Your Personal Training
Tom Barker
Tom Barker
Manchester Aquatics Centre
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44 votes
About Qualifications Specialisms Location Reviews
PT is about far more than just “sessions". It’s about doing whatever you can to get your client from where they are, to where they want to be. To help someone who’s been stuck for years takes some serious effort.

My service includes a Daily Accountability System, Weekly Check-Ins, Unlimited Access to my help/advice (unless I’m sleeping…).

I have been a PT, in a busy city centre gym for years. I’ve gained absolute confidence in my abilities to train people of all ages, body-types, and training level.

I have taken beginners to the weights room for the first time. I have helped intermediates who were at a sticking points, overcome that sticking point (in terms of strength usually) and I’ve helped advanced clients get abs for the first time (check out my Instagram to see this).

All people have different obstacles to overcome, which is why they enlist the help of PT – I feel my experience has taught me to be patient and to have a good understanding of people’s needs.

To push them when they need to be pushed but never to push them to the point of injury or extreme fatigue.
Level 2 - Fitness Instructor (with The Training Room)
Level 3 - Personal Training (with The Training Room)
Level 4 – Strength + Conditioning (TBC)
Technogym Equipment (ask me for a demo)
Daily Accountability/Support
Strength Increase
Cardiovascular Fitness
Nutrition/Meal Plans/Recipes
44 Reviews 44 out of 44
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Tom has helped a disabled person I support to engage in exercises they enjoy and want to participate in through discussions with me and then around their issues towards gym activity.
The person I support visibly enjoyed football exercises and were more willing to take up more machine-based exercises.
I am looking to book more sessions for them with Tom this year.
Marcus Hanley
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I've been training with Tom Barker for several months now, and I couldn't be happier with the results and the overall experience. Tom's dedication and expertise have transformed my fitness routine. His sessions are well-structured and tailored to my individual goals and fitness level.

Tom's ability to motivate and push me beyond my limits while ensuring proper form and technique is impressive. He incorporates a variety of exercises to keep the workouts engaging and effective, which has significantly improved my strength and endurance 💪

Additionally, his friendly approach makes every session enjoyable. I'm not sure who's funnier, Tom or me 😅, but our sessions are full of laughter and fun, making the hard work feel much more manageable.

If you're looking for a personal trainer who is professional, knowledgeable, and genuinely invested in your fitness journey, I highly recommend Tom Barker.

Thank you, "Tom and Jerry" 😅✌️— no, thank you, Tom Barker! 🙏

PS: Enjoy the hoilday, don't work too much! 👀
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Tom is an incredible PT. He is friendly, approachable, and has a depth of knowledge and experience that would take me years to acquire. The things I am most grateful for are my mindset change, his help in my progress in the gym, and an understanding of what food is nutritionally, so I can move forward to achieve my goals. He is always on call and for questions and encouragement, I would recommend anyone to contact him, even if they have never been in a gym before, I wish I would have done it sooner!
Steven Twentyman
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I've been training with Tom since late February and I'm already experiencing an overall growth in my body strength in less than two months!

For me, the most important thing is to train systematically without getting injured or losing interest in workouts. Tom is patient, professional and encouraging, I enjoyed every training session and kept hitting new PRs!

Tom is the one I'd definitely recommend if you ever want to get started. Let's get into the habit of exercising and have a healthier lifestyle!
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Tom is a passionate and knowledgeable personal trainer. Not only does he instruct, but he embodies his training in his sessions. In our sessions, he pushes me beyond what I thought I was capable, of which I am grateful.
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Tom is clearly both a highly proficient and personable professional trainer who was very alert and attentive to my own limitations and initial lack of confidence within the gym environment. This care was most evident in tailing his training advice to accommodate my own long standing medical issues not least historic back and knee injuries. Tom’s manner and explicit advice quickly assuaged my fears about re-igniting such problems. Evidenced by the bespoke gym routine he helped develop, that although rigorous and clearly delivering sought outcome did so at a gradual and reassuring pace. I have the great pleasure of recommending his practice to others. JE
Dr JGM Evans
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Tom is a positive, friendly, and supportive personal trainer. As a beginner to exercise routines and the gym in general, Tom has gone the extra mile to make sure I'm both challenged and supported during our sessions. Tom has provided me with detailed instructions, workout plans, and nutrition advice, tailored to my needs.

