Your Personal Training
Vince Sanders
Vince Sanders
Mountbatten Leisure Centre
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I have been in this industry for over 10 years. I never thought this would be my career path as sport was never a major part of my life as a child. I wasn't until I went to college studying performing arts and got a job as a lifeguard, that I began to explore the world of health and fitness.

After my 1st daughter was born at 23 I was given the chance to become a swim teacher which cemented my passion for coaching and to make it my career. I qualified once my 2nd daughter was born when I was 25 and set out to become a Personal Trainer.

Over 10 years I have helped my clients lose weight, get stronger, build lasting lifestyle changes, overcome disordered eating and taken athletes around the world to win medals and I would love to help you too!

Get in touch to book a free consultation and lets discuss how together you can achieve your goals.

Vince VS Complete Fitness 07771366511
LVL 3 Personal Trainer
LVL 3 Sports Massage Therapist
LVL 3 Cognitive Behavioural Therapist
British Powerlifting Coach LVL 1
Injury rehabilitation
Movement correction
Strength training
Flexibility training
Food and lifestyle management
Stress management
Mental health coaching
3 Reviews 3 out of 3
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His talent and work ethic speak volumes about his desire to help other achieve their goals and the fact that he has expanded his business to include physical therapy and mental health factors has really made him a versatile professional. Vince always makes time to speak to me when I’m annoyed or upset or just want some guidance. The best thing about him that he isn’t afraid to tell you the truth, no matter how harsh it is, but will work with you in finding a way to deal with your problems.
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Vince does everything you need him to do whether it's losing weight or gaining strength or even just some morale support he is your guy. I was going to the gym for nearly a year before I started training with Vince. My goal was to get stronger and lift heavier. Vince has showed me how to lift correctly and safely to achieve my goal and I have gotten stronger and stronger since working with him. My strength has grown beyond what I thought I could lift and I'm still hitting PBs. His knowledge and passion to understand and help his clients achieve their goals is second to none and I would recommend him to anyone whether your just starting out or you have hit a wall and want to get over it Vince will get you there.
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I have been training with Vince for over six months now and can honestly say that without his help and encouragement I would not be seeing the results and benefits his training has given me. As an ‘older’ person, it’s hard to motivate yourself to get fit in the gym by yourself so to have personal training is a great way to achieve your goals, learn how to use the gym equipment properly and even enjoy the experience!

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