons I'd have no hesitation at all in wholeheartedly recommending Muftah to anyone.
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I recently had the opportunity to take part in a workshop with Muftah, a personal trainer whose professional and friendly approach really made a difference in my fitness journey. He stands out for his willingness to help and his approachable nature.

Muftah's expertise was particularly evident when he taught me how to do deadlifts. This was something I had always found challenging, but his clear and patient guidance helped me master the technique with confidence. He was always ready to answer questions, no matter how basic, which made a huge difference in my understanding and comfort level in the gym.

Muftah's sessions are more than just workouts; they're learning experiences. He's attentive to individual needs and adapts his training methods to suit them, making each session productive and enjoyable.

In summary, Muftah is not just a personal trainer but a great mentor in the gym. He's genuinely invested in helping people improve their fitness in a supportive and knowledgeable way. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to enhance their physical health with a skilled and caring professional by their side.
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Mufta is super friendly and encouraging and really takes the time to try understand and help you. He makes you feel very welcomed and confident in the gym, which can be an intimidating place.
My main goals were to set myself a new routine, reduce my weight and improve my fitness and strength. He’s really encouraged me to consistently work towards them.
Would highly recommend if you are looking to learn about strength training, for motivation and to be part of a friendly community.
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I discovered Muftah through the Better app while searching for personal trainers. Muftah had outstanding reviews and gave off a positive and proactive attitude, which encouraged me to reach out. Unfortunately, his services were beyond my budget, which meant I couldn't begin 1-to-1 training with him.

To my surprise, five months later, I received an email from Muftah offering me the opportunity to participate in a few free workshops on strength training. Each one was dedicated to a different technique: bench press, squats and deadlifts. Without hesitation, I signed up as these types of opportunities are rare. Today marked the first of those workshops, and I feel incredibly fortunate. Muftah is an exceptionally meticulous trainer; he doesn't waste a single second during the workshop, genuinely wanting you to master the techniques. Despite my tardiness, he generously dedicated the promised 30 minutes to me.

During the workshop, I could sense his honest commitment to my progress, motivating me to refine my technique. He went over it numerous times, demonstrating, guiding mental rehearsals, and then encouraging my physical practice. His firm understanding of what the body and mind needs to learn a new technique for strength-building is impressive and worked very well for me.

I trust Muftah and his dedication, perfectionism, and generosity stand out, as they come from an honest place. I plan to continue attending his free workshops as long as they are offered, it's a real blessing to have such a dedicated and inspiring professional available on this basis!
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I signed up with Muftah six months ago because I wanted a trainer to lift weights with me once or twice a week; I was wrong to sign up with Muftah because I wanted a trainer to lift weights with me once or twice a week. Muftah offers an entire fitness system that goes way beyond just lifting weights.

Yes, he provides you with weight training sessions, but that’s just that’s the tip of the iceberg. To accompany those, he also offers nutrition counselling, periodic one-to-one check-ins, group workshops, and a Muftah app—and those are just a few of the 'extras’ that working with Muftah brings. About the app, it was custom designed to track each participant’s workout and it gets tweaked weekly based on your specific progress. It allows you to log not only your workouts, but also food intake and lots more—it even has videos to make sure that you are doing the exercises correctly. On that last point, Muftah is a real stickler: he makes constant corrections and always makes sure that you are checking if your technique is correct. He has taught me numerous new exercises, but more importantly, also taught me to consider my pace and tempo as part of the workout.

Every few months we set goals to give me something to aim for and motivate me. To support those, there are weekly form workshops where all clients turn up to ask questions (with no shame) and online master classes on topics of interest to the group (e.g., motivation, navigating the Christmas period). Muftah also provides specific equipment to make each client’s workouts more effective. (For example, when my weights started getting heavier, he provided grips so that my forearms could support it.)

All of this combined provides results. We set an audacious goal, and we met it…and then we set an even bigger one which I’m confident we’ll meet. Actually, I’m determined to meet it, and that’s due in no small part to Muftah’s psychological training. Make no mistake: working with Muftah is relentless and there’s a lot of hard work involved between daily check-ins, logging your workouts and nutrition, weekly workshops, etc. However, you are fully supported by a whole ecosystem of Muftah himself, the equipment, the app, and, equally important, all the others also working with him (the 'community’). Signing with him is a commitment, but it’s one you won’t regret.
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I have been training with muftah for a couple months. He is extremely knowledgeable about workouts, anatomy, mindset building, and other aspects related to health. He is also the most energetic and cheerful person I know. He celebrates every single achievement I make both about my workouts and other aspects of my life, doesn’t matter how small they are or how early it is in the morning. He cares a lot of the client’s and constantly try to do the best for us. In addition to feeling more comfortable at the gym and being stronger, muftah helped me a lot with tips for changing mindsets and building a better relationship with myself.
I would highly recommend him to anyone who’s interested in improving their conditions. I had a great time working with him.
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Muftah has transformed my approach to fitness in the months we have been training together. I am focused on building muscle and I have seen good progress which is motivating. His biggest impact has been a relentless focus on form and the biomechanics that make a particular exercise effective. No more wasted sets because of poor form! He is teaching me knowledge and skills that I can use for the rest of my life. He places a huge emphasis on learning these because ultimately the goal is for me to not need a PT, in his words "so you can fly on your own" :)

The other thing he brings to all of our sessions is superhuman levels of energy + excitement. He makes me fired up to push hard especially in those all important last few reps that make the difference when building muscle. Combined with his guidance for other areas of life such as sleep, nutrition, relationships + mental health he provides the complete package for me to grow physically and mentally and become the person I want to be. Can 100% recommend him to others looking to do the same. He's also just a super friendly and nice guy!
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I’ve been training with Muftah for about a year, and he’s had a phenomenal impact on many aspects of me :) I went to see Muftah after stumbling onto his profile, i was looking for some radical changes in my level of fitness and also wanted to put on weight as i was Skinny. His personal fitness story really spoke to me and i could relate to it at several levels. Muftah really broke the misconception i had in my head that fitness wasn’t working on me or that i was too far behind to do something about it. When we first met, he really inspired me and laid down his approach to fitness, and how we could get me to achieve my objectives very clearly. His scientific approach to fitness, the use of fitness apps to follow the program, diet and track improvements have been a major success factor for me. Simply put, it demystified the gym for me and i have now become comfortable with using all the machines and doing my exercises. I almost look like i know what i’m doing now :) Muftah also has a virtuous approach to training in my point of view, he will coach you closely at the beginning but also help you to gain your independence while still keeping in touch with you through the app, whatsapp and weekly’s form workshop. I believe this approach is a really good one. After 12 months of exercising, i have increased my muscular mass by almost 5kg, which is an amazing result for me. Most importantly, i’ve created the habit of exercising within me and i miss the gym if i have a tough week and cannot exercise. I can now officially say that i love going to the gym and there isn’t a day when i don’t think about it. All this to say that Muftah has been incredible for me and my fitness journey. He is really an inspirational and talented individual, with an incredible knowledge and drive. He is also a lovely person, always smiley, positive and there to help/explain/answer any questions you have. He will push your fitness to the next level. I highly recommend him.
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I was a real sceptic and fearful of the gym, to a point that I couldn't even step into one. All the machines, big beefy men and the atmosphere of intense training felt unfamiliar and intimidating. I believed I'm not the kind of person who goes to the gym.