I would absolutely recommend Tom to anyone who is interested in personal training. No matter what your level of experience in the gym is, I'm sure Tom will be able to help you achieve your goals.
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Tom is a really amazing PT! I have sessions in a pair with my friend so we are double trouble for him! But he plans really engaging and interesting sessions that work for us both. There always seems to be something new to learn or a way to progress and that really helps me to stay motivated. He also keeps in touch with regular reminders and tips and he covers lots of different aspects around diet, exercise, health and motivation, so I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress really quickly. Tom explains things so clearly and I find it really interesting to learn how and why things work, so that is an aspect I really appreciate. And probably the most important thing is just how fun the PT sessions are! It is great to have a laugh and for them to be so enjoyable. I feel like it’s become part of my routine quite easily thanks to Tom’s support and I feel so so much more confident in the gym than I did before. Thank you!
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Just started training with Tom and I’m absolutely loving it. Tom is super engaging and very helpful in terms of what I need to do in the gym, and in between sessions as well. It’s a nice feeling knowing that I’m supported throughout the week, not just when I’m physically in the gym.
Tom is friendly and approachable, taking away all of the nerves I had about training. He’s also catered to my needs, especially with tracking my food. I found it dull to calorie count so he offered a different solution and it works really well. I feel heard.
Any questions I have I just fire away and he gets back to me quickly. Looking forward to what we achieve over the next few months.
Aimee Jay
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Been training with Tom for 3 years now, at 2 different gyms. A cancer diagnosis in between temporarily shut me down fitness wise. As well as constantly motivating me to do more in our workout sessions he also changes my mindset with regards to diet and nutrition, and brings out the best in me believing in what I can achieve. Which has resulted in a more focussed, stronger person that is actually starting to look good in a t-shirt. Thank you my friend Tom Barker
Simon Chapman
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I have always struggled to establish a workout routine, as I found gyms to be quite boring. Tom changed that! He developed a plan targeting my goals of strength and toning up, considering my physical strengths and weaknesses. The plan is not only enjoyable but also easy to follow. I also needed some accountability, and his meticulous approach helps me stay on track. He is very encouraging and always happy to answer any questions.

I recommend him 100% to anyone looking for an excellent PT!
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I started with Tom just before Christmas this year as my partner has been training with him and recommended him with high praises, and I am pleased to say that I am extremely satisfied with how my PT sessions have been with Tom. He has been very patient with me and is very knowledgeable about different types of body types and what types of exercises and machines would suit your goals, I definitely would recommend him as a PT!
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I came across Tom by chance after I'd hit a wall with a different weight loss programme, and decided to 'give it a go' for a month and see how I got on.

I don't think he realises the impact he's had on me in such a short space of time. He's helped to shift my mindset, from automatically choosing foods high in calories but lacking nutrition, to prioritising whole foods. I love that he's realistic when it comes to helping me with my weight loss too. Tom's given me some great recipe ideas and flexibility with my daily calories to not make me feel like I'm 'dieting' but simply putting my health first. I've managed to hit 12,000 daily steps (nearly every day) for over a month now with his help. I've increased my water intake, I make better food choices and even joined the gym which I've been saying I would do for the last three years.

It's felt pretty easy to lose 10lbs in just over 3 weeks and I'm loving not only looking better but feeling better in such a short space of time. I'd definitely recommend Tom for anyone who's looking for a truly supportive PT who cares about your goals.
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My daughter, has had a challenging year in many ways, learning lots about herself and has received a number of diagnoses.

We approached Tom to see if he could work with her mainly with her confidence, strength and belief in herself.
She has had 2 sessions, he is fantastic with her. She's smiling, laughing with him, chats to him and enjoying the set he gives her, he's full of encouragement, she's even asked to do more!

He's very open and talks easily to both me and her.

She's clicked with him very easily, and I trust him to work with her. 5 ⭐
Lisa Vernon
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Nearly half a stone down in my first month.

Really great support and encouragement, helped motivate me and available when I needed support and guidance. The check ins are great as I need the push in making right choices.

Thanks for all your help and support :)
Charlie Dempsey
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Tom, my personal trainer at the Gym Aquatic Center in Manchester, has truly elevated my fitness journey. His expertise and commitment to tailored training plans have been instrumental in achieving my goals. Tom's motivational style and attention to detail create an engaging and effective workout environment. I highly recommend him for anyone seeking a dedicated and skilled personal trainer.

Dr.Gautam, UoM
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I have been training with Tom for about 7 weeks and can say I’m more enthusiastic about exercise and training.

When I first started at the gym I barely knew how to use any of the equipment and was nervous about using the weights. Tom has given me more confidence using these pieces of equipment and how to do weights safely.

Every session is fun and engaging which makes every pt session an enjoyable one. He is very knowledgeable about muscle groups and how to get the most out of each exercise. This has helped me improve my training and getting to my goal.

