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Spot light on PTs

YOUR Personal Training Blog
20th August 2019

Brandon Jones is one of our new personal trainers based at Donyngs Leisure Centre, Redhill.

He  has always been active in taking part in sports such as athletics, rugby, cricket, football, and boxing since a young age but none stuck going into adulthood. Within university he extensively studied Anatomy and kinesiology, client testing and training, exercise and behavioural psychology, nutrition, physiology, advanced training principles, exercise referral and clinical exercise testing, health fitness and programme design, advanced sports massage, corrective exercise and functional movement, professional practice in personal training and sports conditioning. 

Brandon's Specialisms include Strength training/ Powerlifting, Bodybuilding, Weight Management, Sports Massage, and Sports Conditioning. 

By working alongside Brandon you’ll gain more than just guidance. You’ll gain the knowledge to get the best out of your training, the confidence and mentality to go after what you deserve. To find out more about Brandon and to book a FREE complimentary Personal Training Session, view his profile today!