The day I met Muftah, he chipped away at that identity and the fear and the whole fitness journey started. That was only 7 weeks ago and I feel like it was one of the best decisions of my life!

In just a few weeks I've learned so much about anatomy, physiology and most importantly mental resilience and overcoming my limiting beliefs. Muftah is a gifted teacher. He listens to our biggest pains, encourages us to come up with a plan of action, break them down to manageable chunks, and put them into a single action step that we can take on the spot. This has changed my thinking about achieving my goals. Without action, knowledge is useless!

Now when I get to the gym, I feel positive, motivated and even sometimes confident, and I never thought I'd say that! If you are looking for guidance and motivation on this your fitness and health journey, do not hesitate to reach out, Muftah is your coach!
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I have had a fantastic experience with Muftah. Since I started training with Muftah, I have lost so much weight and grown lots of muscle, which I never had before. I learned so much knowledge about fitness, body and healthy diet, that helped me a lot and changed my old unhealthy lifestyle. Now I feel more care about my diet choices and having more connections with my body. I would definitely recommend him!!!!
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Muftah is the best personal trainer I have worked with. I would highly recommend him. Some specifics that I think deserve a mention

Knowledge: I have been working out for almost 15 years and I am obsessed with studying and learning about health and fitness. Muftah’s knowledge about the body and ability to quickly understand what each individual needs is like no one I have met before. If you want a program that’s specific to you - he is your person. Not only that, he will help you take yourself to a place where you understand your body - it’s capabilities and it’s limitations and how to tailor your workouts to get the best returns for you.

Motivation - muftah helped me challenge what I thought I could do and push myself beyond what I thought was possible in an incredible safe manner. He is all about technique and I just find myself able to push myself more with him next to me. He knows your limits and challenges you to reach them by watching every rep like a hawk and analysing every movement. For me this is the sign of a top class PT.

Personality - outside of your workout, muftah is just a great guy to talk to. He is always smiling, he listens closely and I have on many occasions lost track of time just talking about lots of different topics with him. I look forward to working out with him because apart from all the benefits it’s also just fun!

I hope this review is helpful, and I’m sure that if you choose muftah, you will be very happy :)
Karan bhavnani
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The 3 biggest challenges I faced before working with Muftah was my attitude towards fitness, staying motivated and having self confidence that I was able to build this into a lifestyle. Working in an office job meant it was difficult to know how to optimise my time for fitness and understanding how to make this feel manageable in my day to day. However, after working with Muftah I feel a lot more confident in approaching the gym and no longer find it intimidating. I feel more energised and motivated, which is a big change as I used to feel constantly lethargic. While there’s always room for improvement, overall I feel like I’ve made huge progress compared to when I first started out.
I would highly recommend Muftah’s service as he’s always positive and accommodating to his client’s individual needs and concerns, making fitness feel less daunting as it may seem. He’s incredibly knowledgeable so you’ll definitely walk away with a more well-rounded understanding of the why’s and how’s when it comes to health. Lastly, the app is a fantastic feature as it’s very convenient to have all you need in one place.
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One of the best choices I have made in the past few years. Muftah came into my life at the right time when I was feeling at a very physically and mentally low point.

I first reached to Muftah towards of the end of May this year. I have been working with him since then on weight loss, energy levels and overall strengthening. He is extremely knowledgeable in his field and I couldn't recommend him highly enough.

I have gained so much confidence going to the gym, a place which I always struggled to attend on a constant basis. He has educated me in the right exercises for my body, nutrition and many other aspects.

He has an amazing professional attitude to his work, he is organised, very caring and so clear in what he wants to achieve with you. It is a collaborative approach and he is extremely supportive.

I can't wait to continue on my journey with him and would recommend him to anyone. Believe me you won't regret it.
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I have had an incredible experience with Muftah as a personal trainer. He has extensive knowledge in fitness and nutrition which his clients benefit from holistically. I feel the strongest I’ve ever been in my life and have achieved visible results in a matter of weeks thanks to his guidance and encouragement. I now feel confident that I’m using my time in the gym in the most effective way and don’t feel it’s a chore to go. If you're seeking a genuine fitness expert and a great motivator, I wholeheartedly recommend Muftah for your fitness and well-being goals.
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Reaching out to Muftah has been one of the best choices in my life!
Not only has he been helping me achieve my fitness goals but he has also been an amazing life coach!
Before starting the program I was struggling with going to the gym regularly, staying hydrated, eating enough food and being well and healthy. The consequences of my bad lifestyle were not pleasing as, in fact, I was getting sick often (catching colds and fevers), I had back pain due to the long time spent sitting at the desk 5 days per week, my mood was pretty low and my approach to decisions and life was often pessimistic.

What a change after joining Muftah's Program!
Muftah is guiding and teaching me how to have a balanced and enjoyable diet, followed by a very good training program. And most importantly he has been an amazing mental health coach.
After joining the program I have seen very noticeable changes: I'm optimistic, I have improved my planning skills, I drink at least 3L of water per day, I happily go to the gym 4 times per week, I have gotten stronger and I feel fit. Moreover, in 3 months I haven't been unwell or had back pain.

Muftah is such a lovely coach, kind, caring and very knowledgeable. He will guide you to fight your biggest challenges and achieve your goals. His positivity is very contagious and inspiring! The program basically reflects his personality. With the app he provides you, you can log your food, set your goals, easily reach out to him whenever you need to and have access to a big catalogue of nutrition, diet, wellbeing and fitness information.
Moreover he provides workshops twice per week in the gym where all clients are able to ask him questions, share their experience/challenges and improve their training exercise form. In other words we learn from each other and improve everyday!

I really recommend Muftah! He is a star!
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I truly believe that Muftah ticks all the boxes that the perfect personal trainer needs to.

