Your Personal Training
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YOUR Personal Training Blog
24th April 2023

This blog written by competitive long distance runner and YOUR PT trainer Andrew Brain is useful for anyone considering running a marathon.

Running a marathon is a challenging but rewarding experience. If you're considering taking on this feat, it's important to have a well-planned training program in place to help you reach your goal. Here's a plan to guide you through your marathon training journey:

Assess Your Fitness Level
Before you start your training program, it's important to assess your current fitness level. This will help you determine how much training you need and what is realistic in terms of progress. You can assess your fitness level by running a timed 5K or 10K race, or by doing a basic treadmill test at your local gym.

Choose Your Training Plan
There are a variety of training plans available online and in books that cater to different fitness levels and goals. Choose a plan that works for you and your schedule. Most training plans are typically 16-20 weeks long and include a mix of long runs, tempo runs, and speed work.

Build a Base
Before you start your training plan, it's important to build a base of running mileage. This means running consistently for a few weeks at an easy pace to build endurance and prevent injury. Start with 3-4 runs per week and gradually increase your mileage. 

Follow Your Training Plan
Once you have a base, it's time to start following your training plan. This will involve running longer distances on weekends, doing speed work and tempo runs during the week, and cross-training to improve strength and flexibility.

Fuel Your Body
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial for marathon training. Focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods and avoid processed foods and excessive sugar. Make sure to fuel your body with carbohydrates before long runs and refuel with protein and carbs after workouts.

Rest and Recover
Rest and recovery are just as important as training. Make sure to take rest days, stretch after workouts, and get enough sleep. Incorporate foam rolling and massage to help prevent injury and alleviate muscle soreness.

Taper and Race Day
As race day approaches, it's important to taper your training to allow your body to recover and prepare for the race. Reduce your mileage and intensity in the weeks leading up to the race. On race day, make sure to fuel your body with carbohydrates and stay hydrated. Trust in your training and enjoy the experience!

Remember, running a marathon is a challenging but achievable goal. With a solid training plan in place, dedication, and hard work, you can cross the finish line and achieve something truly amazing.

For more information and training plans book a taster session with Andrew.


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