Would recommend him to everyone as he is a great pt.
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Great PT! Provides thorough training plans including advice on nutrition. He has been very helpful in perfecting technique. 10/10 would recommend
Sharan Syam
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Tom is amazing he’s different from any other personal trainer I’ve ever had before. I used to throw up every time when doing leg days with my last PT because the workout plan wasn’t right for me so I kinda considered leg days as a pain. However after training with tom for a week I noticed I started enjoying leg days because the workout program was perfect-nothing too easy or too challenging for me, he helped me figure out how hard to work. I was also worried about my forms before starting training with tom because I had been told a couple of times by random people in the gym that my form wasn’t correct but tom was always telling me how perfect my form was n how well I had done. I am now much more confident and feel better about my forms. I’m always looking forward to my next session with him and I can’t wait to see the results.
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Tom is my first PT and he was very professional and allowed me, a beginner who had never been into gym training before, to train safely and professionally. He is especially patient in showing me and explaining the moves to make sure I was doing them correctly and would patiently answer all my questions.

Most importantly! He took away my fear of the gym and has greatly stimulated my interest in exercise. I highly recommend Tom to anyone seeking a PT!
jinghong peng
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Been training with Tom recently and found him very knowledgeable and motivating.

Would definitely recommend!
Liam Howard
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Tom made me feel so comfortable when training me, he gave me some great tips and is very easy to get along with! Would definitely recommend
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I trained with Tom in 2020 during Covid he really helped me by giving me the tools to grow, such as diet and training plans. He was also really flexible considering the restrictions at the time. When the gym closed he gave me a home workout plan which helped me stay active and continue to achieve my goals.
A genuinely nice guy who want to help you be the best version of yourself. Highly recommend!!
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I'd been going to the gym for around 10 years when I decided to call on Tom's expertise to help me level up my training. He was able to help me identify gaps in my routine while tailoring the plan around my goals and exercises I enjoyed. He was always there for a call and happy to change and adapt my programme whenever I needed. Highly recommend.
Sam Nuggman
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I had Tom for a while I only stopped as he moved away so we lost touch. He was friendly always on time and helpful. A truly nice guy.
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I had a great experience training with Tom around 12 months ago. I wasn’t a novice in the gym, however I had been lacking routine, motivation and structure.

The plans Tom provided were challenging and interesting and he really helped to reignite my passion for exercise. He was always on hand to explain any new exercises I was unsure of, and most importantly he kept me accountable to both my training AND diet!

I’m very grateful to Tom for helping me get back on track with my fitness goals, and I would highly recommend him to both beginners and more advanced gym goers who just need that extra push.

He is friendly, patient and very knowledgeable but most importantly he makes sure you achieve your results, he’s worth every penny!
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I have a fairly major injury and in the past it’s something I’ve had to remind personal trainers about when programming for me, however, Tom kept this front of mind and was able to deliver a program I could carry out but also adapt on days I needed to.
He was very good at thinking outside the box and giving refreshing ideas for new movements.
He made sure I was pushed as hard as I could and always checked in with me afterwards.
He was very supportive and kept me accountable!
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Tom has been a great support in my journey in the gym and I’m weight loss. When we started working together I was pretty inexperienced in the gym and needed help creating a routine and developing my technique.
He listened to what I was asking for a created a plan for me that was exactly what I needed. Even now that I have been in the gym for nearly 18 months he still tweaks my program to ensure I get the best of it.
He is always available if I need support and is a great asset to have.
Sarah Garvey
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Tom helped me so much was always there at the gym helping me telling how to improve and always with food as that my biggest problem that taking time off to rest and recover .
He is so easy to embarrass as well it was great watching the whole of his face turn red lol .
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I would highly recommend training with Tom, I started sessions with him before my wedding and got great results. The personalised plan was really helpful and Tom was always on hand to help keep me motivated and answer any questions.
Vicky Handley
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As a complete beginner to working out and dieting, I turned to Tom for guidance and support to help me to achieve my fitness goals. From the very beginning, Tom was informative, knowledgeable, motivated and he made me want to push myself to become a healthier and fitter man. Shortly after creating a workout plan and diet plan that worked around my lifestyle and personal goals, I started seeing results quickly. I had started to become leaner, toned and more defined as time went by. After only a few months with Tom I had achieved my physique goals I had set out for myself when I started. I could not have asked for a better person to help guide me through that journey and there is no better PT you will find other than Tom. After PT sessions with Tom I consider him a very good friend and i would always trust him if I needed to achieve any fitness goals in the future.
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I can’t recommend Tom Barker enough! 😊

The difference in having him as my PT was massive. Tom is so supportive, very knowledgeable, and quick to respond to any questions throughout the week. The weekly keep-in-touch calls, kept my accountable and helped me progress even further with my weight loss, strength and muscle gain, and general fitness and well being. If you’ve been thinking about getting a PT, don’t hesitate any longer!! 📞✉️🏋🏻‍♀️