He's absolutely passionate about training, fitness and nutrition, which has led him to have incredible knowledge about the body and training. I still haven't managed to ask him a question that he doesn't know the answer to ;)

He is very generous. He gifted me the first 2 weeks for free, guiding me into the basics of training, inspiring me, and giving me the knowledge I lacked, which was holding me back from starting. He is also very available, always there to solve any doubt of mine really quickly and support me when I encounter challenges.

Muftah is also kind, an essential element for a healthy relationship.

He is a great motivator and mental coach, supporting me to keep my motivation up and continually reminding me of "why" I am training.

He's fun to train with and always in a good mood! (what's your secret man? :D)

He's a positive thinker, optimist, and rich in a growth mindset.

Thank you, Muftah! I wish you all the best, and I encourage everyone to hit him up if you want to establish an enjoyable, long-lasting path with training.
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Muftah will help you change your life for the better. There are many great things I can say about Muftah, and will shortly, but one of the things I like the most is that he is setting each of his clients up to be able to continue their self-improvement journey on their own.

He will start off strong: 3 sessions a week in the gym with a personalised program, but he isn’t just showing you how to do the exercises. He explains why you are doing them the way you are, what different muscles or parts of muscles are activated if change a move slightly. All the time you are learning how to adapt and adjust what you are learning so that one day you can manage your own program and achieve whatever your goals may be.

Nutrition was key for me. During the 8 months I’ve been working with Muftah I have been abroad 20+ times, mainly works trips but also holidays, weddings and stags. Before working with Muftah I gained an average of 1-2kg each trip. Today I am 11kg lighter than when I started and am in the best shape of my life (I’m 38), and I know the best is yet to come. (I should add that I still ate amazing meals and drank fairly prodigious amounts of alcohol on these trips, Muftah had just taught me how to plan and manage so that I could still achieve my objectives)

Muftah’s energy and enthusiasm is infectious and if you are ever having problems with motivation then just seeing his smile before a session will get you back on track. He is also a bloody nice guy and in many ways the antithesis of the stereotypical personal trainer. There’s no shouting, no put-downs, just solid advice and encouragement.

Sign up with Muftah if you want to change your body, but more importantly, sign up with Muftah if you want to understand how and why your body changes so that you can keep it in shape for the rest of your life.
Ross H
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I have been training with Muftah for just over months now, and highly recommend to anyone who is considering a coach. Muftah took time to understand what my lifestyle and goals are, and to also understand what was blocking me from reaching these on my own. Straight from the start I appreciated his honest approach and trusted that he could get me to where I wanted to be. My goal is to drop some body fat and gain lean muscle, and Muftahs plan has kept me really accountable and motivated, and I have felt supported by him the whole way. I have enjoyed every session together, which have been intense - Muftah does not waste any time and has pushed and encouraged me every single time. I am well on my way to reach my goals and looking forward to continiung to work with Muftah!
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Training with Muftah has been an amazing experience! I started my sessions with him 12 months ago; I was overweight, I was feeling down and felt like I was not making any progress by training on my own. Since then, I have lost 15 kilograms and have learnt so much from Muftah both physically in the gym and mentally by bettering myself through self-improvement. I’m now in my 30s and I feel fitter and stronger now than when I was in my 20s. I am confident in my skills that if I lose strength or gain weight I can get back on the right track. His positive, can-do energy is infectious and pushes you to levels that you thought weren’t possible, he tailors everything to work with your goals and pushes you to accomplish them, and it doesn’t stop when your gym session is over - there are daily check ups, metrics and tracking via his personal app as well as hosting a supportive and amazing community with organized talks and meetings. I wholeheartedly recommend Muftah to anyone who wants to better themselves!
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Muftah's dedication to help me achieve my goals is unbelievably tenacious. He is full of positive energy drawn from my achievements, he genuinely enjoys your achievements. Providing support with physiological challenges where his motivational technique shines through using his extensive and professional toolbox, inculding online classes, regular walk-in assistance with techniques. The support he encourages amongst the community of clients to help each other really helps me push my boundaries when my motivation is lacking. Altogether a fabulous package tailored to your needs and goals. I am at the end of my first month, the results are phenomenal, I never thought so much could be gained in such a short time. If your dedicated to betterment Muftah comes with my highest recommendation.
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Before I met Muftah I had been going to gym on-and-off for a while without any real goals. I didn't really know what I was doing and wasn't really achieving anything in particular.

I'm now on Week 25 of training with Muftah and I can't emphasize the difference enough. Muftah brings a focus to all my training sessions that lets me push myself far more than I can on my own and this is reflected in the results I see. We track my progress and Muftah adapts the program accordingly.

