Your Personal Training
Rory Halliday-Stokes
Rory Halliday-Stokes
Better Gym Mere Green
Sutton Coldfield
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Are you looking to get in shape? Do you feel that everything you have tried so far has not worked and you need a plan of action that is personal to you? Is nutrition confusing you?

As someone who also used to feel like this, I now understand the amazing impact exercise can have on your image, confidence & mindset. There is a lack of education, accountability and most importantly support given to people who want results! I am determined to change that.

My clients who also started out feeling out of shape, now love how they feel happier, healthier & fitter than ever before. My clients now socialise with family/friends feeling confident in what they wear and who they are. My clients now enjoy exercise and the important role it plays in their lives.

Get in touch to arrange an informal chat about you, your goals and a complimentary 5-tip guide on how to get in shape.
BSc (Hons) Exercise & Health (First Class Honours)
Level 3 Personal Trainer
Level 3 GP Exercise Referral
Level 2 Gym Instructor
Nutrition & Health
Weight Loss/Toning Up for Females
Muscle Gain/Fat Loss for Men
Nutrition Specialist
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