You’ll get results. Drop Tom a line. It’ll be the best decision you’ve made. 🏆
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I started training with Tom to get back into a gym routine after an injury and to lose some weight before a holiday. I hit my goal ahead of schedule. Tom was great at keeping me accountable and monitoring all my numbers making adjustments were needed. He was also really helpful at adapting my workout to my needs, incorporating some things I needed from my physio and finding alternatives for things I struggled with. Would highly recommend!
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Working with Tom gave me the confidence I needed to feel comfortable in the gym as well as knowledge on sets, reps and workout plans. Tom provided a full workout plan with 4 sessions a week that was tailored to my ability. We spent over 2 hours in the gym making sure I was comfortable with the equipment featured in my plan and ensuring I had the correct form. He also provided a meal plan and meal log within his app which was very important to me in my journey. Tom is down to earth and makes you feel at ease. Couldn’t have got to where I am now without his skills and professionalism :)
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Tom is a great PT. I had always struggled to meet my fitness goals, but with Tom I saw amazing changes. Tom adapted my plans to suit me and my lifestyle and kept my motivation levels high. He was very encouraging and supportive. I managed to fit into clothes I never thought I’d wear again, and went from someone who struggled with fitness to someone who enjoyed and looked forward to it. I’d recommend toms PT to anyone!
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Tom is the perfect mix of knowledgeable, supportive, and motivating, with excellent attention to detail to help meet your fitness goals. His personalised approach shows real care and investment in his clients backed up by experience and research.
TDLR: Tom seriously knows his stuff, highly recommended.
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Tom was a great help to me in my weight loss journey. He gave solid support and advice and held me accountable - which is what I needed. He provided meal plan and recipe ideas and guided me with what to aim towards with my fitness and exercise. From my daily step count to prioritising sleep and forming good habits. Tom is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic and I’d recommend him no matter how basic or complex your goals are.
Sarah Jorgensen
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Really love training with Tom. He’s very knowledgeable and flexible. Tom keeps me on track when I need it most ! Don’t know where I’d be without him. I am really enjoying getting fit in the right way and I am learning lots about the choices I make with his guidance. Thank you Tom 😃
Anna Ainscough
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I was with Tom for a short period in 2022 and honestly he was amazing!

I learnt a lot when I was him and even the basics of how important little things were like sleep and water, I would recommend ☺️
Krishma Kaur
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Can't speak higher of Tom's training. Wanted to lose some weight before my wedding and aimed to lose a stone but ended up doubling that. Personal, catered plans made the process feel easy and he was in constant contact to offer advice. Would recommend him to anyone.
Jack Handley
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I started my fitness journey with Tom and I couldn’t have found a better trainer. He is super friendly and very helpful with any questions you have and with the advise he gives. He helped me to get a better understanding of fitness and what I needed to do to achieve my goals as-well as helping me maintain my goals for the future. Couldn’t recommend a friendlier and more knowledgeable guy to start or have on your fitness journeys!
Vicky Cross
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Tom’s helped me achieve and surpass all of my goals; I’ve lost over 10kg and am the strongest I’ve ever been. Tom is one of the friendliest coaches and nicest people, he is always available to answer any questions or to just offer some words of encouragement and goes above and beyond to help you get to where you want to be.
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I trained with Tom 2ish years ago while he was at my local gym and would have continued too but he moved locations.

Tom put extra work into my training as I have mobility issues so I needed careful guidance not to injure myself, correct imbalances and find alternatives when an exercise wasn’t working. He also worked on a bespoke meal plan and helped with general motivation and wellbeing.

What I really liked about Tom though was he had great energy, I'm a short guy who had a lot of gym anxiety and he definitely helped me shake that off, lifting heavier with him always felt like an amazing achievement which motivated me to try harder.

I’d absolutely recommend Tom as a PT to anyone looking to gain more confidence in and outside the gym 👍
Anthony Evans
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I had the pleasure of being trained by Tom, and I must say, it was an incredible experience that truly transformed my fitness journey. 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

From the very beginning, I felt at ease with Tom as my personal trainer.

As a 27-year-old woman, I found his training methods to be both challenging and supportive, ensuring that I progressed at a pace that was just right for me.

He guided me through my process with patience and enthusiasm, making sure I felt confident while pushing me to new levels of strength and fitness.🔥

Thanks to Tom's guidance, support, and encouragement, I was able to achieve my fitness goals and get into better shape. I highly recommend Tom to anyone seeking a personal trainer who not only knows their stuff but also genuinely cares about their clients' well-being and success.


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