One thing unique to Muftah's program is how much he teaches you to become independent. When I train with him I feel I am investing not just in results now but also in the future.
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1. Biggest challenge Inferiority complex and self-confidence issues
2. Self-confidence issues
3. Knowing how to reach my goal (s), losing 25kg overall weight and losing 20% body fat percentage
4. I feel good about my health and fitness now compared to before. Working with Muftah has really benefited me.
5. Muftah's attention to detail, His passion for fitness and enthusiasm
6.I would definitely recommend Muftah Dagali as a Personal Trainer to anyone of any fitness level.
Lavan Jeyathilagarajah
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1. My 3 biggest challenges before I started working with Muftah were Believing in myself, Not knowing how to reach my goal and not knowing the right foods to eat.
2. Before I started working with Muftah I felt like a Beginner or Intermediate in the Gym.
3. My biggest lessons that I have learnt are To stay consistent with the exercise sessions, Eat well and try to stay disciplined.
4. I am feeling good about my health and fitness.
5. My top 3 favourite features about Muftah's service are 1. His attention to detail (which I Love) 2. His friendly smile and chat and 3. The way he helped me to gain the correct form for exercise techniques.
6. I would definitely recommend Muftah Dagali as an ideal Personal Trainer for anyone of any fitness level.
Lavankanesh Jeyathilagarajah
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Muftah’s expertise, approach and motivational style has helped me to improve my strength, lose weight and feel better about myself. I have learned lessons from him that will support my health and fitness for the rest of my life!
My challenges were about really embedding discipline around diet and fitness, how to get stronger and also about feeling confident in the gym – knowing which equipment to use and how to have good technique.
I had seen Muftah in the gym with other clients, who, like the others who have submitted reviews, had good things to say about their success and his training style.
The results keep on coming! I’m five months in now and have dropped two dress sizes, lost over 6kg and am far stronger. My body is more toned and I have much more confidence. I even started online dating (with great success!).
Muftah is motivated by working with clients to help them get what they want from their time with him. He listened to my inhibitions and aspirations and has been supportive and never judgemental.
The way he has developed a community is really empowering and he has created a fantastic offer for his clients, so much more than just fitness.
I would really strongly recommend Muftah!
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I started with Muftah because I had tried going to the gym before and found that I was injuring myself because of my lack of knowledge about the gym. This also had led to me being quite scared of going to the gym by myself which meant that I was often reliant on friends to go with me! Since I started with Muftah, I have accessed an incredible pool of knowledge and become so much more confident. I feel a lot stronger, and I'm happy with the progress I've made whilst knowing that Muftah is pushing me to continue progressing. He helped me to lose around 7kg of weight whilst staying muscular. I'm excited to continue my journey with Muftah and would highly recommend him to anyone looking for a coach who is looking to help you progress not just in the gym but in your overall life.
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i’ve been training with Muftah for 6 months now and the results are even better than i hoped. he’s incredibly energetic and knowledgeable about fitness, and every session with him has been a pleasure. he’s helped me make the most of the time at the gym and motivated me to become a better version of myself. i couldn’t wish for a better coach
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Before I started working with Muftah I'd been using the gym for about a month but was absolutely clueless about what I was doing. At 62, overweight with creaking knees and general breathless unfitness, I knew I needed to make major changes to my diet and exercise routines but didn't know how to do that. Luckily, I met Muftah and he agreed to train me. He overhauled my poor diet, began me training with weights and, more than anything, talked to me about what I wanted to achieve and what we could do together to help me achieve those goals. I absolutely cherish my training sessions with Muftah. He's incredibly focussed, informative about the hows and whys of exercising and endlessly strives to encourage me to be better than I think I can be. I really believe he wants the best for me and gives me confidence, both in and outside the gym, that I can do more than I think I can. I've seen the results of his training in losing 2.5 stones, seeing muscle definition, being physically and mentally stronger and eating better than I've ever done (and my knees don't creak any more!) I thoroughly recommend training with Muftah - it's the best investment I've ever made - you get more than just physical training, he's very knowledgeable about anatomy, nutrition and psychology and brings all these things to the sessions for you to take advantage of. I thought my age would be against me training and improving myself but that's absolutely not been the case. Muftah has taken my age into consideration but has helped me see I can train as well as anyone else. Approaching Muftah could be the first step on your road to bettering yourself physically and mentally and who doesn't want that?!
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I would highly recommend Muftah. My objetives when i started were to lose weight, gain definition and get a good understanding of how to make my work outs more efficient. Muftah has helped with all three areas, and I am already seeing fantastic results after 6 months of working with him. Muftah has changed my approach to exercise and working our and made me realise that it is possible to get in great shape and also still have an active social life-you just need to plan ahead! Muftah is an inspiration-he has great drive and energy and is a wonderful motivator and he has also helped me connect to a community of likeminded individuals who are working towards similar goals to myself-i dont think you can get a better PT than Muftah!
Alistair Davidson
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I have been training with Muftah for nearly a year now, and it is decision I only wish I had made much sooner. Gyms were never for me, I found the very idea quite intimidating however when my work pattern changed, giving me an extra day off in a week, I really wanted to use it for something positive and so joined up at Pancras Square. I always had in the back of my mind to find a PT, as I didn’t have a clue what I was doing! I looked through the profiles of all the PTs there, and his jumped out at me, I liked the positivity and honesty behind it. We met, and I was immediately impressed by his massive positivity, and lack of any form of judgement. Once we started to work together, he was encouraging, motivating and really helped to make me feel comfortable in an environment I never thought I would have done. I’ve really enjoyed seeing progression in what I can achieve in the gym, and he’s always on hand with nutritional advice, and to pick you up when you fall off your plans and regime. Recently he’s introduced more of a community vibe among his clients which has really helped me, you see that nobody is perfect, everyone can fall off their plan, and it really helps to re-focus.
If you, like me, know you need to be healthier, but don’t feel comfortable, I cannot recommend Muftah highly enough. I guarantee you won’t regret it, and in no time at all, all of your fears about being in a gym environment will subside, and you'll be on your way to a better you!
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I began training with Muftah about 5 months ago and this was the best decision I could have made! Before, I had had issues with my body image; I wasn’t happy with being overweight or my physique. I was also unhappy with level of fitness as I didn’t enjoy getting out of breath easily or feeling weak. As well as that, I lacked confidence in the gym and had a lot of anxiety that I was using the weights wrong and I felt very self-conscious in my previous attempts to work out – I believe this is an issue that many other females face. However, I think my main block before was my mindset; a lot of negative self-talk had convinced me that I did not have the willpower or the discipline to get into shape.

What makes Muftah different is that he isn’t just a guy who counts reps in the gym, he has worked with me on a plan to improve all aspects of my life, including sleep, nutrition and also coaching me to find motivation to increase my productivity with studies and work. Of course, he also pushed me very hard in the gym and set high expectations of me. So far I have lost 10kg. This is a huge achievement for me since this is the first time that I have been able to achieve sustainable weight loss. I still have further to go, but Muftah has given me the tools and the knowledge to empower me to continue fitness and the confidence that comes from working hard and seeing your goals reached.

Now, I can train at the gym on my own, without feeling that I whatever I am doing is incorrect. Furthermore, I have a much better relationship with my body now. I am making better choices with food and I am happier with the way I look, and this has really boosted my self-esteem. I see now that I have the power to change and sculpt, rather than feeling trapped and incapable of change. As well as that, Muftah has really helped with stress and time management – especially since I began training with him during exams and he has taught me to make time for my hobbies and fitness. This confidence that I have gained in the gym has improved all areas of my life, from my personal relationships to my work. For that, I feel so lucky to have crossed paths with Muftah. I know this is the best shape I have been in and I am determined to keep it up.

