Your Personal Training
Liv James
Liv James
Link Centre, Swindon
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Hey, I’m Liv.
I have an extensive background in football and have been a player myself for over a decade now, watching women’s football grow and develop in that time. I have dealt with my fair share of sports related injuries and know how easy it is to want to quit when faced with these physical and mental challenges.

My approach is about balance and sustainability, creating a healthy lifestyle that will continue long term for you rather than a “quick fix” that won’t give you the permanent results and satisfaction that you want to see.

Whether you are a total beginner in the gym, are an athlete wanting to improve your skills for performance, or just someone who wants to see more of the benefits of fitness; I can provide the individual support, expertise and motivation you need to reach your goals.

It’s never too late to start. So if you’re ready to start a new chapter in your fitness journey and unlock your full potential, let’s team up and make it happen together!
Level 2 Fitness Instructor
Level 3 Personal Trainer
Body transformation
Fat loss coaching
Women’s training
Sports specific coaching
Resistance training
Functional fitness
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