I would recommend Muftah’s service to anyone who wants to do something properly - you will get no nonsense advice and you will get results. He is a very passionate and cheerful individual who really cares about what he does, and this genuine enthusiasm can’t help but rub off on you. One of the best features of his service is that he is extremely knowledgeable on the body and how it works, and nutrition, and he is always willing to share information with me as I enjoy learning in depth about why I should be doing the workouts that he has planned for me. Muftah is also very quick to respond to any queries over text, and always explains his answer thoroughly. Muftah has a great way of keeping you accountable every day and he will always call you out if you start slipping up. And if you do slip up, he will make you look to the future, because you can’t change the past. I always feel that Muftah is on my side and it’s good to know that someone is cheering you on and rooting for your success.
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I had been trying to get healthier and fitter for over a year before I reached out to Muftah. I was struggling to stick to a routine, keep myself motivated and trust the process. When I started to feel really negative about the prospects of losing weight and achieving the physique I wanted, I decided to find a professional that could help. I had met Muftah before at the gym as he would always introduce himself and say hi to everyone. As I was impressed by his attitude and CV I decided to contact him. I have now been training with him for 4 months and I think it is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I have not only seen impressive results in weight loss (lost over 8 kg while gaining muscle, surpassing my original goal) but I was so surprised to see how much it affected my wellbeing. I sleep and eat better, I am more social and I have developed greater resilience at work. Muftah is very generous with sharing his time and immense knowledge on the subject which has allowed me to develop a greater understanding of the exercises and habits we are trying to form and ulimately trust the process. He provides a very high quality service (including meal prep packs, accompanying videos for exercises, an app that helps log progress and check in, and organises seminars on related topics) which made it much easier for me to stick to a plan. He pays a lot of attention to my difficulties, always knows when I am struggling and keeps me accountable. Beyond training at the gym, working with Muftah has taught me to develop strategies to focus on achieving goals and push myself in my personal life as well. I am still on my journey to become a healthier person and I am so pleased that I have asked Muftah’s help with this. I would really recommend Muftah to anyone that is struggling to reach their fitness goals
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I have Known Muftah for around a year, he personally came to me to introduce himself. One of the reasons why I chose him as my PT was because he has a very positive mindset and wants all his clients to ACHIEVE the best. One of my challenges before i started training with Muftah was my struggle with weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I was feeling very low because i was working hard to loose weight but was not seeing any results.
I have been training with him for over 4 months, he has helped me to push myself and loose +10kg and to get stronger. He has also helped me to improve my mindset about everything, become more resilient and work hard. He has motivated me immensely to achieve my goals which I thought i could never achieve. Like on Leg Press, we started at 80kg. We improved the form/technique, pushed hard and recently got to 400kg. Along the way he explained about the correct techniques and use them to get the best results. Since i started training with Muftah, I have a lot more energy, confidence and a drive to get closer and closer to my goals! For all these reasons, i would HIGHLY recommend Muftah to be your PT!
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Before working with Muftah, I was already more active than ever before. Despite the enthusiasm, I lacked the knowledge to make it into a measurable and sustainable habit. Through our sessions, I have learned how the body reacts to exercise and nutrition, the efficient and injury-free way to use gym equipment, and the way it all ties together into a plan and towards a goal.

Muftah teaches rather than instructs. Owing to his knowledge in sport science and nutrition, our plans are well argumented, allowing me to build upon the learnings and make correct decisions beyond the sessions.

If you are motivated, willing to absorb knowledge and want to take your fitness to the next level, find someone else, we don't want to share Muftah.
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During the pandemic I formed some pretty bad habits. To name a few: Binge Eating, Stress Eating and Boredom Eating. As a result, I started to gain weight at a rapidly alarming rate and my health was become a concern. Something had to change. After many crash diets and inconsistent attempts to work out. I looked into getting a personal trainer to help me build better habits and work out more regularly.

After many consultations with various personal trainers … I finally met the one, Muftah.

I was initially unsure if a personal trainer was worth the investment but I can surely testify, that working with Muftah is the best investment I’ve made for my health. There are so many tangible benefits in working with Muftah, for example, Muftah organises monthly personal development workshops with industry leading specialists, for instance workshops on how to sleep better to regulating our internal monologue. These workshops are so fun and very beneficial and I’m grateful to have access to knowledge I would have never been able to access before.

Moreover, anytime I feel like giving up Muftah is always there to support me in and outside of the gym with his encouraging words and super positive and uplifting energy. Muftah helps me to reframe the way I am thinking to get me out of a negative rut.

Muftah’s enthusiasm, wisdom and passion has helped me achieve leaps and bounds more than I ever thought I could. Muftah has helped me lift weights I never thought I could lift, challenge limiting beliefs about myself and helped me build a more positive relationship with food.

I also love Muftah’s communication style, it is clear, relevant and science-backed. Muftah is extremely learned in the in the field of fitness and nutrition and he explains not only how to train but why one must train a certain way, and this has been very helpful for my understanding and in helping me trust the fitness process better.

Also, all Muftah’s clients are in a group chat where we support and learn from each other. It’s great to be part of a community where everyone is on the same journey.

Muftah also allows access to his incredible app, in here, one can track their daily habits for example, protein intake, water intake, calories burnt and also record their workout routines, it has been incredible to have an online documentation of this fitness journey.

Muftah is more than a personal trainer, he’s a teacher, life coach and an encourager. I am beyond grateful to have met him.
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I have been training with Muftah for about 5 months now. I approached him after seeing him working with some of his clients at the gym, and i was really impressed by his energy! Since I started training with Muftah lost 8kg in the first 4 months, while maintaining muscle mass. Now that i have been bulking for a few weeks, I have already gained 1.5kg without any increase in body fat, which is something i have never managed to do before! Most importantly, he has really helped me to find the time and consistency to get the most out of training; I am a pretty busy person, with a full time job in tech and a part time Phd that i do in my spare time, so the teaching i have been receiving from Muftah has been invaluable and i am now confident that i can keep getting in better and better shape, and then actually maintain it! Thanks Muftah for your great energy and support, I could not recommend you more!
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I approached Muftah 3 months ago, when I was completely out of shape, and gained 10kgs during the course of the pandemic. Seeing how miserable I was, and given he has a waiting list of clients to join him, he was kind enough to take me on as his client almost immediately. Over the last 3 months, Muftah has helped me lose 6kgs whilst gaining muscle. I was suffering from chronic back pain, and Muftah identified the cause of the problem in our first session together, and helped me strengthen the other muscles, so that I do not strain the back too much. 'Miracle Muftah' has helped me to almost completely eliminate my back problems.

Muftah is one of the few trainers who has a Bachelors degree in Biomedical Sciences, and a Masters degree in Nutrition and is extremely knowledgeable on anatomy and body mechanics, and makes sure you do not injure yourself while training. Thank you Muftah for your knowledge and positive influence I would gladly recommend you as a personal trainer!
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I met Muftah about three months ago. A friend of mine was working with him and honestly wouldn’t shut up about him. Keep in mind that this friend has been a gym fanatic since I’ve know him; working out was already his religion. And yet here he was talking about how this PT was a massive game changer. Annoying to have to hear about it constantly, yes. But also it sparked interest: Who was this mysterious PT, and what on earth could make him this special?

And so, despite being pretty cynical about my own chances of experiencing some form of internal health revolution, I decided I’d give Muftah a chance. And though it pains me to admit it, I’m grateful to my friend for his incessant Muftah-blabbering. Because Muftah has driven what can only be called a health revolution for me.

The first time we met, it was quite clear who Muftah was. He’s what we might call a “carer”; he is motivated by helping others and motivating them to positive change. He is open with who he is what what he expects of you. But he’s also someone filled with understanding who always works from where you’re at in your life, adapting expectations so that it’s always within reach, albeit challenging. And he’s filled with positive and optimistic energy, infecting people around him with his

For myself, before meeting Muftah I was pretty overweight, and while I didn’t love it, it was something that I didn’t feel I could change. I would sleep till 10am regularly, and order deliveroo when I was hungry. I didn’t plan for anything because I felt like life was overwhelming enough and to try and solve these problems would push me beyond my limits.

Three months later I am counting calories, have lost 6kg, am waking up regularly early in the morning, am working on quitting smoking, and have grown stronger physically as well as mentally. And it’s fair to say that this is because of Muftah’s support, his motivating pep-talks, his always-kindly pushing back on excuses, his regular check-ins to see how the day went. Its due to how he pushes me at the gym, always freakishly focused and pushing you beyond what you thought was possible. It’s due to him always showing another more planned and disciplined way through how he lives, and his desire to share what he learns with others.

Get a room you might say. And I do agree that this review may feel a bit dramatic. But the truth of it is that Muftah is someone who has made a huge impact on my self and sense of self through these efforts. And it’s also true that he’s a remarkable person, and that I honestly feel incredibly privileged to be able to work with him when he is still getting started, and has time for a normie like me.

Take it from me: if you’re looking for a PT who will push and accompany you to a better version of yourself, look no further. Give Muftah a shot and see for yourself just how much of a difference he will make for you.
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I can't recommend Muftah highly enough. The three months we have been working together have been totally transformational for me, I have lost 8kg of fat and developed so much muscle. I feel so much more healthy, both mentally and physically, my stress levels have reduced and my sleep quality improved. I have found Muftah so engaging and committed to me, we exchange daily messages and he has guided me every step of the way. I will end this review as I started it, I can't recommend him highly enough.
Matthew Lee
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I have worked with a number of personal trainers over the course of the last few years and Muftah is without doubt by far the most engaging, enthusiastic, hard-working, informed and dedicated i've trained with. He's got me into a position where I am completely focused and driven to achieve objectives that we set together. His attention to detail is incredible, and the way he works is innovative. It means that we're able to consistently set mini targets that feel manageable but impactful every day, every week and ultimately month to month that keep you committed. Will be working with him for a long time to come, and am sure I'll continue to see results week after week.
Ben Haines
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Working with Muftah has changed my perception of the gym and working out. His enthusiasm and dedication to his work are some of the qualities that have really influenced with me. I now look forward to "non negotiable" gym time to care for my body and mind. From the exercises I've learned from him I have noticed a definite increase in my strength and stamina. Muftah's academic background in medicine is reflected in the well researched and exact information he provides you. Thank you Muftah for your knowledge and positive influence I would gladly recommend you as a personal trainer!
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Muftah is the best personal trainer in town:)
I have been watching him for a month before I sign with him, the energy the commitment he gives to his clients describable.
He definitely knows how to motivate you in a professional level, his knowledge is rich, he is kind caring and always polite and well mannered.
He will always make sure and check that you have achieved your daily target and more.
His time is perfect and always on time.
I will recommend him with my eyes closed.
All the Best
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Before I began training with Muftah nearly 3 months ago I was unhappy with the way I looked, I was eating poorly and drinking more alcohol than I should. I had been wanting to get back into shape for years but I couldn’t find the motivation to do it. Since then with the help of Muftah I have changed my life for the better. I have lost 7 kilos, 5% body fat and look and feel much better in myself, I no longer hate catching my reflection in mirrors/ car windows. The discipline Muftah has helped instil in me means I now eat a much healthier diet and think twice before I make a decision that will affect my goals. In the gym Muftah is very knowledgeable when it comes training, the tailored plan he has put together for me is helping me achieve the body I want. I have been training on and off for years and I can truthfully say that no one has ever pushed me as far as Muftah does when we train in the gym. Muftah as a person is the most passionate person I have met when it comes to fitness and wellbeing. The great thing about Muftah is he really cares about you and your goals, he always checks in with me to see how I am progressing and tries to keep me on track. Overall, I would highly recommend Muftah to anybody looking to kick start their fitness and wellbeing journey
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I’ve been training with Muftah for the last 3 months and I want to admit that he is the best coach I’ve ever seen in my life. He helped me to add 6kg in the right areas. I can't be happier.
Before I met Muftah I had a problem with underweight and that made me extremely frustrated, especially when I see myself on the mirror. When we had our consultation, coach Muftah was very understanding and explained to me very clearly what I need to do to gain weight in the right areas. His level of education and professionalism exerted confidence and helped me to trust him. Before, I have tried to gain weight many times, but I have always failed. It felt very good to have a professional coach to tell me exactly what I need to do and remind me why I want to gain weight in the first place. In my opinion, one of the most important questions that coach Muftah asks in his consultation is why you want to achieve your fitness goals. He digs deep until he finds the true reason. Then, he will make sure that he will link every action that you need to take to that reason. This made it effortless and put more importance to every action I needed to take. Everything is personalised to my goal. There is always a reason behind anything that he asks me to do. The personal training journey is truly personal with coach Muftah. I am loving every personal training session with and I would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to achieve their fitness goals. I know that he has a waiting list now, trust me and jump in line, he is absolutely worth the wait.
Warda Hamed
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I have been training with Muftah for almost 4 months now. It is my first experience with a personal trainer after having done gym on my own for over 5 years and I can confidently say it has been a clear step up in reaching my fitness goals.

My main goal is building muscle mass and, on my own, I had reached a point where I couldn’t push results much further. Is these last 4 months I have managed to go right beyond the point where I was at my best and now reaching levels of strength and muscle building I hadn’t been able to reach before.

There are a few areas really worth highlighting that make Muftah a specially great PT:
1. Planning - Muftah put together a plan specifically designed to reach my goals and has been able to flexibly change it in response to how I was doing and what I needed at the time based on factors like stress at work, nutritional needs, etc.
2. Dedication - Muftah is consistently on top of the plans he sets and always followed up on reminding me of going to the gym, eating the calories I need, tracking my weight, so that we can stay on track and make the best use of my time and energy. This is invaluable to me, for the first time I’ve managed to get into a consistent routine and see the incremental results week after week!
3. Motivation - Going to our sessions is extremely motivating to me, I look forward to it as I know he will push me to make the best out of that time and I’ll leave feeling accomplished session after session!

Overall, I’d recommend Muftah to literally anyone. It’s clear to me he cares a lot about his clients and invests lots of time and energy in giving the best PT service. No matter what your goals are, I see how his approach and dedication can absolutely make a difference for anyone either new or already experienced in fitness.

He’s also an awesome guy with lots of positive energy and great to talk to! 10/10 would totally recommend
Lucas Moscovicz
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I have been training with Muftah for 3 months. Muftah was a perfect guide for gym and nutrition. I have always been finding it hard to gain wait and Muftah gave me the right motivation and advice to reach the results I wanted. We had a detailed consultation at the start where we set the goals, he made clear to me what is realistic and what is not, and I felt sure this would be a great collaboration.

He was monitoring my diet and weight every week and provided me with bespoke advice on how I should continue with my diet (calories & protein intake) so I can achieve my goals. During training he was always there to push my limits. He is passionate about his work and his professionalism is evident. He is always careful about risk of injuries and pays attention to the training technique making sure the muscles are activated the right way. I also much appreciated that he was totally focused on me while training.

Muftah is also a great communicator and social person as well! He has always been energetic and smiley which has been very important during the training. Not all days are great when it comes to motivation but Muftah made it every single time a great experience to train with him! and it always started to feel good from the first minutes of the training.

I totally recommend Muftah! A PT to achieve your goals and also have good fun times at same time!
Nikos Laourakis
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Before I came to work with Muftah I was very underweight and I was looking to gain muscle and have a better nutritional plan. He started off slowly, getting me used to the different exercises and with time he helped me become better and stronger at these exercises. I could feel myself becoming stronger and healthier with his help. Training under him really helped me understand how to train and what exercises work best for my body and I am now more confident about exercising on my own. During lockdown my eating habits had gotten severely disrupted and Muftah really helped me get back on track and follow a strict calorie intake. Training under Muftah has been an absolute pleasure. He is very professional and helpful. He is also very easy to talk to and very understanding. He was very systematic in his approach and made me look forward to coming to our sessions. In these 2 months he’s made me realize that my body is capable of so much more than I had thought and by pushing me out of my comfort zone I now feel very confident about my body and health. I would highly recommend Muftah and I’m so lucky to have been trained under him.
Sarah Choudhary
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At the gym, you can really feel when Muftah is around. He brings so much energy to the place, which is also one of the reasons he stood out and wanted to train with him. Muftah knows how to push your limits always chasing improvements. We have been training for 3 months and I'm still surprised every session by the results we achieve together. Losing weight, becoming stronger physically and mentally it's something that Muftah has helped me a lot with. I've learned not only to exercise correctly but also how to control my diet. He's been patiently explaining how things work and how the body transformation takes place working towards a goal. I'm so grateful for all the learnings I had and all the boundaries we pushed together. On top of the gym sessions together we are in touch throughout the day for meal planning and other solo activities when not working together.
But it's not just pain and gain, Muftah is an amazing person and always sets a positive and energetic mood. All the banter just makes it more fun.
I would recommend Muftah to anyone that wants to invest in a better self.
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I have been training with Muftah for nearly three years both in person and virtually during lockdown.

He has really helped me build strength (both physically and mentally) and improve my fitness. Muftah is always looking for new ways to challenge me and go beyond the belief of what I can do / achieve.

It is so lovely to see someone who is so passionate about their work and truly wanting to help his clients. He is a great communicator and makes you feel motivated to accomplish your goals. He extends his support beyond our training sessions and is always on hand to ask for advice when I need it.

I am really grateful to be training with such a nice person like Muftah!!
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I have been training with Muftah for nearly three years both in person and virtually during lockdown.

He has really helped me build strength (both physically and mentally) and improve my fitness. Muftah is always looking for new ways to challenge me and go beyond the belief of what I can do / achieve.

It is so lovely to see someone who is so passionate about their work and truly wanting to help his clients. He is a great communicator and makes you feel motivated to accomplish your goals. He extends his support beyond our training sessions and is always on hand to ask for advice when I need it.

I am really grateful to be training with such a nice person like Muftah!!
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I started training with Muftah two months ago and it is one of the best decision I have ever made! I recommend Muftah for many reasons, such as his passion, professional skills, knowledge of training & nutrition, level of care, etc. But there are two things I love most. One is he helps me to improve constantly with systematically training plan and helpful diaries feedback. The second thing is he helps me to train efficiently and reach to my full potential without hurting myself. Those two things mean a lot to me! Without him, I probably couldn't make much progress of putting muscles for different reasons, struggle with self-doubt of whether I could change my body, hurt myself at the gym or even give up after a while. I have learned a lot of about training from all kinds of resources(e.g. youtube) before I started with Muftah, but I do feel that is not enough and training with Muftah is a game changer. If you decide to change your body, I would highly recommend Muftah as your personal traniner!
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Choosing to work with Muftah has been the best decision I have made in a very long time. He came into my life at a time where I had neglected myself for so long that I hardly recognised what I saw in the mirror and how I felt in my body. I knew I had to make changes, but didn't know where to start. Returning to gym post lockdown was intimidating and I just felt a bit a lost. I wasn't looking for a PT, but Muftah offered a free taster session so I could see if I liked his style of training, and how could I not! He is such a warm, bright and energetic person, who genuinely loves what he does and the quality of his work reflects that. Since training with Muftah I have lost almost a stone, I am eating mindfully, feeling stronger and healthier, and feel so much happier. I absolutely could not have made such consistent and successful changes without Muftah's relentless enthusiasm and guidance. I love our training sessions, and enjoy how he pushes me to my limit but always safely. I have a few injuries that can flare up from time to time, and Muftah has been great at accommodating adaptations when necessary. During sessions he is completely focused on you - analysing your technique, paying attention to detail and form to ensure you get the best from your workout whilst training safely, whilst also being your best cheerleader! The support he provides outside of sessions has also been invaluable, he is the voice of reason in times of doubt and he helps keep me accountable which is really appreciate. I look forward to making lifelong sustainable changes with his impressive knowledge and guidance. Very highly recommend!
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I would recommend to anyone that they work with Muftah if they get the chance – particularly if you are happy to put in the effort in that focussed time with him, I really feel that I’ve spent my training time well and achieved something. He has excellent knowledge and experience and is highly professional and constantly learning new things which he is keen to share.
I really enjoy my sessions with Muftah – I’ve made great physical progress and learnt a lot about nutrition, training and focus. It’s also really improved my relationship with my body –I feel like I have much better understanding of my capabilities and limits, and can control how I move and I’m quite proud of how strong I am getting – as a 49 (ulp) year old woman Muftah explains likely physical differences without ever making me feel limited by them.
I am not great at working out by myself and working with Muftah I have achieved a significant gain in muscle and function while maintaining the same weight. There’s a really noticeable gain in tone – I have muscles I can see, and a noticeably stronger core which helps manage aches and pains. I have for the first time since a serious knee injury almost 10 years ago been able to squat and build up strength in my legs – making stairs much less scary!
Our training sessions leave me exhausted, often mentally as well as physically which has really been helpful for stress management. I really miss our sessions if I have to change one for any reason.
Muftah is very reliable – always on time and communicates really well. This means that we’ve maintained a very regular training schedule which has enabled progression.
Muftah’s coaching is great – he has really high standards and this works for me as I do too- however, he never asks me to push myself in any way that may cause injury – he’s very strict about this. Form always comes first and then we progress further. He takes a great deal of care to ensure I work out in a safe way and is always happy to answer questions – he has a wealth of knowledge which he is great at sharing, and is constantly educating himself, and working out new ways of making movements more effective.
During the last year of working out at home I can safely that that entirely due to Muftah I’ve discovered a way I love to work out and have even invested in some weights and other equipment. Even when all I had was a yoga mat, some ancient dumbbells and towel though Muftah still managed to create varied and inventive workouts which were very effective.
Rosalind Singleton
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I trained with Meftah for 3 months. I wanted to learn the knowledge of training as well as learning the correct posture at the beginning. Each session, he gave me detailed guidance, and whenever we have a session or not, he always answered questions sincerely. He always guides clients with great enthusiasm and positive mind. It makes me work out harder. He has really diligent personality, also Every week, he quickly updated the direction I should aim for. Therefore, I gained a lot of knowledge and I also able to increase the desired muscle in 3months. I recommend him to anyone who will train with Meftah in the future.
Jungwoong Park
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I’ve been training with Muftah for 2 months and it’s been a really amazing and surprising process. I’d been a member of the St Pancras gym for a couple of years but never had a trainer and was beginning to question whether I should even continue. Then Muftah arrived! His upbeat personality has made a huge difference to the overall atmosphere in the gym where there’s now much more of a positive vibe.

I’d always found the idea of having a personal trainer very intimidating and ‘not for me’. Muftah managed to turn this around with his natural way to put people at ease. He’s very perceptive at picking up on the key physical and psychological issues that affect an individual and he has an instinctive way of working which encourages you to want to work even harder.

He has a detailed approach to measuring improvements too and this makes the process feel like a success each step of the way. He’s also very knowledgeable about diet so this has become and unexpected part of my programme with really encouraging results.

Muftah also goes the extra mile with personalised videos and motivational messages to keep you going throughout the week. If you’re thinking about whether you need a personal trainer, you should definitely seek him out.
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I started working with Muftah 11 weeks ago and it is one of the best decisions I ever made!! In the short time we have been working together I have lost nearly two stone!!! and more than that I haven't been starving myself AND I am so much stronger and fitter now AND I'm starting to notice my body tone is changing as the majority of the weight loss is fat. If you had asked me 11 weeks ago I would have thought this would be impossible & I could never achieve the body I wanted.

When we started working together I was super shy in the gym, had no idea what I was doing and was totally lost. I wanted to lose weight and get fitter and stronger, but had no idea how to do it without making myself miserable. I have never trained properly before and was really scared. From the get go, Muftah is one of the most energetic and positive people you will ever meet. He is so passionate about your success and is 100% my biggest cheerleader. Muftah put me at ease immediately and showed me how to do everything, building up my confidence so that now I feel comfortable and safe doing the exercises by myself. When you train his attention is 100% on you, checking your form, watching that everything is ok and even doing cardio with you.

What's amazing is that Muftah also helps with your diet, which has been absolutely critical to my progress. He is incredibly knowledgable about training and nutrition, which is SO useful - there is so much misinformation out there it's great to be able to ask Muftah anything and get a response based on the science (as a biology PhD student this matters to me a lot!!). When I hurt my ankle, Muftah researched and changed my training program so that I could recover, whilst still making the same progress towards my goals. I genuinely used to hate exercise and now my whole mindset has changed, like I look forward to going to the gym?!?! Our sessions are so fun - Muftah pushes you just out of your comfort zone and has shown me that I'm capable of so much more than I thought before.

I absolutely cannot recommend Muftah enough - I feel so lucky to have him as my PT!

Charlotte C
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Hi, my name is Ronick Somaiya, and I started training with Muftah close to a year and three months ago. I was not in the best places last year, close to 80kgs, and wanted to lose some fat and weight to build muscle in the future. I met Muftah through another trainer and since then has changed my life in every aspect; mentally, physically, my ability to approach my tasks more efficiently.

In total, I lost close to 13-15kg with him in a short period. However, it was in a very healthy way. Since then, my energy levels have improved much more throughout the day as he has helped me find my ‘power hours’, not only for training but also since I am studying at university. As a result, I have been able to be more efficient during the day. Through his guidance, I have gained a lot of knowledge in terms of nutrition which was to my advantage as I created my meal plan.

The level of professionalism that I have received from Muftah has been incredible; he has stood by me and offered a lot of guidance and care. He does recognise that my personal life plays a massive role in how I act and how my mood is. He frequently takes note of any emotional problems I am going through and helps me to solve them. We have set up a way to improve my accountability by updating him with how my day has gone, steps, meals (Did I follow the meal requirements?), and if I have done anything else productive in terms of work or general errands.

I have improved a lot as a person, and that is credited to Muftah. He deserves every bit of recognition and appreciation for the way my life has changed. I would definitely recommend his training program to anyone as he is a massive motivator and person who helps keep you accountable.
Ronick Somaiya
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I have been training with Muftah for the last 2 months. I learned to train smart, something I did not use to do. I learned to push myself harder than I thought I would, which lead to a 7kg weight loss within that period whilst also gaining muscle and improving my metabolic condition. I now feel stronger, have more energy and significantly improved my stamina during physical efforts.

Muftha’s level of passion is admirable and I am always greeted with a smile when I go to the gym. I always get reminders about weighing myself and constant motivation.

I would definitely recommend Muftah if you want to reach your goals.
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Working with Muftah is great. He is extremely knowledgeable on workouts, anatomy and body mechanics, as well as in nutrition. He's always available to provide guidance and suggestions. He care about the clients and constantly focus on what's best for us. Muftah is great in guiding and supporting you through the process of growing and becoming better. One thing that I really enjoy of working with him is that he is able to push you through your limits and surpass them and he's always there to congratulate with you when it happens.

I absolutely recommend Muftah, it's a pleasure working with him. He helps you to achieve your goal and overcome your limits, he's always available when needed and he's there to support you in the journey to get better. I could not recommend him enough

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